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Sick of This ! piss.....

Guest s999cop

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Guest s999cop

What do you mean you don't care the contributions from the others, Zaldron? im not trying to judge or to start another argu., but your saying really piss me off! Fod and Toke are goodguys, if you disagree, well then we are different from you guys. Maybe we are the ppl from Doomserv! maybe you only show up in doomworld.

If you so don't care the contributions, are you saying not even care John Carmack's contribution, this the greatest ever in like 1000 centuries! If you so, too bad , I do care EVERYTHING ABOUT DOOM !

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It´s simple.
Im sure plenty of this guys are far better than me on deathmatch. In fact, I play very little because of my horrendous ping (thank God for LAN parties). Im sure some of them made really nice wads/PC/TCs.
But do you think that´s something that put you in "royalty" and have all the right to come in here and act as a newbie? I tought that the people that cares so much about DooM were a little more willing to do logical posts.
Starting a thread with "pfft" and leaving a blank message and a signature after that looks like some morronic act. Probably there´s an explanation for that, but I haven´t heard it yet...

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Guest Dream Destroyer
s999cop said:

...John Carmack's contribution, this the greatest ever in like 1000 centuries! If you so, too bad , I do care EVERYTHING ABOUT DOOM !

I don't mean to dwell on your idiocy, but... 1,000 centuries = 1,000,000 years. Now, don't go whining back to me, I know it's not your fault your a retard, and it's not your fault your mother dropped you as a child. And I sure as hell can't blame your father for being a drugged out drunk. But what I can do is this, tell you to SHUT THE FUCK UP. Never in my whole life have I seen a single person dwell on such stupid stupid stupid things. Newbie? WHO GIVES A FUCK. God damn it, we as doomers condone labels, yet again prove ourselves hypocrites. "All doomers are psycho.". That comment isn't fair, it's mass stereotyping and proves a lack of insight on the sayers part. "All newbies are stupid." An equally stupid comment. I swear to god, if I see one more, "Newbies suck" thread, or "Newbies don't suck" thread. I am going to snap.

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Dream Destroyer said:

I don't mean to dwell on your idiocy, but... 1,000 centuries = 1,000,000 years. Now, don't go whining back to me, I know it's not your fault your a retard,

Your rant could probably have been bearable if you had got your sums right, but to flame someone as an imbecile and then equate 1,000 centuries to = 1,000,000 is unforgiveable
It's 100,000 retard

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Guest Dream Destroyer

Almost bearable, but due to one misplaced digit... Why, DAMN IT. eh? Isn't that the pits? haha, who gives a shit. Happy new years fuck head.

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Zaldron said:

It´s simple.
Im sure plenty of this guys are far better than me on deathmatch. In fact, I play very little because of my horrendous ping (thank God for LAN parties). Im sure some of them made really nice wads/PC/TCs.
But do you think that´s something that put you in "royalty" and have all the right to come in here and act as a newbie? I tought that the people that cares so much about DooM were a little more willing to do logical posts.
Starting a thread with "pfft" and leaving a blank message and a signature after that looks like some morronic act. Probably there´s an explanation for that, but I haven´t heard it yet...

Toke's an asshole, he made me change my nick "Last Doomer" to another :P then i decided to change my name to UAC_Marine, but things got a bit on the angry side, so i changed my name to RTC_Marine (this is what Maonth suggested, thanx man!) and thats how i became a member of the RTC :)

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Dream Destroyer said:

Almost bearable, but due to one misplaced digit... Why, DAMN IT. eh? Isn't that the pits? haha, who gives a shit. Happy new years fuck head.

But it wasnt a misplaced digit was it? You totally got the simple sum wrong proving your a bigger retard!
You thought you had spotted a mistake in his post "1000 centuries" and thought, incorrectly, "ah what a fool he should have said 1 million" and proceeded to spout forth childish, non-constructive, drivel
quote "I don't mean to dwell on your idiocy, but... 1,000 centuries = 1,000,000 years. Now, don't go whining back to me, I know it's not your fault your a retard, and it's not your fault your mother dropped you as a child. And I sure as hell can't blame your father for being a drugged out drunk. But what I can do is this, tell you to SHUT THE FUCK UP"
Based on a correct assumtion this MAY have been tolerated but as your drivel was triggered by a no_brain response it's almost funny :)
To follow up later with an attack on my dead mother is inexcusable and unwarranted
Looking at other posts by you, they all are non constructive childish drivel, perhaps you should refrain from posting until brain matures or JUST STOP POSTING

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RTC_Marine said:

Toke's an asshole, he made me change my nick "Last Doomer" to another :P then i decided to change my name to UAC_Marine, but things got a bit on the angry side, so i changed my name to RTC_Marine (this is what Maonth suggested, thanx man!) and thats how i became a member of the RTC :)

Yeah, it was very assholish of me to protect the name of a long time and well respected doomer from dumb ass kid who join a forum and saw that someone had the name "the last doomer" and decided he would drop the "the" and make himself new nick.

This is why people hate newbies. That was the act of a newbie.

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Guest Dream Destroyer
fodders said:

Well, guess that'll teach me to do math while I'm inebriated... guess someone should have told your mom not to have sex while she was inebriated.. Many mistakes are made by doing things while drunk.

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Guest Dream Destroyer
Toke said:

Yeah, it was very assholish of me to protect the name of a long time and well respected doomer from dumb ass kid who join a forum and saw that someone had the name "the last doomer" and decided he would drop the "the" and make himself new nick.

This is why people hate newbies. That was the act of a newbie.

Didn't your mother ever tell you that molesting kids was bad?.... unless.... omg... ummmm, never mind.

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Dream Destroyer said:

Many mistakes are made by doing things while drunk.

Well obviously the midwife was drunk at your birth, throwing away the baby and keeping the afterbirth.

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Shaviro said:

Hmmm..I would rather see newbie act, than moronic act, like you(Toke).

Well, firstly, i've never heard of "the last doomer!" so i never new that he existed in the first place! so thats why i got my nick "last doomer" a while back i had a nick called "RiceMan" but that kinda pissed me off in the end, because it was so stupid :P people would ask me in chat rooms "do you like rice?"
then i would say "no, i got this stupid nick because some bozo on irc told me to!" so theres my story, suck on that! 'I'() |< 3

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Guest Dream Destroyer
fodders said:

As hard as it is to believe, I am mature, but, however, I like to come here, and spew forth childish comments. I find it ammusing. The fact that your mother is dead means nothing to me, you mean nothing to me, your comments mean nothing to me, and my comments should mean nothing to you. But I am glad that you found my statement ammusing. That much, at least, shows that some good did come from this.

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I did not find your statement "ammusing" (sic) perhaps you mean amusing?
And, yes your rants (in no way can they ever be called statements), do mean nothing to me, I just wonder at what treatment may be available to redress your inadequate social interaction skills.

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RTC_Marine said:

Well, firstly, i've never heard of "the last doomer!" so i never new that he existed in the first place! so thats why i got my nick "last doomer" a while back i had a nick called "RiceMan" but that kinda pissed me off in the end, because it was so stupid :P people would ask me in chat rooms "do you like rice?"
then i would say "no, i got this stupid nick because some bozo on irc told me to!" so theres my story, suck on that! 'I'() |< 3

Most of the people on the doom3 forum are morons, you 3 are the dumbest ones here next to the-widow-maker.

Do you just flame anyone that makes a post? Regarless of if its some kid making stupid suggestions or if its a doomer that has been around longer that you, has more respect than you, and is all around a better doomer.

Thats why everyone hates you newbie fucks, because you dont have respect for the people that were here before you, aside from the fact that your all total morons.

Maonth, make something that isnt trash, damnit! I remeber RTC, I can't beleave I acualy tried to help you guys out.

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Guest RTC Marine

Hey! I Have As Much Respect For DooMers That Have Been Around Here Longer Than Me As Much As the Next Guy! (which is probably you!) anyway. Don't you go making predictions to what people first come on here, because they might start acting like you (we have already enough tokes around the joint! like those flamers!!)

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RTC Marine said:

Toke's an asshole,

Those flamers huh? WTF do you think you are?

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