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To clarify something...

Guest Pyrotechnic

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Guest Pyrotechnic

Err..im not gay.

the sentence on my previous post 'Doom 3 Community' was meant to of said "I love you guys" not "I love guys".

Im straight, a regular studd muffin, honest :)

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The damage has been done. Elyuca's gonna be RIGHT BEHIND YOU for the next few years. =)

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Guest Dream Destroyer

Just wanna say that i think this community is much cooler than any other community I have previously been part of.

The people here on majority are mature people who respect others opinions, + there are alot less newbies here.

To cut a long story short, i love guys :)
You just better watch it, or I may give SaGa your number.....

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deadnail said:

The damage has been done. Elyuca's gonna be RIGHT BEHIND YOU for the next few years. =)

Take it litteraly.

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the-widow-maker said:

It's best to be quiet around areas like that-some of the people here will take that sort of thing in the wrong way and start to ask for your address etc etc.....

Have you nail-bombed Elyuca's house yet?

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Dream Destroyer said:

You just better watch it, or I may give SaGa your number.....

Or Elyuca?!

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Guest elyuca
the-widow-maker said:

It's best to be quiet around areas like that-some of the people here will take that sort of thing in the wrong way and start to ask for your address etc etc.....

Some dumb kid threw a firecracker at my front yard the other day, but other than that, no, nobody has bombed my house yet.

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