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Guest Bloodspill25

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Guest Bloodspill25

For the one of the last levels in doom3 you should be able to set of an atom bomb. And in another level you could be in a nuclear plant or somthing like that and their could be a melt down.

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Bloodspill25 said:

For the one of the last levels in doom3 you should be able to set of an atom bomb.

Hey Bloodspill... I like this idea...
But I don't like the second...

Yeah... An atomic bomb.. Imagine that.
It would be extremely difficult to make I'm affraid..
If it was a realistic explosion, that means that YOU would have to die. And the whole level should be completely wiped out...

But that would still be cool... Nice !!

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That would be a very dramatic end, suicide in a nuclear blast enough powerful to destroy the GREAT BOSS WHATEVER THAT IS.

After all the sacrifice the DooM marineĀ“s have suffered, i think he would qualify for an archangel.

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I'm sure a nearby teleported or slipgate could save the marine before the bomb goes. Which would give level makers or ID another chance to contine the doom legacy

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Good idea Malum, he slips into a spilgate returning to a UAC faciltie center, but he only had 3 seconds left to get in, he didnt expect the menis to come out. After they leave the room 2 deamons jump out of the portal and kill thousands, turning them into your "former humans" as a vast arrey of imps and bull deamons run the earth , still ahvent thought of were the fuck they came from, most of the earths civilzation is once again dead. Ya now you know what you have to do, go spend another $50.00 dollars, or get one on a good "ftp" hehe "perforator gives a huge flyne style grin."

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