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drugs are bad, man


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Doom three,insted of those shit health vials that made no sense,should have combat drug booster packs (costaks) that enable him to move faster,aim more effeciently etc.Also,when around shit-scary monsters,your marine starts shaking violently out of fear,making aiming more difficult am=nd he should have cheeky one liners like in duke(of course,you have the option to turn these off).

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For cool drugs, see System Shock 1 and 2. If they're in Doom 3, they should have side-effects and or after-effects like in those two games :)

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Guest Dream Destroyer

Corny, corny, corny, and.. wow, what a corny idea.... Mmmmm. corn.

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Have any of you guys seen the first episode of Cowboy Beebop. That drug, Bloody Eye, was the greatest. Imagine a drug that would highten your senses so much that you could dodge a bullet less than a foot from you face... seeing it slowly coming at you! Great stuff.
Should this kind of stuff be in Doom3. Sure, just not to an extreme. Like the post says, 'drugs are bad'. But how else did the Berserk power up work? I think that it would be interresting to include this.

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Guest Lament

For cool drugs, see System Shock 1 and 2. If they're in Doom 3, they should have side-effects and or after-effects like in those two games :)

System shock berserk pack was fucking awesome :)))))))))))
I liked playing with it much more than without :)

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you know what would be cool? if taggart could shit his pants when he gets scared enough. there should be a meter kinda thinig. like in thief or outlaws. the outlaws one wa cool.l if you ran to fast too much you run out of breath and slow doen. there should be a scared meter or something similar-ish. and you shit your pants and you start running while holding your ass so it downt fall out. then you have a shit disposal button. and when are games gonna come out where you ned to go potty and eat. in duke nukem you could. but you didnt have to, like a meter for how low your getting on food/energy adn when you have to get rid of it.

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Guest Heresiarch
Lament said:

System shock berserk pack was fucking awesome :)))))))))))
I liked playing with it much more than without :)

No, IT would cool if Taggart starts shaking and suddenly there is piss everywhere!

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masterhassan said:

you know what would be cool? if taggart could shit his pants when he gets scared enough. there should be a meter kinda thinig. like in thief or outlaws. the outlaws one wa cool.l if you ran to fast too much you run out of breath and slow doen. there should be a scared meter or something similar-ish. and you shit your pants and you start running while holding your ass so it downt fall out. then you have a shit disposal button. and when are games gonna come out where you ned to go potty and eat. in duke nukem you could. but you didnt have to, like a meter for how low your getting on food/energy adn when you have to get rid of it.


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