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Guest WadEd

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Guest WadEd

I THINK THE NEW DOOM GAME SHOULD BE JUST LIKE THE OLD ON. Infact, they should use the original DooM engine!! Except with new MONsters! Like PSYDUCK, ADOLF HITLER, ONIX, MEWTWO, those Pigs from DUKE NUKEM!! JANE FONDA, ADAM ANT and ZOMBIFIED OLIVE LOAF! KEEP the OLD WEAPONS. EXCEPT a few NEW weapons, like the XR-48-B-ANTI MATTER GUN, it shoots a bolt of turbo charged SOUL energy and throws enemies agenst the wall and TAKES their LIFE. AND, A mini-thermonuclear missle launcher, like on SHADOW WARRIOR! ID PLEASE REMAKE ALLL OF THE OLD DOOM AND DOOM II LEVELS PLEASE THANK YOU! WE NEED OLD levels, and teh new onez, LIKE a football field and a mall. Maybe one of my HIGH SCHOOL! THAT would be so COOL! THANK YOU FOR READING THIS! BYE!!!

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Guest WarheartDoom

Göy höym...

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Guest Lurmy

Winners don't do drugs dude.
Stay off the stimulants.

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omg what a retard...
Pokémon sucks
Adolf Hitler was in Wolfenstien
All those other enemy ideas are gay too
Anti matter gun? And "SOUL" energy? That makes no sense whatsoever. Do you even know what antimatter is?
Shadow warrior had gay weapons.
this guy's a retard

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Guest Zimbu

Doom 3? Kay, lets have a think... Yup. I think that Doom 3 is going to brass off about a million people.

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Guest DarKrow

Y00 Haf b33n Tr0ll3d.

This guy posted to see how you would react. If this happens again, do what (most) USENET people do. Ignore it.

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Guest JudgeDooM
Psyonisis said:

Pokémon sucks

Finally someone that desn't like those fuckin' Poké-fuck.
There should be a TC (ZDoom compatible) where the original ennemies are replaced with those motherfuckin' Pokémon (like SouthPark DooM II -- the ennemies are replaced with the SP characters, like Kenny, the aliens, and the Cyberdemon is the Devil:)

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Guest Heresiarch
WarheartDoom said:

Göy höym...

Mikko, puhuu englishii...

Well, WedEd, if you like pókemon, I think you have to go pókemon homepage and discuss about pókemon...

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