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Doom 3 NPCs uploaded


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Doom 3 NPCs... You should get me right: i dont want Doom to be the RPG or Quest game. I think NPCs can really reconstruct the whole game process and make game more intresting...

1) It can make exellent story line... It might be not so many of NPCs - 2-6 during the whole game: survivied marines; Hell deamons; engeeners and scientists...

2) Its also can be some combat missions objecktives (as in Q2) from the very beggining, but later (when all commanders would be killed >:)) you may get missions from NPC, for example: one of the team mates injured badly and you have to bring some medicines (like MediKit item - just drop it beside the person...) and etc. Some engineers might know much more then you bout Nuclear reactors and etc... I suppose some of the enemys can be also NPC (just at first time, after they'll become really angry). Yeah, some of your mates can go mad from all that and become from your friends to your deadly enemy (here it might be Bot mode setting...).

3) Its good ability to include team play combat (as in Q3TA) in single: its a heavy guarded bunker - you have to make a strike team from other survieved space marines...

As for me, i would like to see as NPC Uriel and Visor characters from Q3A... I got good answear from DeadNail...

Some things posted later: you not going to hang with NPC all'da way - they have got lots of things to do without you, and besides you've got your own problems, you are free... It just on the Fobos base could be found things that you will never get well yourself... Please get me right: It doesnt mean that when you enter Doom level, girls with a big tits will start to laugh, saing: "Here he comes! Hail to the King and savior of humanity!!! (well, it could be nice probobly, but not in Doom... instead of that you can say that yourself...). Im on all 100% for "lonly space marine" atmosphere in the game, but some new events can bring something that other games haven't: original world where you can go and find new things every time when play it...

Damn, have you read that far?...

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I don't want to see a fucken thing from that fucken Q3TA fuck it! If Doom ]|[ has any Quake shit in it... well... what the heck I might still buy it but anyway... I want it to be something never seen before (I mean the experience not the graphics!) not a shitload of ideas from all other games damnit!

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Espi said:

I don't want to see a fucken thing from that fucken Q3TA

Well, if you want some thing absolutly new, so suggest something then! It might be that some others games also have NPCs (Half-Life for example.. damn, i hate that game >:( ...), but i didn't offer them to be as they are there...

About Q3TA: that game for funs only... And my point is not to make Doom3TA all'da way. It can be settled in just one mission...

If you know some "new, awsome, kickass ideas" to make "absolutly new Doom experience" just post them...

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NPC means something like friendly character, right? We also talked 1oo times about it, and in the end most people were convinced that the experience of being a lonesome warrior is essential to Doom, so that teamwork with friendly characters would completely change the Doom feeling in a bad way.

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Well, thats a strong point... Yes i agree with that, it will be awful to loose atmosphere of "lonesome space marine, that walking around". But these NPCs can be part of Doom world, they are neutral for player, not for game world: they do what they want to do, not just waiting for your "amazing appearence" as a savior (some of them may save your ass on battlegrounds). Its also useful for story line...(damn, i've sad that before :| )

As i also sad they can be friendly or agressive by their own will, not becouse you want them to be your pals. Isn't intresting to see your mate going crazy while Hell jorneys? :)

...And besides, they are not forever... however, you've got a super shotgun >:)

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Having other characters who you can talk to and/or fight alongside would ruin the "Doom feeling".

It would be good though, to occassionally hear the sound of fighting in the distance, and then a few minutes later you see a group of marines, who quickly get killed off (e.g. gibbed by cybie).

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Well, just got paid. It'll only be a few more hours before I'm dead broke so I'd better just enjoy sitting on a fat wallet while I've got it.

Now then, onto this post.

It can make an excellent storyline? Agreed. However, name *1* excellent storyline put forth by iD software. Just 1.

"Here it might be bot setting?" I remember trying out a bot in Quake 1 that had that... a robot sidekick, and if provoked, he would kick your ass mightily (since he had such an ungodly amount of HP).

As for teamplay missions with NPCs, um, no. This is Doom, not Rogue Spear. Sorry.

Oh, and if Visor or Uriel show up I'm going to lose a WHOLE lot of respect for iD. I know they can be creative... if they put effort into it. Don't sell them short like that.

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Having other characters who you can talk to and/or fight alongside would ruin the "Doom feeling".

It would be good though, to occassionally hear the sound of fighting in the distance, and then a few minutes later you see a group of marines, who quickly get killed off (e.g. gibbed by cybie).

Ok people, you don't like TeamPlay in single much, do ya... Ok, i agree that you might not fight beside other space marines, but it can be new expirience for ya for example to have Demon from Hell (like Uriel) as your partner in combat: you never know what you can expect from him couse he might have his own reasons to help you, so... And isn't that fun to talk a little bit with enemy before you'll send him back to Hell...

As i sad before (damn, im saying that all the time...), im on 100% for "lonly space marine" atmosphere in the game, but some new events can bring something that other games haven't: original world where you can go and find new things every time when play it...

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deadnail said:

Well, just got paid. It'll only be a few more hours before I'm dead broke so I'd better just enjoy sitting on a fat wallet while I've got it.

Now then, onto this post.

It can make an excellent storyline? Agreed. However, name *1* excellent storyline put forth by iD software. Just 1.

"Here it might be bot setting?" I remember trying out a bot in Quake 1 that had that... a robot sidekick, and if provoked, he would kick your ass mightily (since he had such an ungodly amount of HP).

As for teamplay missions with NPCs, um, no. This is Doom, not Rogue Spear. Sorry.

Oh, and if Visor or Uriel show up I'm going to lose a WHOLE lot of respect for iD. I know they can be creative... if they put effort into it. Don't sell them short like that.

About TeamPlay in single: look through wasted's replyes below...
Damn, i so happy that someone agreed with point 1...

Bout the bot - you have to frag his ass just ones: for example sniper from your team went crazy: he's not so stupid as zombies, but he is a men as you so...

Bout characters: you damn right bout that - Carmack & Co. are more creative then me, so...

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Guest fraggle`

Having other characters who you can talk to and/or fight alongside would ruin the "Doom feeling".

It would be good though, to occassionally hear the sound of fighting in the distance, and then a few minutes later you see a group of marines, who quickly get killed off (e.g. gibbed by cybie).

part of the doom atmosphere was the fact that you were alone in this moonbase where everyone else had been killed and you had to fight to escape. having helper npcs to follow you around would kind of disturb this, heh

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Damn!!! You not going to follow them all'da way - they have got lots of things to do without you, and besides you've got your own problems, you are free... Hanging around alone - thats cool; found someone - well he might be usefull, even as alive shield, so... Even on the Fobos base could be found things that you will never get well yourself...

Please get me right: It doesnt mean that when you enter Doom level girls with a big tits will start to laugh saing: "Here he comes, hail to the King and savior of humanity!!! (well, it could be nice probobly, but not in Doom... instead of that you can say that yourself...)

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Guest Jadar

Having other characters who you can talk to and/or fight alongside would ruin the "Doom feeling".

It would be good though, to occassionally hear the sound of fighting in the distance, and then a few minutes later you see a group of marines, who quickly get killed off (e.g. gibbed by cybie).

Distant screams and the sounds of blood in the next room, just like Unreal 1 (first level...)

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I would like to see an NPC that, upon entering a new map/room, a small map would come up, you plot a path along it using mouse, option to select perhaps a weapon and route for NPC, and send it on it's way to carry out the commands you have selected in the minimap, ok it may sound stupid , was just a thought :(

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Guest Maedhros

Um...when playing DOOM, didn't anyone think how strange it was that you were the ONLY one to survive? Wouldn't you think that some badly wounded or frightened marine would have crept away into a corner somewhere and waited for help? Why are you the only guy with enough brains to survive the onslaught? It always pissed me off while playing Quake 2 that one of the insane Marines didn't just damn well get over it, pick up a hyperblaster and fry some Strogg ass. I think it would be cool, not too many, but just the odd guy here and there. Sorta like the Secirity Guards in Halflife.

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wasted said:

Well, if you want some thing absolutly new, so suggest something then! It might be that some others games also have NPCs (Half-Life for example.. damn, i hate that game >:( ...), but i didn't offer them to be as they are there...

About Q3TA: that game for funs only... And my point is not to make Doom3TA all'da way. It can be settled in just one mission...

If you know some "new, awsome, kickass ideas" to make "absolutly new Doom experience" just post them...

It's id's job to think of kick ass ideas not ours, and I sure hope they do good. And I *hate* Q3A (wtf shooting big toy guns in gothic disco and no singleplayer except some stupid bots?) and it shows in the reply, sorry for that :). btw why do you hate HL?

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HL had nice and intresting storyline; cool enemys; different weapon - but with during the game i was tired from that army base style, warehouses, launching facilities and etc. It reminds me Duke Nukem game: it was fun to have all that there, but in HL it was like Duke & X-files mix. But anyway the single player was good - no offence...

But multi just sucked - i havent seen so dull kemper shit like that before - just get crossbow and put your ass on the top of the bulding. Weapon were made for kempers: all those trapping mines, zoomy revolvers and that damn crossbow (Kemper dream...)Man, that was awful...>:(

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Maedhros said:

Um...when playing DOOM, didn't anyone think how strange it was that you were the ONLY one to survive? Wouldn't you think that some badly wounded or frightened marine would have crept away into a corner somewhere and waited for help? Why are you the only guy with enough brains to survive the onslaught? It always pissed me off while playing Quake 2 that one of the insane Marines didn't just damn well get over it, pick up a hyperblaster and fry some Strogg ass. I think it would be cool, not too many, but just the odd guy here and there. Sorta like the Secirity Guards in Halflife.

Doom IS strange, and I love it because it is this way! Play Halflife if you want friendly characters hanging arround and waiting for you. Doom is something like a daydream and a nightmare, it does not need to be like the real world.

Ok, it wouldn´t bother me to met a helpful human beeing 2 or 3 times in the game, but I want to be alone against hell the most time.

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wasted said:

Well, if you want some thing absolutly new, so suggest something then! It might be that some others games also have NPCs (Half-Life for example.. damn, i hate that game >:( ...), but i didn't offer them to be as they are there...

About Q3TA: that game for funs only... And my point is not to make Doom3TA all'da way. It can be settled in just one mission...

If you know some "new, awsome, kickass ideas" to make "absolutly new Doom experience" just post them...

<< (Half-Life for example.. damn, i hate that game >:( ...) >>

You do realise that you are the only person alive who hates Half-life, right?

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wasted said:

HL had nice and intresting storyline; cool enemys; different weapon - but with during the game i was tired from that army base style, warehouses, launching facilities and etc. It reminds me Duke Nukem game: it was fun to have all that there, but in HL it was like Duke & X-files mix. But anyway the single player was good - no offence...

But multi just sucked - i havent seen so dull kemper shit like that before - just get crossbow and put your ass on the top of the bulding. Weapon were made for kempers: all those trapping mines, zoomy revolvers and that damn crossbow (Kemper dream...)Man, that was awful...>:(

Hating HL for it's DM is like hating Q3A for it's SP.

The games weren't designed with those modes in mind (Q3A especially), you should view them on how they're intended to be played.

I mean, imagine if the magazine reviewers had given Wolfenstein 3D 10% scores because there was no multi-player. Where would ID be today? Nowhere, I expect.

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wasted said:

HL had nice and intresting storyline; cool enemys; different weapon - but with during the game i was tired from that army base style, warehouses, launching facilities and etc. It reminds me Duke Nukem game: it was fun to have all that there, but in HL it was like Duke & X-files mix. But anyway the single player was good - no offence...

But multi just sucked - i havent seen so dull kemper shit like that before - just get crossbow and put your ass on the top of the bulding. Weapon were made for kempers: all those trapping mines, zoomy revolvers and that damn crossbow (Kemper dream...)Man, that was awful...>:(

I hear that shit everywhere, about the zoom on the Colt Python .357 magnum revolver! What fucking zoom?! I can't get the alt-fire to do anything! The crossbow isn't so bad so long as you keep moving... if they're at a good distance they'd have to make a helluva prediction shot to get you... and if you're moving predictably, you're camper fodder anyway.

I like to hold onto grenades, count to three, and wing them up at them so it blows up right in their face as soon as they see it. :)

The M41A1 in OpFor, however, is just a sniper's dream weapon. You can't even tell where the sound comes from, just like a real sniper rifle. Nice trick with the sound. Instant hit, guaranteed kill even on someone with 100 life and 50 armor. There are so many damn sniper maps it drives me nuts... I hate snipers... I wish there were mods out there that made guns only effective within 50 feet so you always had to rush your targets.

Snipers are really pussies, IMHO, especially in gaming. Come out and play, kids, lets have some fun.

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deadnail said:

I like to hold onto grenades, count to three, and wing them up at them so it blows up right in their face as soon as they see it. :)

Hey I do that too it's damn funny, especially when I count too long :p

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