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Doom3 Poll.......


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What would you prefer?

GREAT graphics but no gameplay

GREAT gameplay and good graphics?

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I prefer Great graphics over great gameplay!

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This argument has been going on for a good twelve or so years in the gaming industry now.

I really don't give much of a damn about graphics, so long as the gameplay is good. Hey, I play System Shock 2. The models are ugly, jumpy, jagged, and don't animate all that well either. I still play it because of it's intuitive interface.

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Guest mancuvus
Shaviro said:

Yeah maybe, but i will throw Doom3 out if the gameplay SUCKS!

anyway i think doom3 wont suck, i actually like very much the good graphics, but i will be dissapointed if the game is not what i have been waiting for too much time, i think it will be as the original one of the best games ever

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Guest JudgeDooM

DooM has it all!!!!

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Yeah, graffys are good but I just don't want to have to sell my SOUL to get the computing power to play it (hmm, if you find a soulsphere saying let me out, kindly lend me a hand)

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Guest JelloBiafra
mancuvus said:

anyway i think doom3 wont suck, i actually like very much the good graphics, but i will be dissapointed if the game is not what i have been waiting for too much time, i think it will be as the original one of the best games ever

I think great gameplay is the most important aspect of a game. DooM is a great example, when it first came out the graphics were good, but now they're old and worn out. I still play it because of the great gameplay, not the graphics. A game is worthless if it has awesome graphics and no gameplay, what's the point of playing the damn thing? I don't think this will be a problem for ID though, they're famous for great gameplay and completely blowing away the competition with awesome graphics. Before Wolfenstien all there was were side-scrollers and crappy little first person shooter really. After Wolfenstien everyone had to step up to the ID level of quality. Same with DooM, everyone had to make their games that much better to come anywhere close to ID. Then Quake, I was stunned first time I played it. I was like "I can actually see the enemy from all different sides and they have floors above floors, AWESOME!", so games had to start using polygons and 3D objects. Then Quake 2 and 3 improved on the graphics and made it that much harder for other companies to reach their levels. (wow, this thing is getting long). But then there is the problem of just system requirements, I have an old Pentium 200 with 32megs ram, it was sweet back when Quake came out, but not anymore. I'll probably get a new computer soon (hopefully), but it'll probably only be 733 mghz, if DooM 3 takes 800, as previously stated, then I'm screwed unless I overclock it (which I'm not too fond of) or upgrade. So I think ID should first concentrate on gameplay, then on graphics. I just hope they make it so you can run it on lower systems with a lot less fancy stuff, and on higher systems with all the amazing things they're sure to put in. In any case, I'll find some way to play it, as it will most likely be one the best games ever. Bye.

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