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Guest elyuca

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Guest elyuca

I remember items like bezerk, the night goggles, and those ugly spheres that gave ou all kinds of shit.
Should they be back? I personally liked the one that looks like an eye. It made a comeback in Q3A as the invisibility powerup. I also liked the invincibility one. Radioactive suits should definatelly make a comeback also. Althoug I never found any use to those dumb 1% health up blue thingies, unless there was a shitload of them. Same for the helmet thingies.
Q3A's haste should influence a running powerup in D3 and it shold be available right before confronting a fast boss.
Flight would kill single player, so it would suck to have it.
Jump pads are ok, I guess, although they're a deathmatch thing.
Something like Duke's hologram would be cool, and electroic portable map thingies allways made me find the secrets.
Anyway, just thought the "items" issue hasnt been touched in a while, and the newbies wont read back.

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Instead of nightvision googles there should be a nightvision upgrade for the spacemarine´s helmet. Maybe it could have limited energy, so that you can later pick up a new nightvison "chip" when the old is empty, just like an item, but would feel more realistic.
Environment suit could look very doomy with a strange gas mask.

But not everything must be forced into a realism. The mystic spheres were very cool! They also wouldn´t look out of place in the hell levels.
What about an item, that freezes time, so that all the monsters move in slow motion (just a bit)?
What else? Invisibility, Invulnerability and Regeneration maybe.

Should the field of view change in some way, when using an item? I found that a bit annoying in Doom2. But with the new engine they could maybe do some funny psychedelic effects when you´re on powerup :) Flashy, colourful shaders everywhere when using the invulnerability item, for example.

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Guest Lament

Time suddently freezing would really freak out people in Coop :))

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Hey, i like the time freeze thing. (Matrix anyone?). Try typing in "timescale 0.0001" in quake3, then imagine moving at normal speed. That would 0wn, but abit strange in coop i guess ;)

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Are you a dumbass or what!? You come in my post, and say shit whenever I miss-type somthing, and you have the nerve to spell YOU WRONG! YOU FREAKING SPELLED YOU WRONG!!! You gotta be dumb!
Come on, it's a three letter word, can you say three little kid, sing along. "Th*er*ee*". You spelled it, "ou" "OU"!!

Oh, btw, we will know if you edit it, it will say "Edited by Elyuca @ ...." at the bottom of the message. Hah.
Fucken', dumbass. Who also probably can get any, haha, poor you.
Im stupid, and your stupid, and your gonna be dead and stupid! -Doom Comic

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Guest Dream Destroyer
elyuca said:

I remember items like bezerk, the night goggles, and those ugly spheres that gave ou all kinds of shit.

When was the last time you played DooM? Because if it's less than a year, I'm going to slap you. If it's more than a year, I'm going to slap you harder.. ahh fuck it..


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DiSTuRBeD said:

Hey, i like the time freeze thing. (Matrix anyone?). Try typing in "timescale 0.0001" in quake3, then imagine moving at normal speed. That would 0wn, but abit strange in coop i guess ;)

In the monsters point of view, and in the view of your teammates in coop, the player who is using the freeze powerup just would move very quick, while in the players point of view he moves normal but his whole environment freezes to slow motion, I thought it that way. He also would hear all the monsters screams and the weapon sounds down pitched "mmmooooo0000aaaannn...." :)

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Well people, here is something nu bout items and power-ups... Dont forget that Doom is also science fiction game, so if i was a space marine (i belive im :)) first things i'll have in my ammunition will be medicines/ special pills and etc. It might be:
MediKit- should be the same as in Q3A;
Injecktion- instead of Haste (Q3A)/ steroids (Duke Nukem) thats something nu: use that and it will takeout 10-20 of your lifepoints (thats fair in deathmatch!!!) and increase your speed and movements for sometime: its an item so you can use it when you want...

You are right people that Flight ability will kill single... i give you Jump-boots: thats kinda jump-pad that you have with you all the way!!! These things can use your energy-ammo as a power source, so once you have them- just reload them from time to time...

And bout Invisibility: my suggestion is to make portable Stelth-Reactor: as item you may use it when you need it (well, that thing can probobly recharge itself so you'll have to wait)...

Yeah, we also have Hell, so there we can find those cool mystic power-ups such as: QuadDamage (its hard to imagine deathmatch without that :)); Berserk - i think it can be different from the original one: Invulnerability + using just hands/ gauntlet/ chainsaw ; and Regeneration... and Megahealth also can be power-up from Hell...

wasted don't like Time Freezing Ability and Duke's holograms...

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Jeremy said:

Are you a dumbass or what!? You come in my post, and say shit whenever I miss-type somthing, and you have the nerve to spell YOU WRONG! YOU FREAKING SPELLED YOU WRONG!!! You gotta be dumb!
Come on, it's a three letter word, can you say three little kid, sing along. "Th*er*ee*". You spelled it, "ou" "OU"!!

Oh, btw, we will know if you edit it, it will say "Edited by Elyuca @ ...." at the bottom of the message. Hah.
Fucken', dumbass. Who also probably can get any, haha, poor you.
Im stupid, and your stupid, and your gonna be dead and stupid! -Doom Comic

Take it easy man, nobody is perfect... Everybody make mistakes :)

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wasted said:

<< QuadDamage (its hard to imagine deathmatch without that :)) >>

This is Doom, not Quake. And hard to imagine Deathmatch without it? Sounds like Your DMing experience is somewhat lacking. Try playing DM Doom, Doom 2, Half-life, Unreal, Unreal Tournament, etc. Any game with a Deathmatch mode that isn't Quake 1, 2 or 3 basically.

I'd personally like ID to do away with the cliches of FPS. Rocket Launchers, Railguns, Quad Damage, and so on have all been done to death (anyone know of any modern/futuristic FPS _without_ a Rocket Launcher?), it's time for something new. And no I don't mean a Triple or Quintuple Damage power-up ;)

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Well, dont forget i was saying about power-ups from Hell (dont you think that there you can find something more powerful) and it could be called not QD but by other names... And even in Doom you may find the Berserk power-up which provide you an extra power encreasing your strenght, so whats the deal...

And i sad that its difficult to imagine DM without QD couse Quake-serie games is one of the most playable now (even here, where im at moment...)... Bout the Rocket Launcher- its existed since first Doom, and in third one at must be anyway... I'll say nothing bout Rail gun today (i've sad alot)...

But what you think bout other wasted Doom 3 items?

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Tetzlaff said:

In the monsters point of view, and in the view of your teammates in coop, the player who is using the freeze powerup just would move very quick, while in the players point of view he moves normal but his whole environment freezes to slow motion, I thought it that way. He also would hear all the monsters screams and the weapon sounds down pitched "mmmooooo0000aaaannn...." :)

Hey wait, I forgot that it wouldn´t work in coop with the different time speeds :D -but it would work well in singleplayer mode.

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wasted said:

Well, dont forget i was saying about power-ups from Hell (dont you think that there you can find something more powerful) and it could be called not QD but by other names... And even in Doom you may find the Berserk power-up which provide you an extra power encreasing your strenght, so whats the deal...

And i sad that its difficult to imagine DM without QD couse Quake-serie games is one of the most playable now (even here, where im at moment...)... Bout the Rocket Launcher- its existed since first Doom, and in third one at must be anyway... I'll say nothing bout Rail gun today (i've sad alot)...

But what you think bout other wasted Doom 3 items?

I also often said that it would be a bad idea to kick the rocketlauncher just because he´s an old classic. The rocketlauncher has it´s very own place in the shooter armory, and it can not be easily replaced with some other weapon.

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Just a single point: jump pads. As you said it, they are a deathmatch thing (a great innovation which guaranties smoother and faster gameflow then platforms), but I think they aren´t really needed in the single player. Also they change the architecture too much, I just think platforms would look better in Doom3 levels. Ramps, stairs, platforms, paternosters, teleporters, that´s enough.

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<< QuadDamage (its hard to imagine deathmatch without that :)) >>

This is Doom, not Quake. And hard to imagine Deathmatch without it? Sounds like Your DMing experience is somewhat lacking. Try playing DM Doom, Doom 2, Half-life, Unreal, Unreal Tournament, etc. Any game with a Deathmatch mode that isn't Quake 1, 2 or 3 basically.

I'd personally like ID to do away with the cliches of FPS. Rocket Launchers, Railguns, Quad Damage, and so on have all been done to death (anyone know of any modern/futuristic FPS _without_ a Rocket Launcher?), it's time for something new. And no I don't mean a Triple or Quintuple Damage power-up ;)

Umm... Unreal Tournament has a Quad Damage powerup as well. Instead of a blue glow you get a purple glow.

However, in Q3A the Quad Damage actually just triples your damage. Test it.

Oh, and a modern game without a rocket launcher? What about Heretic 2? Oh wait, it had the Pheonix Bow. It's just another cop-out to make a weapon with slow projectiles and a big explosion radius. Same goes for a final boss that just pisses out other enemies all over the place.

Doom 2...
System Shock 2 (in close quarters too, where do they come from?)...
Half-Life (damn those green slaves)...
Heavy Metal: FAKK 2...
Duke Nukem 3D (Atomic Boss)...

It's just fucking PATHETIC is what it is. Soldier of Fortune's final boss would've been really intense if he shot that bigassed laser a little faster... instead... it's just strafe left, strafe right, strafe left, strafe right... all the while pumping bullets into his skull until he dies. Didn't anyone even bother to play test the fucker? Jeez.

Whatever happened to gigantic motherfuckers that run twice as fast as you do and kill your really quick? Fast paced, intense as hell firefights from hell! Oh wait, that would take effort... fuck it. Make another puzzle out of it, throw in some enemy spawners and let's get a pizza. Bastards.

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Guest fraggle`

some of the things from original doom were pretty dumb, like the armour helmets (i never did quite understand how you were supposed to wear 200 helmets at once :). Also, some of the other stuff like the blue soul spheres were a bit strange and cartoony - obviously its supposed to be magical but could be done a bit more realistically.

one thing i'd particularly like to see the end of is this weird traditional thing of having all the weapons and items floating 3 feet up in the air.

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Guest c-d-w
deadnail said:

I thought SoF's boss was damned tough until I found out he can be killed in seconds with the microwave gun.. I tried with the Heavy MG, and the sub turrets would always shred me..

Kingpin's boss was worse..

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Guest elyuca
Dream Destroyer said:

When was the last time you played DooM? Because if it's less than a year, I'm going to slap you. If it's more than a year, I'm going to slap you harder.. ahh fuck it..


You mean when was the last time that I read the manual. I dont have to know the names of the fucking spheres!

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Guest elyuca
Jeremy said:

Are you a dumbass or what!? You come in my post, and say shit whenever I miss-type somthing, and you have the nerve to spell YOU WRONG! YOU FREAKING SPELLED YOU WRONG!!! You gotta be dumb!
Come on, it's a three letter word, can you say three little kid, sing along. "Th*er*ee*". You spelled it, "ou" "OU"!!

Oh, btw, we will know if you edit it, it will say "Edited by Elyuca @ ...." at the bottom of the message. Hah.
Fucken', dumbass. Who also probably can get any, haha, poor you.
Im stupid, and your stupid, and your gonna be dead and stupid! -Doom Comic

Notice youre the only one flaming me.

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Guest elyuca
Tetzlaff said:

In the monsters point of view, and in the view of your teammates in coop, the player who is using the freeze powerup just would move very quick, while in the players point of view he moves normal but his whole environment freezes to slow motion, I thought it that way. He also would hear all the monsters screams and the weapon sounds down pitched "mmmooooo0000aaaannn...." :)

that would create a time paradox. Weird.

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Guest deathwarrior
Jeremy said:

Are you a dumbass or what!? You come in my post, and say shit whenever I miss-type somthing, and you have the nerve to spell YOU WRONG! YOU FREAKING SPELLED YOU WRONG!!! You gotta be dumb!
Come on, it's a three letter word, can you say three little kid, sing along. "Th*er*ee*". You spelled it, "ou" "OU"!!

Oh, btw, we will know if you edit it, it will say "Edited by Elyuca @ ...." at the bottom of the message. Hah.
Fucken', dumbass. Who also probably can get any, haha, poor you.
Im stupid, and your stupid, and your gonna be dead and stupid! -Doom Comic

geez, you are a dickhead. just cause he spelt something wrong, doesn't mean you can flame him. no one is perfect okay

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elyuca said:

Notice youre the only one flaming me.

Hey, you flame me everytime I spell somthing wrong, you dick ass punk.

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The first time I saw jumppads, I thought they were the gayest thing ever brought into an FPS. Holy shit going on one of those would hurt. Talk about knee breaking.

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elyuca said:

You mean when was the last time that I read the manual. I dont have to know the names of the fucking spheres!

Umm, it does kinda say what they are when you pick them up...

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