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i answer my stupid posts


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1) no i am not gay
2)i am not a retard and yes i am sane but i cant spell worth a shit
3) and no i am not gay
4)no i am not new to doom.

This to let yall know that i joke aroud sometimes and when i posted my last message, i was giving an example to a guy that didnt know how to use message posts so i showed him.
and The-widow-maker, u need to take some anger management classes.

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i am not talking about stupid shit like stupid funny(dumb and dumber) but more sophisticated humor(like adam sandler)!!

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Put yourself in the Doomguy's shoes for a minute.

You're exploring a hellspawn infested moonbase where all your comrades had been slaughtered only a few hours earlier. Mutilated corpses that have already begun to rot in unnaturally warm air lie in the hallways. The stench of death and decay fills the air. Inhuman screams and howls occassionally emerge from somewhere not so far away.

Do you really think that, in this terrible place, you would come across any humorous situations? No, nor do I.

Of course if you're some kind of sick astard who finds the very idea of things such as death, torture, mutilation and hilariously funny.

BTW, you don't need to reply to your own posts. You see that edit button? Use it.

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Well in real life under those circumstances there is usually plenty of humour around, it's called "gallows humour"

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Put yourself in the Doomguy's shoes for a minute.

You're exploring a hellspawn infested moonbase where all your comrades had been slaughtered only a few hours earlier. Mutilated corpses that have already begun to rot in unnaturally warm air lie in the hallways. The stench of death and decay fills the air. Inhuman screams and howls occassionally emerge from somewhere not so far away.

Do you really think that, in this terrible place, you would come across any humorous situations? No, nor do I.

Of course if you're some kind of sick astard who finds the very idea of things such as death, torture, mutilation and hilariously funny.

BTW, you don't need to reply to your own posts. You see that edit button? Use it.

You can`t do a scary game by adding comedy elements. That would turn the whole hell & desperation theme of DooM into some kind of twisted reality. Laughing in front of the dead and the damned?
Only a madman would do such thing.

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kain said:

i am not talking about stupid shit like stupid funny(dumb and dumber) but more sophisticated humor(like adam sandler)!!

"Want to touch the hiney, woof!"
"Got a piece of shit car. Nope, never gonna get me laid."

Yeah, very sophisticated. Fuck Sandler, he's a retard, and the only movie he's done that's even half-way entertaining is Happy Gilmore (and that's only because he's such a crazy bastard in it).

BTW, what was funny in the original Doom besides seeing Romero's head on a stick?

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Happy was funny the first time I saw it, back when it came out. I saw it again on TV a year ago and it sucked. Big Daddy I think I like the best, but just cuz the kid rules.

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Guest elyuca

I prefer Monkey Island styile humor myself. Thats the second biggest cyberdemon ive ever seen!

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kain said:

1) no i am not gay2)i am not a retard and yes i am sane but i cant spell worth a shit3) and no i am not gay4)no i am not new to doom.

are you gay?


It just seemed a little weird to unbelt a dead soldier!

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Guest Johnny Kaos
deadnail said:

"Want to touch the hiney, woof!"
"Got a piece of shit car. Nope, never gonna get me laid."

Yeah, very sophisticated. Fuck Sandler, he's a retard, and the only movie he's done that's even half-way entertaining is Happy Gilmore (and that's only because he's such a crazy bastard in it).

BTW, what was funny in the original Doom besides seeing Romero's head on a stick?

I thought that the guy hanging from the chain upside down with one leg ripped off was funny.
He reminded me of the wolfenstien guy.
(sooo...I didint escape!)

the commander keen bullshit I coulda done with out.

I thought it was funny when the cyber deamon turned around a blew a lesser enemy to pieces.

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elyuca said:

I prefer Monkey Island styile humor myself. Thats the second biggest cyberdemon ive ever seen!

-No, no wait, that IS the largest cyberdemon I've evenseen! Hey Cybie! You fight like a diarymaid!


-You're as repulsive as a monkey in a negligée!



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Guest elyuca
SoKatH said:

-No, no wait, that IS the largest cyberdemon I've evenseen! Hey Cybie! You fight like a diarymaid!


-You're as repulsive as a monkey in a negligée!



Oh yeah! Well you swing that rocket launcher like a feather duster! You monkey molester!

Its time for Monkey Kombat!
Curious Cyber defeats Mortal Marine
Drunken Demon Demon defeats Bloody Bastard

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Hey cool... Insult Doom :)

Insult doom?

Doom is a game. You cant insult a game. This little incident is called "making fun of" and that does not harm anyone!

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Put yourself in the Doomguy's shoes for a minute.

You're exploring a hellspawn infested moonbase where all your comrades had been slaughtered only a few hours earlier. Mutilated corpses that have already begun to rot in unnaturally warm air lie in the hallways. The stench of death and decay fills the air. Inhuman screams and howls occassionally emerge from somewhere not so far away.

Do you really think that, in this terrible place, you would come across any humorous situations? No, nor do I.

Of course if you're some kind of sick astard who finds the very idea of things such as death, torture, mutilation and hilariously funny.

BTW, you don't need to reply to your own posts. You see that edit button? Use it.

When something Tragic happen, like a death in the family, the relatives often make fun of the person and the life with the person. It is a natural way to prevent insanity! So why couldnt the Doom guy find something to do or say thats fun in this situation?

Also, i would like to state, again, that Doom is just a game, a good game, but its not someones life!

Dont take it THAT seriously!

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fodders said:

Well in real life under those circumstances there is usually plenty of humour around, it's called "gallows humour"

Fodders? Correct me if im wrong, but arent you disabled?

If you are, then wouldnt you rather talk about it and make fun of it, instead of not talking and ignoring it?

Is that the same as "Gallows humour"?

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Shaviro said:

Fodders? Correct me if im wrong, but arent you disabled?

If you are, then wouldnt you rather talk about it and make fun of it, instead of not talking and ignoring it?

Is that the same as "Gallows humour"?

I have no problem with making fun of it, I think I once posted "and no I am not in a wheelchair, so I CAN straffe run" :)

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Lüt said:

Happy was funny the first time I saw it, back when it came out. I saw it again on TV a year ago and it sucked. Big Daddy I think I like the best, but just cuz the kid rules.

Big daddy?

Oh no....

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Jon said:

damnit nobody cares if you are gay or not.

I think Elyuca and "The Widow Maker" do!

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Guest Lament
Johnny Kaos said:

I thought that the guy hanging from the chain upside down with one leg ripped off was funny.
He reminded me of the wolfenstien guy.
(sooo...I didint escape!)

the commander keen bullshit I coulda done with out.

I thought it was funny when the cyber deamon turned around a blew a lesser enemy to pieces.

Cacodemons are also funny.

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