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Forum messed up?


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I just tried posting a reply in Jeremy's thread and nothing happened. I tried again and still nothing.

I then tried editing my earlier post in that thread. Guess what? Nothing. wtf's going on?

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Don't ask me, I'm just a part-timer. Maybe Jer just edited his message and suddenly locked replies?

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I think something bloody weird just happened with my computer, for example it reckoned that your post below had 0 replies even though I'd just viewed it, and it also thought that the post I just made in the DW comments didn't exist.

I did think maybe it was Doomworld, but the same thing happened with a comment I just made on Newdoom.com. It happened in both IE and Netscape too. VERY weird, but it seems to be okay now...

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Sounds like a cache problem to me, probably straightened itself out. Weird shit happens; ask Billy Bob why. I'd like to know why CDRLabel (http://www.ziplabel.com) will sometimes start if I double click on a saved layout and sometimes it asks for the program 'the.exe'... 'the' isn't even in the damn filename, where the hell did that come from? It never used to do this...

As for me, well, I'm just waiting on a confirmation email for a new Deathmatch buddy... heheh. Never played Doom before? Oh yeah, this could be an interesting training exercise. =P Bah, I miss modem2modem action.

Hey, also worth noting I got around to adding my damnable ICQ number and even changed my signature. I've moved from :Wumpscut: to Fear Factory. Heheh.

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FF rules big time... Where are those lyrics from?
I love Obsolete... Guess where I got my name from... : Vision of Disorder... I'm fucked in the head, so that name fits. Try their second album (Imprint)... That's some heavy shit dude !!

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Hmm, let me see. THAT *IS* FROM THEIR SECOND ALBUM, Demanufacture. At least I'm pretty sure it's their second album, I don't count remix albums (Fear is the mindkiller ATE MY ASS, Remanufacture ruled).

Hmm... seems I somehow lost a chunk of my anime collection... oh well, back to toyboxarts.com then.

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Disorder said:

FF rules big time... Where are those lyrics from?
I love Obsolete... Guess where I got my name from... : Vision of Disorder... I'm fucked in the head, so that name fits. Try their second album (Imprint)... That's some heavy shit dude !!

Bah. I haven't listened to them too much but I can say Burton C. Bell is one of the worst singers I've heard recently. I can't imagine what he'd sound like without reverb and the other FX enhancements he uses. Not saying he doesn't always suit the music well, but I just couldn't help noticing that.

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