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NEW BFG , nail guns,ect


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ok you've all seen the BFG in quake3 arena
and the one in quake 2
any way this is what i fink the new BFG should look like
basicly it fires one big fuckin' green lightning ball
that ripps down corridors fryin' any fing in it's path
and when it hits the wall loadsa little lightning bolts shoot out off it and fry every fing! and any fing that's left
over stumbles around on fire for a bit
so it's kinda like the quake 2 one

and also doom ]|[ should have nail guns like in quake
i justv love lobbin' spikes in people

other weapons we gotta have!

bouncin' grenades (aka quake)
prox grenades (like in the quake mission packs)
flamers (like in king pin)
some kinda demonic weapon (like in heretic and hexen)
big chainsaw that gets blood stained when you kill with it

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Guest banann

have you lost your fuckin' mind? nailgun in DooM??? i cant believe it... i love quake (i love DooM more, dont be afraid) but what you propose is some kind of fuckin misunderstanding.... bouncing grenade... that thing (fing?) i like more, althought it sucks too, go play duke3d. Bfg, some kind of upgraded bfg from q2 would do, but i believe id will make sth we'll be suprised with;)

gosh, nails in DooM... go get a doctor NEWBIE

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Yo, whatever you are, you should better see the name of the stuff you smoke there. Doom 3 is not a game with all weaponry from Quake serie and others, damn ya! It is NOT a f***ng compilation from other games!!! Those weapons exist in Q3A so get it and play it! Aggr...

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just another nicked weapon idear!

I just played some old doom clone (and it look way too much like doom)
anyway one of the weapons.......and get this....was A VOODOO DOLL
it's so cool! you just jab pin in to the fing and the nearest
monster get's damaged......but if you use it in a room on your own you take the pain.....cool eh?

oh by the way fing! FING! FING!

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Hell no, you limit yourself too much.

It should have many modes:

*1st mode uses 40 cells, shoots a big green ball that does about 500 damage (or whatever the equivalent to three rockets), it should not fire a spray attack.

*2nd mode - 80 cells, ball doing 800 damage and spray doing a maximum of 256 damage spread over a number of targets.

*3rd mode -
160 cells used, ball doing 1500 damage, garagantuin explosion destroying most normal doors
spray attack is a must (doing 256 damage again), and anything within 30 feet of the player within a semicircle to the front suffers radius blast (the muzzleflash of the gun hurts, but doesnt hurt the player).

*4th mode -
300 cells used, ball does 3000 damage, incansecent explosion destroying any door but the gun will fry itself and be useless (plus do minor damage to you from it heating up in your hands).

spray attack has double the range and the muzzleflash damage extends to 50 feet.

*5th mode -
All cells are used up causing variable explosive and plasmic damage. You drop the gun and run, the thing is rigged to overload like a small nuclear warhead. Will destroy any door hit by a plasma pulse that the gun throws in random directions. The explosion should bounce off of walls so you can't jsut simply throw it and go around a corner (becasue it'll catch you and do about 2000 explosion damage to you).

*Alternate fire 1-
shoots itty-bitty plasma balls like the original plasma rifle did, but they do about 100 damage per hit (random of course!).

*Alternate fire 2-
shoots beams, not fully automatic either but they do lots of damage (~200 random), and are highly efficient with the use of energy cells.

The BFG should have a console all to itself that you pull up to select which modes you want (looks like a set of keypad buttons or something, jsut clock on which one you want and it and every time you fire it will do that operation). It shouldn't pause the game when you pull this thing up (while you're fiddling with the controls the imps ARE approaching).

In addition i also sugget that the plasma rifle now fires large bursts as a main attack instead of automatic fire, and automatic fire as a secondary mode (primary attack doing 100 damage random and an equal amount of explosive damage; alternate attacks doing 50 damage random with no explosive damage).

May even be able to make the thing shoot a beam instead of assault fire - that one's optional.

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Well, I just saw other things that you listed besides the bfg <growls at the doomworld forums system>.

Nailguns should have died in quake and I don't know why anyone within reasonable mind would want them in doom3. A machinegun is far more dangerous than something that shoots a solid projectile that goes so slow you can see it (which BTW: defies gravity pretty much). Nailguns are useless because bullets are more powerful (regardless of the stats the nails had).

I think that Quake happened in a dark-ages period after doom and doom2 where the technology level really took a dive and everyone had to do with extremely crude weapons (the rocket launcher and nailguns were probably rigged up from junk). There was probably a resistance force to the new demons but they got eaten just like the guys in doom did (shub-nuggurath got pissed that someone else made a move on earth before her).

The lightning gun being an application of the plasma gun but in a low-tech manner. The rocket launcher actually looks like someone put it together by hand and so does the nailguns.

Bouncing grenades are a must.

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sirgalahadwizar said:

Can you give any reasons for BFG to shot like that? Whats the point to have that kind of weapon in future? You shown good and different damage for each quantity of cells. But im desagree with you bout 5th mode - BFG not a sort of Nuke bomb, so...

But, is a good idea to regulate cell flux, so when you hold "fire button", it getting more and more cells, and when you shot it can be huge difference between 20 and 200 cells shots. Besides, with that you don't need that "mode" stuff, game goes much more simple. Good point to recive damage from overheating. Thats bout BFG...

Bout Plasma Gun: auto fire is primory (it was always in Doom) and second type of fire could be to load around 100 cells in one plasma impulse - it might have the same speed to target as Lightning Gun has, and may couse 150-200% damage. With that you'll recive blind effect all around (it will work on enemy too).

Flame me if you can...

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You have a good point, it does sound too complex.

I just wanted it to cost you more cells for the weapon to add certain effects to the shot.

The 5th mode was a spinoff of someone else's idea for doom 3 to make the weapon explode and do a kamakaze attack in multiplayer mode. I think the weapon should be able to explode, but it ought to at least give the player some time to get away from it. It doesn't actually have the yeild of a nuclear bomb, but more along the lines of a 250lb conventional bomb that planes drop nowadays (plus some added special effects like plasma darts flying all over the place).

The fifth mode says "variable damage" becasue it ends up using all of your cells, you could have 120 cells and it would use up all of them (cant see the point of making it blow up with that few amount though - why not jsut shoot the damn thing) - and the explosion would be considerably less than one that you used 600 cells on.

this compresses modes now - three modes:

Standard attack, hold down the fire button and it charges up until you release. the more cells you use the bigger the blast and more effects it will have on it.

Alt. Fire 1 - shoots rapid fire plasma bursts.

Alt. Fire 2 - beam attack, hold down to make it more powerful.

If you fry the weapon but it doesn't explode, that doesnt mean that you die in a furious explosion, it means the weapon overheated and burned you - it is broken and wont work. Should probably do about 30% damage to you (aka, 30 standard damage).

I would suggest that the BFG use energy clips for each shot, but since this thing is variable, it would have to cutoff at some point and shoot as soon as the clip was drained.

When I say damage, I mean a random value inbetween 1 and this number or half of this number and the number (a value of 1 to 200 for bfg beam attack, or 100 to 200, depends upon how little damage something is supposed to be able to escape with).

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Ok, thats good explanation, but...
"Alt. Fire 1 - shoots rapid fire plasma bursts."
What for if you have Plasma Gun as well?

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Guest JudgeDooM

just another nicked weapon idear!

I just played some old doom clone (and it look way too much like doom)
anyway one of the weapons.......and get this....was A VOODOO DOLL
it's so cool! you just jab pin in to the fing and the nearest
monster get's damaged......but if you use it in a room on your own you take the pain.....cool eh?

oh by the way fing! FING! FING!

You're talkin' about "Blood", eh?

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Well, yes i've played it. Its ok, surely not the master-piece and not the original game, it just ok. As i remember it had weird way to heal yourself - eating human hearts... Compare to oter games it was better then Sin, but worse then HL... For any cheats you should search the net...

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wasted said:

Ok, thats good explanation, but...
"Alt. Fire 1 - shoots rapid fire plasma bursts."
What for if you have Plasma Gun as well?

Here's why:

Normal plasma gun damage = 25 on average (50 at maximum). This is from plasma blasts used in automatic fire.

Alt.Fire 1 damage of BFG = 50 on average (100 at maximum), and it fires faster than the plasma rifle ni the first place.

So Alt. Fire 1 of the BFG acts like the plasma rifle, except it is twice as powerful and shoots faster.

Alt. Fire 2 would be an instantaneous laser-beam type of attack that would be like two Alt. Fire 1 blasts (or four plasma rifle blasts), but it would only cost you 3 cells and you dont have to worry aobut missing at long ranges (at least not much). It does present a problem of the sniper factor, but hey, it's the bfg and you pretty much have the power to kill anyways.

The bfg should probably be a rare item anyway, and in DM it should only appear in maps every so once in awhile - and probably in those levels that are lots of close-quarters action.

BFG replaces rocket launcher for demolition purposes.
Alt. fire 1 replaces the functionality of the plasma rifle
Alt. Fire 2 replaces the functionality of the "railgun" (hope there's not one in there!)

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Well, if bfg will be able to shoot by plasma gooes and faster then Plasma Gun whats the point to include PG in Doom3? It will be useless then. I agree that main purpose of bfg total annihilation but it rather different way to destroy things by RL.

Besides i still suggest following for Plasma Gun: auto fire is primory (couse 20 damage, the same it was in Q3A, and that was primory in Doom2) and Alt. fire mode can replace the Rail-Gun and Lighting Gun (i actually for RG to be included.:) could be to load around 100 cells in one plasma impulse - it goes with the speed like EMI Rifle has in "Eraser", and may couse 150-200% damage. With that you'll recive blind effect all around (it will work on enemy too). That could be make rather balance between bfg and Plasma Gun... I dont think that bfg should be the best weapon for everything, it should has its own "bad sides", so...

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I can tell you and me are going to be arguing for a long time.

For once already:

The standard to guage all weapons by should be bullets, which should do 5-15 damage, just like they did in doom. In order for the plasma rifle to be any better than the chiangun it needs to do at least 2x that. And 5-40 was a good estimation (random!, always random!).

Here is the reason why you include a plasma gun... logistics. It is probably alot easier to mass produce a plasma gun than the BFG... which is pretty much a rare weapon that probably costs upwards or a million dollars to make (compared to a possible 40 grand for a plasma rifle)... and the simplest reason is the same for why the pistol exists at the same time as the chaingun - you can get one before the other.

Rail-gun like effects should not be able to do enough damage to kill a player instantly - severely throwes off gameplay. Why not just make a spider that shoots a railgun instead of plasma? it would end up killing you worse than a cybie! (not to mention all the detrimental effects it has on MP, iD really screwed up when they threw the RG into quake2 and 3).

BFG should be functional for more than jsut mass destruction, if it has so much destructive power, you could spend less energy and take less time to shoot and have it shoot faster - does damage just as fast as it could have before, but does it continiously rather than in one single lump sum. Yes it has it's bad sides - it's slow and eats cells like popcorn, and even with a full-auto attack it should ahve to ramp-up kinda like quake2's minigun ramps up.

A railgun is just a glorified machinegun in my eyes. I am EXTREMLY against the railgun tunring into a sniper weapon. Should be used as a crowd-control device. And no, railguns don't produce flashes that blind you (unless you've been shot in the eye, then your head is gone).

I am not going to talk any more on this issue, I ahve too much experience in game design to argue over weither something is right or wrong when I already know the answer and people won't get it through their thick head.

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Well, ok. In some way you convinienced me (im running away ashamed). But with some things i still don't agree (as they say in x-file: the plasma gun is out there...) - you right, no point to arguing, when we get the mainpoint of each other. Thanx for constructive and usefull suggestions and that loooong discussion.

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