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Possible Doom 3 settings


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I made a similar post to this ages ago, but this one is better...

1) Jupiter space station

This is where the survivors of the invasion supposedly went to after fleeing Earth. It obviously had some other purpose before the survivors arrived (a mining platform perhaps?), and this combined with the fact that everyone abandoned it to return to Earth means that it should look old and decayed.

Perhaps it was recently being used as a pirate safe-haven; if so there should be evidence of recent human habitation in some areas (i.e. bodies lying around). Other areas may have been completely exposed to space, and I could see one player objective being to seal a hull breach and then re-pressurize an area.

2) Phobos UAC base

The UAC have begun rebuilding the place, but it isn't yet complete, and there's heavy re-construction going on in some areas. The majority of the base is dedicated to it's "official" purpose, i.e. waste processing, but they still have secret labs, perhaps underneath the rest of the base, that are studying the subversion of our reality that the hellspawn caused (see E1M8).

3) Earth

Obviously it should be set in a city. Seeing as there are so few survivors, it would make sense that they concentrate on one city, and it would be cool if it was designed in the Blade-runner style, i.e. huge, dark and menacing futuristic tower blocks, enormous floating video screens, etc.

Evidence of the old city that it was built on top of should be occassionally visible (heavily ruined versions of parts of maps12-20 maybe). Perhaps an "undercity" type thing as in the Judge Dredd comics.

4) Military penal colony, the moon

It is believed that when we finally start to colonize the moon, one of the places that will be built will be a penal colony. This place should look very old (perhaps the oldest surviving military facility not on the Earth), with cold grey walls, and a research centre where the military have been conducting all kinds of illegal experiments on the prisoners.

Of course if any of Doom 3 is set on the moon, they simply have to put in a moon walk sequence :) I suppose this penal colony idea would work equally well if set on a large asteroid instead of the moon.

5a) Military space ship

This place should look shiny and brand new. There should be red alert stripes (ala ST: Voyager) constantly flashing in the corridors, although definately no red alert siren (that'd get VERY annoying VERY fast).

We should get to visit the various areas of the ship, such as the hangar, storage, security (including the brig), sick bay, the barracks, officer's quarters, the bridge, engineering, etc.

5b) Subverted military space ship

Instead of a normal ship, perhaps there was one in an underground hangar on Deimos that the hellspawn have taken over. Instead of the shiny, almost Startrek like appearance of the above, this one should have a creepy, aliens type look.

6) Deimos UAC base

A good plot idea I came up with is that the game starts with Deimos re-emerging from the wormhole it was sucked into before the start of Doom 1. The player is called on to investigate, but gets side-tracked when Hellspawn begin appearing elsewhere.

Anyway, this place should show strong evidence of having spent several years in hell. The human technology, particularly in the high-tech labs we see in E2M6, should be warped and twisted, and the hellspawn's reality may have completely taken over in some places. Perhaps the toxic waste processing machines now have human blood running through them.

7) Hell

'nuff said :)

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For some reason I think the Jupiter thing sounds best. Although I guess it'd have to be a moon of Jupiter, since that planet is composed entirely of gasses an' all. Maybe you said that, I already forgot. Anyhoo~ good post.

Jupiter moon... yeah... a completely ALIEN setting with that huge fucking planet taking up at least 40% of the horizon... yeah... that's great.

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Note the words "space station". As in, a station in space. You know, orbiting a planet and that, in this case Jupiter.

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That's funny, usually I don't need a helping hand in making myself look like a fuckwit.

Yeah, well, SCREW YOU GUYS!
I think a base on the moon of Jupiter would be Hella cooler. I'm sick of video game floating space stations that just fucking sit there. It might as well be a ship.

Here's something else to laugh at. For the first time in about EIGHT years I just did a total and complete shave. I feel so naked without my chin-length sideburns. Without my two inch goatee my damn chin is so SHORT. God, what have I done???

I look like a fucking ten year old with a pituitary disorder. :P

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Is it Io or Europa that's a moon of Jupiter? I forget.

Anyway, they'd both be pretty cool places for Doom 3, Io's all frozen or something so you could have loads of ice and snow everywhere, and Europa I think is a huge layer of ice, possibly with an ocean underneath, so you could have an underwater base there or something.

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I think both Io and Europa are moons of Jupiter, then again, I'm probably wrong seeing as how I'm an idiot an' all.

I heard somewhere that the frozen moon of Jupiter is the most likely place of life in our Solar System besides Earth (obviously). Sounds pretty cool to me. They've already found life on this planet that can exist without oxygen (bacteria on ocean floor volcanos, they live off of sulphur instead), so who knows.

I bet there's huge ass fish there. Haven't been ice fishing in a while, sounds like time to fire up the barbecue... assuming the layer of ice isn't a few miles thick or anything.

BTW, are we the only two guys here? Jesus, looks like these top dozen posts are all ours. =)

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I think one of them is a moon of Saturn, but I'm not entirely sure. Too many moons in this solar system... =p

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Both are moons of Jupiter. Triton is the name of Saturn's most well known moon.

Europa is basically a small moon, covered with water that is covered with ice. I don't know if there is life there, but I think it will be a while before anyone finds out.

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Yeah, it'll be quite a "while" indeed :) Seeing as the first manned mission to Mars won't be until 2020 at the earliest, it may not even be in our life-time.

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Guest elyuca
deadnail said:

For some reason I think the Jupiter thing sounds best. Although I guess it'd have to be a moon of Jupiter, since that planet is composed entirely of gasses an' all. Maybe you said that, I already forgot. Anyhoo~ good post.

Jupiter moon... yeah... a completely ALIEN setting with that huge fucking planet taking up at least 40% of the horizon... yeah... that's great.

in one of its moons maybe.

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Is it Io or Europa that's a moon of Jupiter? I forget.

Anyway, they'd both be pretty cool places for Doom 3, Io's all frozen or something so you could have loads of ice and snow everywhere, and Europa I think is a huge layer of ice, possibly with an ocean underneath, so you could have an underwater base there or something.

Io is a moon of jupiter, and it's not frozen, it's torn apart by huge tidal and electric forces caused by jupiter. It's surface is under million years old an has been recreated many times during the moon's existence due to vulcanic activity.

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For some reason I overlooked this thread, but it´s a good one (very rare)!
All the ideas sounds good, especially the infiltrated Deimos UAC base, the abandonend Jupiter station and the military space ship (but constantly red alert lights too get annoying after a time. First level objective: turn the lights off ;) )
But it´s a bit too much space ship / space station environment. I think it would best be 1/3 space, 1/3 earth/earth-like and 1/3 hell.

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Guest Lament
deadnail said:

For some reason I think the Jupiter thing sounds best. Although I guess it'd have to be a moon of Jupiter, since that planet is composed entirely of gasses an' all. Maybe you said that, I already forgot. Anyhoo~ good post.

Jupiter moon... yeah... a completely ALIEN setting with that huge fucking planet taking up at least 40% of the horizon... yeah... that's great.

Real Jupiter could take ALL of the horizon, not just 40%... :)

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It can be huge industrial/ science vessel, which can transforms into jumpship for distant flights and space orbital station/ mining complex. Its really good for space-corporations (like UAC) in future: no need to produce so many orbital stations and waste so much steel/ energy and money. That thing can be settled on the orbit of Titan (i belive thats also one of the Jupee moons...). The thing is: even now nobody can say whats up with this planet: its no data about structure, chemical components and etc. It just covered by white clouds of gas...

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