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Another derailed train of thought...


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A lot of this will not pertain to Doom 3. If that's the part you're interested in (Dima), I have clearly partitioned that area below for your easy reading.

Let's see. My boss might be only doing 5 years, perhaps less. They're trying to get his acts of indecency marked as 'Sex Crimes' so he gets a lot more punishment. The fuck certianly deserves it.

Some weirdo in here emailed me with a rather impromptu inverview. You ever check your mail, Jay?

If you like the Laser Tag game for it's simplicity, then there's a game I think you should all try to find. There's this Intellivision game bundle for PSX, and it has a game on it that rivals Pac-Man for simplicity and replayability. It's called "SHARK! SHARK!" and the basic game is one screen big and never goes anywhere. You're a little fish. You can only eat fish your size or smaller. Every time you rack up 1000 points for eating fish you grow a size. The bigger fish give you more points. To make things challenging there are big ass sharks and other nasty creatures that you will never be able to eat just trying to devour your ass. The bigger you are, the more points you can get when you eat bigger fish, but the bigger target you are for the sharks. It's a damn addictive game in all of it's 8 color splendor. If you can find an emulator for it then I suggest you try it.

If you're a gamer, that is. I guess all of you closet-nutcases who just play FPS games to pretend you're killing real people won't like it. Your loss.

I don't know what the fuck is wrong with my PC but it's certainly weird. I just had a totally spontaneous reboot (cute), and for the last three days I have not been able to get Unreal Tournament to play stable at all. It refuses to load another level after I finish the first one, and therefore corrupts any game I have in progress which limits me to one level at a time gameplay in practice mode which is just about as irritating as reading a run-on sentence. I uninstalled and deleted everything, even registry keys, then noticed something. I had **FIVE** unrealtournament.cfg files strewn around my harddrives, even three of them in my System directory. What the hell? Since that total wipe I reinstalled and the damn thing is still loco. Is it the latest patch? What the hell?

'Course it could just be a virus. Oh goody, some 433t hax0r 13 year old nerdly virgin just filled my PC with holiday cheer.

Oh, and I don't need a reply saying my problem is Microsoft and my virus is W98Se. Like I've stated before I am currently trapped on a 'family' computer and therefore have to stick with what's easy to use.

On a plus note, I can play games on W98 that I cannot on Linux.

Still, I am curious of Linux. The only incarnation I have seen was RedHat, and what I saw was a command-line driven OS that would drive me up a fucking wall. I hear there's about two thousand incarnations of Linux floating around, are any of them functional with a mouse? :)

I grew tired of DOS a long time ago... switching between Doom, Heretic, Hexen, and Duke3D on a space-limited harddrive got on my very last fucking nerve.

Of course, BeOS still kicks ass. Now if only it had a game on it...

I make $300 a week. My bills add up to less than a thousand dollars a month. My question is, where the fuck is that last 25% going? I haven't had a spare dime to my name in practically the last third of the Goddamn year. Oh, wait, my brother owes me $600 and my parents owe me $300, plus Christmas shopping. Goddammit.

Thank you for being my cousin, DJ Dwarf Junkie. I see your lurfy ass about 10 times a year but I still have to spend a lot of money on you for a bastardized religious process. Thank you Jesus for trying to save us all from ourselves and dying a horrible death so I can lose $500 every year on meaningless shit that has nothing to do with you. Oh well, Christmas here is still better than Poland. Starman? What about Japan? "Annual Gift Man"? It's even weirder in Africa...

Just did a little math and in the last year I've attained over 2000 Marlboro miles. That's 400 packs of cigarettes, or in other words, I sucked down 8000 cancer sticks this year. That's 22 smokes a day. I dished out over $1200 for a billion dollar company to kill me little bit by little bit. I guess I'm passively suicidal, ne? Oh well, I don't give a damn. I smoke because they taste good, I drink to ease tension, and I buy whores for blowjobs because... well, you figure it out.

Life sucks, but that's not really an update is it?

If I see another fucking scooter commercial I'm going to shove one right up Al Gore's ass.

That fucking crybaby. Okay, so Bush has won the election three times and Gore has won the lawsuits once. When the fuck is that Goddamn whining bitch gonna concede and give up the throne like a good little doggy?

Aside from things left and right staying in basically the same fucked up place they've always been not much has changed. My beard is fuller. My leather trenchcoat is dirty, and I should've gotten a leather duster anyway. I have about six exposed nerves, five cavities, and three impacted wisdom teeth in my mouth right now always giving me some orgasmic pain, yet as previously stated I am in no condition to afford oral surgery. My glasses are quite fucked up but again, no money for new ones. Oh what the hell, all they can do at this point is damage my vision further. Somehow I have lost 30 pounds and my gut no longer hangs out over my chest by a great margin. Oh yeah, now I remember. I don't eat anything, I'm always hungry, and when I do eat even a fucking fortune cookie I get heartburn so bad it's like I can feel the acid on the back of my damn eyeballs. That and I've spent roughly half the year with diarrhea, most of which I directly attribute to my sister in law's cooking.

Loperamide Hydrochloride, when you just can't run anymore.

Sega is the least profitable company in Japan, the very LEAST. They were narrowly edged out by a shady milk company that poisoned children. Boy, things even look great for my Dreamcast.

However I now feel that this is enough boring, meaningless, and inane ramblings from as you yourselves have said, a malcontent. Therefore, I shall end this poor use of commas (grammar in general, actually) and GET TO THE FUCKING POINT. Happy?

There, I feel better. Can't possibly comprehend why, tho...

Doom 3 Ideas
--Something that hasn't been reiterated in a good while. The automap should return, perhaps as a GPS built into your standard armor. You can buy things that really do what the mapper did in Doom but they look better, and also display the time, temperature, longitude, lattitude, altitude, and have a built in digital compass for all of your navigational purposes. GPS, Global Positioning System, what everyone on a demon killing spree needs.

I think the Automap screen would be a good place to tuck away certain things like temperature (if it plays a role in gameplay) and time. Not game time, REAL time. It's pretty damned handy to hit a few buttons and know what time it is in the real world without having to get some shitty non-backlit clock for your keyboard or something. It wouldn't detract from the action either, since you would have to go out of your way to view it. Of course the time as an HUD option would be nice.

Haven't we all been late for work (or school for alla you damned whippersnappers) 'cuz a deathmatch ran long?

--The 'Show Score' button for multiplay should have a use in Single Player... just make it the map button instead, because why the hell would you look at a map in a deathmatch arena? :)

--How come enemies don't pass out? If you give someone a good enough blast to the balls they pass out, and if you give someone a really major blast (ie, shotgun) their nerves die instantly and they don't really feel anything... they can't even stand up but they're still alive, at least until they bleed to death. Being caught in a blast radius near the edges of it's boundaries would not blow you into chunky giblets, it would instead knock you senseless... or throw you twenty feet into something else. That wall would probably knock you senseless. Your ears would bleed. Your lungs would empty immidiately and may even be damaged, further by your struggling to breathe. Your eyes, if you were looking at the blast, would become flashburned and you would be temporarily blinded. The biggest problem with factory Maintenence men is that they can easily go blind after all of the welding they do. That pretty bright light ain't fireworks, its a form of radiation and it will fuck you up.

--As for weapon design, I would like something THAT FUCKING BELONGS IN THE GAME FOR CHRISSAKES. A gauntlet with an electrified rotary saw blade? What the hell, a stungun buzzsaw? They certainly would not be expecting any melee level combat so that weapon idea is totally insipid. So is the concept of an old-school side by side breech loaded double barrelled hunting shotgun in a military facility... ON FUCKING MARS. Ooh, lots of bears up there. It would make sense in some old fucker's shack out in the country... but as a combat weapon? C'mon. IF THEY DID start making double barrelled shotguns for combat usage this is what they would be like:

-The natural evolution of things tells you that the weapons barrels would not be side by side but over under instead. However, this would prove problematic for any serious loading method other than tubular magazine (only 8 blasts, though). Seeing as how they would want to reduce the serious reloading time they would most likely go with a drum mechanism, and mounting that on the side would make the weapon far too heavy on the left as opposed to the right. Therefore, it would be a side by side weapon with a drum mounted below. The ejection ports would be on the top, close to the barrels, and would probably throw the shells either both right or one to the left and the other to the right. It would have a bullpup handle design so there is little pressure against the shoulder... your arms take all the kick... well, what kick is leftover from the compensation device that's integrated.

If you have no idea what in the fuck I just said then perhaps discussing weapon designs doesn't belong in your hands anyway. :)

--Gibbitude. Let's say you blow half of an Imp's head right off with a well placed shotgun blast. Crouching down and examining your handwork, would it just be a mess of reds inside (like all games today practically) or would you see the outline of it's skull and it's gray matter spilling forth?

Sure, in Turok you got to see some ribs when you blew something's chest open. Fakk 2 as well. This hardly compares to major bone structures. Even if it were only skins then why not? DXTC would allow for the detail. Bloody skulls and a center bone does not compare.

Anyway, I guess that's enough talking for now. I hope I made someone's life just a little bit better. If not, well, fuck you anyway.

BTW, you suckheads been to http://www.alltrue.com / yet? Well, I'm not going to set MY hair on fire... but if you tape yourself setting YOUR hair on fire I'll damn well watch it! It's like Jackass, but with less bullshit. That's always a good thing.

Peace out homies.

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Wierd fuck? ME?????

(Quick, gotta... think... of... insult...)


;) Not my best, but something that always works.

Uh, sorry for the 'interview', but I ended up writing one e-mail that turned into another, about half way through. Always happens. Sorry.

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DooM 3 or not, these are the posts that brings some flavor to the forum, "the daily deadnail´s long post o´ stuff"

Let´s comment on these :

The reboot thing. A friend of mine had the same problem. Tell me what motherboard do you have, because that looks like the horrible "bugged motherboard" syndrome.

I had RedHat linux, played around a little, and then formatted.

Im tired of the struggle between Gore & Bush. Good thing i´m not american.

I give a damn about Sega.

I already stated how hard is to create an automatic automap (doh!). Maybe prerendered art or a less complex level could make the trick. I like all the little data that you mentioned to be included

Gibbitude : i want all the details. Add bumpmapping to enhance.

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==Side notes:
Getting ESP RA.DE roms now. Read a review over at 'Shmups!', the greatest site for an oldschool shoot 'em up fan such as myself. I remember the good old days of Space Invaders, Parsec, and Space Invaders. If you're curious I'll let you know good this game is. You played Blazing Star for Neo•Geo?

Added LocalLoadHigh=1 to [386Enh] tab in msconfig. Faster boot and faster performance. Thanks Gamecenter.com!

==Motherboard Issues:
I have no idea what kind of motherboard this is. This sytem began as a custom Gateway P3-450 and every utility I've used to snoop around and attempt to read the name of the motherboard has always just read Gateway. Manufacturer too. I can't find out the chipset; I think it's displayed at the POST screen but that's gone in a heartbeat. 100Mhz FSB, 3 SDRam slots, 1 AGP, 1 ISA, 5 PCI if that helps at all... which I doubt it does.

What I'd like to know is what's up with my harddrives. Lemme tell ya somethin'. Last time I wiped my harddrives clean and reinstalled everything I hit a snag... my registry somehow 'disappeared' and Windows would not load. I switched the harddrives and jumper positions so I could get an OS on my harddrive instead and perhaps fix things but for some Goddamn reason that WD drive INSISTS on being drive C, even when there is no bios on the fucking thing. Luckily my BIOS has a drive boot order option so I set it to D and put on a very bizarre copy of Windows.

Three hours and eight CD burns later I was ready to wipe everything gone and try again.

After everything was flying high and going smooth I remembered that my harddrives are still swapped and so are the jumpers. The end of the IDE is going to drive D, the middle to drive C. Oddly enough, no matter the jumpers or any other settings I can't change this. Even weirder, both harddrives now work FASTER because of this... perhaps 'cuz the faster drive has the master slot?

Goddamn Gateway. As soon as I get a credit card I'm going to order a new PC bit by bit and assemble the fucking thing myself. I'm sick of this custom bullshit that doesn't behave like it quite should.

Here's another question for you... other cards won't fit quite right. It's like when I add a card it's always just a centimeter too short from being able to be screwed into the back of the case. That's why I had to return my SB Live!, it came out half way and I think I fried it... wouldn't work after that. So... even if I *DO* go out and get a kickass video card I probably won't even be able to put the damn thing in the AGP slot! WTF? All the cards that came with it fit quite perfectly... is this whole thing one giant customized mess with the sole purpose of pissing me the fuck off? If so, mission accomplished you Gateway fuckheads.

Want some more good news? I think my Iomega ZipCD650 4x4x24x CD burner just took a shit. I upped the firmware on it and everything but no matter what I do it will not recognize any disc I put in it. So I can't install software on it, whoop. However, it will not recognize a blank disc either so I can never start burning! Dammit. That's two CD burners in less than a year, good name brand ones too. Did I just wear it the hell out or what?

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Guest Daemoneon
Zaldron said:

DooM 3 or not, these are the posts that brings some flavor to the forum, "the daily deadnail´s long post o´ stuff"

Let´s comment on these :

The reboot thing. A friend of mine had the same problem. Tell me what motherboard do you have, because that looks like the horrible "bugged motherboard" syndrome.

I had RedHat linux, played around a little, and then formatted.

Im tired of the struggle between Gore & Bush. Good thing i´m not american.

I give a damn about Sega.

I already stated how hard is to create an automatic automap (doh!). Maybe prerendered art or a less complex level could make the trick. I like all the little data that you mentioned to be included

Gibbitude : i want all the details. Add bumpmapping to enhance.

I myself have Macmillan Linux 6.5, and it allows for dual boot if your family isn't as Linux-friendly as you'd like to be. Its about $30 American, damned cheap when compared to WinME, which is an absolute waste of money, just another sugar-coated version of win95, though I would use Win98SE over Win95A any day of this geographic era.

And yes, the forums just aren't as fun when there's nothing else to talk about besides what we're here to talk about in the first place.

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