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Naughty little secrets...


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I really don't have an opinion on this... I mean... well I can see the benefits of both ways, but... well, I'm posting this to get your opinions. I love secrets in games, and iD has done a great job of keeping secrets a part of the game up till now. I don't question that there will be secrets in Doom 3, but I wonder what kind these will be. In Doom all of the secrets were useful secrets, hidden weapons and such. Doom 2 had a few fun secrets like Romero's head (I think it was his) on a pike, and the SS and Keen cameos. Quake had useful secrets and Q2 had several bonus secrets that were just fun to see. What do you guys think Doom 3 should have?
I can understand that the atmosphere of Doom doesn't lend itself to fun secrets. In that respect I would be happy if all the secrets were either usefull or didn't detract from the atmosphere. Anything else could ruin the experience. On the other hand, if all secrets are are ammo stashes and vantage points, then there is less of an incentive to find them. With Q2 you wanted to find the ultra secrets. It was entertaining to see the Tank pimping, but I could never see a Cyberdemon doing something like that (In that same right if someone told me that the Tank scared them, I would laugh, where as I would agree if it was the Cyberdemon that scared them). I don't know... should it be only useful secrets, some ridiculous secrets, or is there a happy medium?

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Well it would be nice if u could find a little computer screen where u could finish Doom once again!
And it would be also nice to find John Carmack fighting with Tim Sweeny and Carmack tearing Sweeney to pieces!

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I love easter eggs and such. They´re difficult to implement in a game like DooM3, actually, the FPS had almost loose the concept of "secret".
I think that something like Deus Ex secrets would work. In DX there is a LOT of things to grab throwed around the levels, but there are believable things. You can find stuff in desks, lockers, offices, houses, etc. Imagine how much things could you found in a ruined city. Anyway, iD must make them clever. Imagine you entering the remains of a blasted house, jumping some rubble, and there! you found a rocket launcher, +100 health, and armor.
WTF is that?? The only thing that you could find in a "real" enviroment is, rubble, a dead marine, a few clips, a weapon, more rubble, and an almost destroyed combat jacket.

About funny secrets, like easter eggs, that would be nice, but where could you put them??

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Dima said:

Well it would be nice if u could find a little computer screen where u could finish Doom once again!
And it would be also nice to find John Carmack fighting with Tim Sweeny and Carmack tearing Sweeney to pieces!

You reminded me MM2 : Day of the Tentacle, you could finish MM1 in a old computer.

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I think it could also have some funny secrets, if they are hidden enough, they don´t touch the scary main athmosphere of the game in my opinion. It would be nice to met some welknown faces in there from the older id-games...for example you find an old Q1 ranger somewhere in a hidden place and he tells you some interesting stuff :)

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"Fun secrets", or easter eggs like like they're really called (:-) are fine by me, BUT they should be close to impossible to find, and you shouldn't find them before you have played through the game at least once.

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Zaldron said:

You reminded me MM2 : Day of the Tentacle, you could finish MM1 in a old computer.

Hehe Yeah!!!

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Secrets should be totally random, in random spots, somehow, so you can never just "look it up" on the internet or your brand new stradegy Guide. This way, finding a secret will be a much more exciting aspect to the game, rather then finding it once and hence forward always going straight to it for some extra ammo or a hiding place. Secret areas should also be out of the ordinary, funny even maybe, but always beneficial. It can even be things that you accidently stumble on, like a weak spot on a stone floor that collapses when you walk over it into a secret area. Secret areas should be more then just one room too, they should be like actual area's within a level, like a old underground bomb shelter or an ancient prison, that eventually leads back up the the main part of the level you must complete.

Also, unlike in previous dooms, no matter how fun they were, there should be more of some kind of minimissions you could perform throughout the game, and whether or not you choose to do them or not effects how the game will proceed. Who you will face at the end, where creatures and how many are placed within the next level, etc. Doom 3 will be a success selling wise no matter what I think, but if it will be a success and lasting impact on the gaming community is yet to be determined.

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