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Guest uker

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Guest uker

Doom 3 should be a seamless game (start to end) kind of "Soul Reaver" or maybe with some transitions ala "Heretic 2".
What counts is that it'd rule to see classic settlements from the previous Doom games remade, and visited seamlessly, all integrated into a believable world. I'd kill to see Doom 2 level 1 remade into the Quake 3 engine!

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Tell me just three from that ten thousand map01 remakes and I will be happy, Nightmare! I only know 1 remake of that map, and it totally sucks because it is just a bad WinBsp-Conversion with unchanged original textures etc.

I´ve collected every Doom remake I could find, and it´s just:
7 different versions of Dead Simple, the crappy map01 conversion, and a remake of a map from the master levels I haven´t seen before.

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If the game was completely seamless, it would be kinda hard to make a transition from Phobos to Diemos or from Earth to Hell ya know?

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Tetzlaff said:

Tell me just three from that ten thousand map01 remakes and I will be happy, Nightmare! I only know 1 remake of that map, and it totally sucks because it is just a bad WinBsp-Conversion with unchanged original textures etc.

I´ve collected every Doom remake I could find, and it´s just:
7 different versions of Dead Simple, the crappy map01 conversion, and a remake of a map from the master levels I haven´t seen before.

I don't have Q3 so I don't know where to get any of them. The reason I know there are so many is because I've seen screenshots.

Try going to planetquake.com and doing a search or something.

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