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Oh my goodness......!

Guest Ahab

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Guest Ahab

I have noticed something rather disturbing in the majority of FPS's out there today. When you look straight down, you can not see your feet or any other part of your body for that matter! What's up with that?

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I've notice this for a long time. Wanna know something REALLY funny!? Go to a cliff, to the very edge, just to where you'll almost fall off, turn around, then look strait down...Congrats! Your floating in mid-air! Actually, the reason for this is, you dont play as a "3d-model" you are justplaying merely as a floating gun.

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Guest elyuca

Good job! It took you 6 years to realize that when you look down, you have no feet! I think thats a record time. God that is disturbing, I hope it doesnt happen in Doom 3 ;-)
PS. dumbass

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Trespasser had a body that you could see if you looked down. Lots of people thought Trespasser sucked. No one decided to add that feature in after that.

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Guest Dark_Fox

The player model uses a bounding box so that the model will not melt through the wall, when you walk to the edge of a cliff in certain games and you appear to float, its the very edge of the bounding box still touching the cliff's edge.. The model is inside the box.. The reason also for that you cannot see your feet or chest, etc when you look down is that, first what is the point? Second it would eat up limited processing resources for you just to see your chest.. There was a game, Trespasser that did this, but it was so laggy even on a 700 AMD atholon 200mhz Bus that is was granted Coaster (Worst game) of the year by most of the PC game magizines...
Personally the ability to look at your dick in the game has no real value, it just eats up space.. and frame rate

Going back to the Boundinf box issue, they willingly on want a 6 sided bounding box, anything esle say the exact shape of the model would result in even the most powerful computers wetting themselfs..
The game engine must refresh the bounding box EVERY time an action is taken place, a 6 sided box would load alot faster with fewer problems than a 360 sided Doom model shaped box..

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Hey man, that was the very first point I brought up half a year ago in here. Take a look, we ended up discussing all of it's merits in PAGES of detail man, it's worth researching our older posts on this because I don't wanna type up alla that shit again, heheh.

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Guest Ahab
elyuca said:

Good job! It took you 6 years to realize that when you look down, you have no feet! I think thats a record time. God that is disturbing, I hope it doesnt happen in Doom 3 ;-)
PS. dumbass

No elyuca, I have known about this for some time now-smartass! PS-F**KFACE

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Guest elyuca

OMG, you called me a F**k face, ohh, shit, pissed my pants!
FUCKFACE, ahh that sounds better.... goes with your personality too ;-)

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Guest Dream Destroyer

All this talk about face fucking.... makes me wanna find a woman.... :)

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deadnail said:

Hey man, that was the very first point I brought up half a year ago in here. Take a look, we ended up discussing all of it's merits in PAGES of detail man, it's worth researching our older posts on this because I don't wanna type up alla that shit again, heheh.

DooM 3 is the first game where that feature ACTUALLY works for something. Because of the new real-time lighting system, wo wouldn´t want to have his shadow projected all over the place?
Just like in Severance, that would add a lot of eye candy in the scene.
Imagine, several times across the game you would be scared of your own shadows.

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Dark_Fox said:

As one of the three people in the universe who actually managed to squeeze some sort of enjoyment out of Trespasser (yeah, I know, that makes me some kind of deviant on par with Pol Pot or Jeffry Dahmer), I have to say, it's not actually true that it was that slow. This was alot of BS spread around by various reviewers, and they assumed it would stay slow. I can tell you from personal experience that it actually runs pretty smoothly on some machines, though not really those it was released on.

When I first got Trespasser, I had a AMD K6 II 380MHz and Voodoo2 SLI. It ran like molasses. I was getting maybe 6 FPS on some levels, and that was only an average.

This had *sod all* to do with the graphics, I should add, and was mainly due to the physics part of the engine.

Still, it was unplayable, and whilst I enjoyed the realism, and the Joey-from-"Friends"-like ability to stare at your character's breasts, I gave up.

Later, I got a first an ATI Rage Fury 128, which upped the framerate alot (suprisingly, in theory the V2 SLI should be better), and then an Athlon 500MHz, and the game reached playable speeds. In really physics-heavy situations I still got some slow-down (like a dinosaur trying to kick down a door whilst I pushed on the other side of the door to stop it), down to, like, 12 FPS, most of the time it was much better, and I actually went all the way through and completed the game. The physics engine was pretty amazing, I have to say. It was hypnotic to drop rocks of cliffs and see them bounce down realistically, to throw empty guns at Velociraptors in an effort to scare them off (you really have to be there, I guess). Another tremendous bit was when you ran up the steps of a Mayan-style temple to dodge a Tyrannosaur, only to activate a trap which rolled a boulder down the steps, which, if you were canny, you could dodge and use to kill the T-Rex.

I haven't tried it with my Geforce 256, or the T-Bird 850 MHz which I've ordered and intend to O/C to 1GHz. That should be amusing (perhaps it will maintain 30FPS! Hah, unlikely!).

Trespasser was a deeply flawed game, but it wasn't worthless, especially if you like "Thinker-Shooters" over manic-blast-em-ups (I'd say Doom was somewhere in between, personally. It's not as insane as Q3 (partly due to the Fear), but nowhere near as measured as Trespasser or IGI (which I loathe, incidentally)).

Anyway, my point, which I got distracted from is that being able to see the player-model does NOT eat up framerate any more than it does in Tomb Raider X: The Final Ass-shot or any other 3rd-person game (think about it). It DOES give a much better sense of immersion, too.

What eats framerate in Trespasser is physics, plain and simple. Very impressive physics, but really slow ones...

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Jeremy said:

I've notice this for a long time. Wanna know something REALLY funny!? Go to a cliff, to the very edge, just to where you'll almost fall off, turn around, then look strait down...Congrats! Your floating in mid-air! Actually, the reason for this is, you dont play as a "3d-model" you are justplaying merely as a floating gun.

Not a bad call Jer, but it's actually a box, see an above post..


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Dark_Fox said:

Not really. In fact, skeletal enhanced models can easily be splitten in several bounding boxes, each one encases one mobile member from parent to child (the rotation links).
For more complex collision calculations, SoF GHOUL system provided with per poly collision. There was no major exploit than the hit targeting system because there was no real physics in the game.
Severance uses per-poly collision combined with his physics system, and it looks great. It also runs much more faster then Tresspasser.

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