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i would kind like to see this


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u know what, i would atleast like to see a little bit of comedy. make it more fun to play(like mdk1 and 2).
u pick off the belt of a dead guy and pop a lone imp in the butt and he runs away while doing a funny walk hopping while runing, and come's back with like 10 other's and the guy(you(the character, like in duke nukem when he talk) automatically say "holy shit!" and automatically pull out a bgf or something)
or a special FUN level where u run around a funny little bathroom or something while u slap around an imp with a wet towel so he can drop bonus items(megasphere and things like that)
lol i can imagine that!
I can imagine that!!

also, what if the walls where your enemies???
like if walls, that if u got too closed or touches, flesh would fly out and around you and pull you in.
i dont know but...

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Guest Doom4Ever

yeah, your pretty stupid.

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Humor is something that, if included, must be handled VERY carefully. It could completely destroy the atmosphere of the game if some of your examples are used. That's not to say they would be bad as an add-on, but not as part of the game.
Walls coming alive? I must be strange, but I sort of like the idea. It doesn't stray to far considering that Doom had fleshlike wall textures. If the walls were not only out to get you (they lack intelligence and therefore reach out in pain). The problem comes in if it holds on to you like the parachute in Firearms, but I know that ID could pull it off if they chose to.

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Guest Johnny Kaos

Ya know that was stupid...

But I'm gonna build on the wall thing.

If you ever played ff7(keep with me)
ther was a boss that was a wall...

the wall grew a evil ass face and shit.
and it think it grew a few clawed hands too.

think about it.

you walk into a room the door locks behind you.

about 1 minut later after nothing happens you get really pissed cuzz you thing your stuck.

then you see the fucking wall come alive.

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I like the humour-ideas but I would like to see that stuff only in bonus-levels... Not in the game itself. That wall-idea is pretty cool though...

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Doom4Ever said:

yeah, your pretty stupid.

no, im saying that there will be verry phew things like that and if the whole game was like that i think that it would suck but in like... mdk2 or go into an alian space ship... (there was a space ship if u ever read the little booklet that came with final doom) and there is an alian bathroom that u find and u see an imp taking a shit and u kick the door down and shoot him or when hes... um washing his hands, pop him with a wet towel and he runs aroud.
small bonus levels(like 2 or 3) that are just for fun.

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also, i am not that stupid. i am pretty smart.
i am just saying this cus i dont like playing games that are 150% seriouse cus that just pisses me off. i want a little comedy( like when u shoot an imp, he makes a funny little screem).
Now something seriouse
when u step on a deamon, u get blood on your feet and they dry to the floor and they hunt u down by fallowing your foot prints or just some really stupid deamons(like lost soal's) that when they dont find you, they kill themselvs(cus they like the pain???? it is hell u know) or if there was a watter level, there would be like weird little imps with like gills and shit.

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Your'e gay, right?

I mean, WHY would you want to unbelt a dead soldier? WTF. Are you completely queer?

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Guest Jadar

The wall thing is cool, hmmm... I believe the Darksun (AD&D) games or something had walls that would attack you... hmmm, that would add interest to all the flesh textures from the original DooMs... also I would like to here the walls of heads scream and moan...

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Guest spectre
Psyonisis said:

That is by far the stupidest idea I have ever read on this forum.

-says the mancubus

...cool signature.

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