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Will it make an impact?

Guest Erick20

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Guest Erick20

Jus' a general post to get some opinions.

There's been a little talk about the impact Doom had on the computer gaming scene, I wonder what it would take to replicate that impact.. Personally, as much as I'm looking forward to D3, I think it could never make as big a splash. And I also wonder how long it will be popular with the masses when it is released? Doom 3 will no doubt always be alive with the loyal Doomers, but with the short attention span of todays consumers, who is to say..

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Doom 3 will be a hit!
I don't want it to use the Quake 3 engine (it doesn't use it anyway) cause Quake 3 engine doesn't support the advanced features that the geforces and radeons does (I won't give the features name cause u won't understand a thing besides I already mentioned them in my prevous messages).

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Pretty much every game that ID has ever released have communities of people who still play\edit them, including everything since wolf3d!

It relies very much on how editable the game is, what the editing really is good for sorta, and how competetive you can play the game. That's what keeps people playing doom today.

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corrected some typos

Well, obviously DooM3, or any FPS,won´t create as much impact as the first, shareware version of DooM. You can´t fight against the FPS genre creator. If things are done right, you have several modifiers that will increase D3 success :

1) you have the franchise : everybody knows DooM, everybody knows that DooM was GOOD => DooM3 COULD be GOOD from the very beggining.

2) engine revolution : well, Carmack is tired of editing quake.c (he uses C, not C++). Having some great leap in technollogy will surely make some attraction. Plus, a new iD engine is always a game breeder.

3) Community : you have to merge Quakers and Doomers, that´s almost the whole world. Even Unreal fans started with DooM. Editing communities would exist for many years in some way, unless a DooM 4 game is announced.

4) The game itself : we will have to wait to see if this can be considered a "hook" for gamers. It´s the most important, almost nobody gets a game that had a lot of bad reviews. Money itsn´t unlimited.

If Doomers like D3, they will (at least in a 80%-90%) abandon the old ones. As the transition from DooM to DooM2, it´s idiot to stay behind the flow of the franchise.

Time is the only one that could say the truth. In the gaming world, it´s very hard to predict this kind of reactions in the society.

The flow of new games in the market it´s much greater now than 6-7 years ago, there is no need to "stay" in a game. As for me, It would be enough for me if D3 takes the crown off from Half-Life community.

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Well, for me it's just like this:

The next big advance in gaming that im waiting for is more intuitive and interesting gameplay. The snazzy graphics are only there to satisfy the realism freaks. Thank god I was blessed with a good imagination.
I would rather play an RPG on pencil and paper than a great deal of some of the new games that have come out.

Game is only fun if it is:
*Expansive (can go on seemingly forever w/o getting boring)
*Removes you from your current reality (you aren't you, you are a marine!)
*Is fun to play. The game must be fun to play and not too complex to learn (learning curve < 1.5 hours).
*Everything must fit together.

I don't like flight simulator type games because they mostly take *forever* to learn.

When I first started playing it, Chrono Trigger seemed to go on forever, but it still kept me interested (I didn't rely on walkthroughs, I didn't spoil it).

Quake 2, for a short time, made me feel that I was the space marine.

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Right, the capacity of a game to abstract you from reality is the key feature. It is done by a mix of other things. Pencil & paper RPGs (if they´re played right, with the correct language, exact behavior and such) are the better reality-removers.
Computer games need some more years to evolve to the complexitie of a p&pRPG, but they feature accurate graphics & sound, so the ambientation (the most difficult part to archieve in a p&pRPG) are actually there.

For a FPS, the learning curve could not be more than 1,5-2 hs.
Learning curve doens´t mean also the little tricks to broke enemy AI. I hope iD use the Q3A bot code and adapt it to every behavior.
It´s hard for a FPS to be expansive. Strategy games can do it, and so open-plot RPGs. Let´s hope iD brings to the community the exact resources to mantain the game alive.

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1)Doom 3 will be a very flexable engine like Carmack said,it will be easy to edit for it because the editor will be incoporated into the executable which will allow to test created maps very easily!
2)Doom 3 will make a HUGE impact with it's graphics!
About gameplay I don't know,I don't think there is anything new to add just look at the latest offerings (Deus Ex,Halflife,NOLF) I think the genre should be pushed to the limits with the graphics and then when there will be nothing to improve the creators will add more advance AI etc....

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There are many things to improve in FPS besides graphics and AI. For example, map interactivity. I´m not talking of destructable terrain, only some more scripting and heavy physics. It´s annoying to find computers, tvs, shops, cars, people and other objects and can´t do anything about or with them.
Another thing is "the movie feel", i will like to see some level flowing that make me think i´m there, no some old-fashioned style of game were you enter levels and only do some enter-room-kill-open-door-walk-corridor-kill-enter-room.
For example, imagine a game where you´re over a train like in Blood or SoF, then in a open city with many NPCs running and escaping from bullets, then in a plane, later in a 0 gravity battlestation, a burning and collapsing building, over a truck getting shooted by an helicopter...
OK, that order have no meaning, and that concepts doesn´t work for a game like DooM3, but it´s damn more interesting than a military base, lab, headquarter, etc.
Story, that´s another thing that have plenty space to evolve.
Object interaction. I would like to do more things with my gear rather than shoot & kill.

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