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Doom 3 wasted items uploaded


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Well, new things bout items... Don't forget that Doom is also science fiction game, so space marine first of all should have in ammunition medicines/ special pills and etc. It might be:

1) MediKit - can be the same as in Q3A; you can use it ones...

2) Injecktion - instead of Haste (Q3A) and steroids (Duke Nukem) thats something nu: use that and it will takeout 10-20 of your lifepoints (thats fair in deathmatch!!!) and increase your speed and movements for sometime: its an item so you can use it when you want...

It is right people that Flight ability will kill single, so i give you

3) Jump-boots, things to do on planets with different gravitation cant be done without that; its kinda jump-pad that you have with you all the way!!! Can be really usefull in Deathmatch: in tight situations and etc. It will provede you double or triple jump (it may depend on gravitation). These things can use your energy-ammo as a power source, so once you have them- just reload them from time to time...

And bout Invisibility: my suggestion is to make

4) Portable Stelth-Reactor: as item you may use it when you need it (well, that thing can probobly recharge itself, so you'll have to wait)...

5) Reabreather: can be used not only for underwater-jorneys - it can protect you from gas attacks (you've seen Fog of Death in Q3A, so...)...

6) Environmental suit: can give you ability to walk on the scape of the planet without atmosphere and protect you from acid (but not for lava - use usual armor to fight it)...

These things are simple in use and seems fair anough to have them in Doom 3...

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1) MediKit - Yeah, they're the standard health sources, though I'd like to see something different from the typical boxes lying around... Half-Life did this right: it had some LOGICAL item placement. Weapons can be found on enemies, in bunkers and in testing facilities. Health and armor are available from med stations on walls, etc.

2) Injection - Dont' see its use in single play.

3) Jump-boots - Oh god NO ! That justs reminds me of the final map of the first Unreal game, which was horrible. It worked fine in Unreal Tournament, but again, I don't see its use in a primarily single player game.

4) Portable Stealth-Reactor: I really liked the invisibility powerup in Quake 3 - reminds me of the Predator. Perhaps you could be entirely invisible when you stood still, and become more visible as your speed increases. Stealth is something new to id games.

5) Rebreather: I agree.

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1) Of course it should be logic explanation for placement: MK may be found on Medic stations or in the rooms of Firs Aid (it might be some on the space stations)... But please dont make those healing boxes on walls (damn, i hate HL >:(

2) Well, not all monsters moves as fast as you - some of them can run and jump much better then space marine... That item can give you more chances to stay alive while running across the acid field or lava pits... :)

3) Why not... Instead of UT, i remember Q2DM1 - there it could be cool to have. Some structures may have damaged elevators and stairways, so...

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1) Hell no. Half of the tension in Doom was created by being at low health, and not being sure what was around the corner. Having medikits spare from earlier levels would spoil this. 'Hmmm... 5%, and there's a door. Guess I'll hit ENTER a couple of times before I open it. Oh, it's two imps. Oh well'. This would spoil the mood somewhat -- if you were at 5% in Doom, and come across two imps, depending on the setting, it could create masses of tension. Sure, it's not as realistic to use health there-and-then, but it'd be better for gameplay.

2) Yes. This is a great idea. I'm a sole believer in that games should force the player having to 'pay' in some way for anything good. In DM this would also force a player that wanted to play 'safe' to find two powerups for the one purpose, health AND the injection.

3) It depends. Not too high - maybe double the jump? Nothing too much, as I certainly wouldn't want insane shortcuts to be possible.

4) Hmmmm, I'm not a big one on stealth, but I like the idea of having to recharge. Maybe the only way to do this would be with nukage radiation (A strange idea, but it would limit cheap use of it...)

5) Yeah, and it has it's own 'health' rating, a la armour, so if you were to pick it up at the beginning of the level, but got careless, you wouldn't have it toward the end. I would suggest a head-shot would smash the thing, but in DM this would encourage campers - the lowest form of life.

My two pence. That's slightly more than two cents :)

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Guest Omega
wasted said:

1) Of course it should be logic explanation for placement: MK may be found on Medic stations or in the rooms of Firs Aid (it might be some on the space stations)... But please dont make those healing boxes on walls (damn, i hate HL >:(

2) Well, not all monsters moves as fast as you - some of them can run and jump much better then space marine... That item can give you more chances to stay alive while running across the acid field or lava pits... :)

3) Why not... Instead of UT, i remember Q2DM1 - there it could be cool to have. Some structures may have damaged elevators and stairways, so...

We'll all those ideas (exept the mother fucking Jump Boots) I come to like. And the ability to have a powerup recharge would be extremely useful. I hated back in doom, when I was running around with my Invulnerability sphere on, then it turns off, and the demon assholes turned me into horse shit. Well, I don't think I should blab on about my past Doom I and II experiences in the Doom III forum. Keep up the good work.

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Jayextee said:

Nowdays special forces have some specific squarts (filled up by adrenalin or something?) that could keep you alive much longer for example after nuklear attacks, gas strikes and etc. Im 100% agree that health should be found in special medic places (in 1 from 5 you may find MK, probobly). Anyway, youre made a point...
Bout rebreather: thats an idea...

Bay the way, thanks for money... (i prefer to count Barons heads :)

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wasted said:

1) Of course it should be logic explanation for placement: MK may be found on Medic stations or in the rooms of Firs Aid (it might be some on the space stations)... But please dont make those healing boxes on walls (damn, i hate HL >:(

2) Well, not all monsters moves as fast as you - some of them can run and jump much better then space marine... That item can give you more chances to stay alive while running across the acid field or lava pits... :)

3) Why not... Instead of UT, i remember Q2DM1 - there it could be cool to have. Some structures may have damaged elevators and stairways, so...

Doom 3 should move away from all that damn straferunnin' and gunnin' it's just plain boring! I tried Serious Sam test, it had some fast enemies and fighting them became VERY annoying VERY fast. NO WAY I REPEAT NO WAY!

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About rapid monsters: there are some of them from Hell - i suppose there you should run all over to save your ass, since it was so damn hot down there :)

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Yes, they should, but do not forget that Doom is all about tension. It would take away the tension if you could pull out you handy-dandy Medikit and slap ENTER twice. The Injection idead would good though; running low on heatlh, just poke yourself a few times with your injection needle and you'll go from 65 to 35 health. I like that idea. Sounds better for DeathMatch than Single Player, though. Why would you WANT to hurt yourself?
The Jump Boots sound good. You can jump higher. Woohoo! Why would would take away your energy-ammo source though?
About the rest of the items, they all sound really good. The Rebreather was in Quake 2 and 3( I think) and it worked fine.Well, maybe these things'll get put in the game maybe not.

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