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No heavy metal or techno crap in Doom 3!


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I tought we had already WASTED the music´s topic...

It would be really interesting to have a sample from Reznor that belongs to DooM3. Do you think he have some stuff done already?

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SoKatH, how many times do I have to tell you?!
Quit that bad habit, damn you!

Posting in forums is for losers!!

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Zaldron said:

I tought we had already WASTED the music´s topic...

It would be really interesting to have a sample from Reznor that belongs to DooM3. Do you think he have some stuff done already?

I think reznor dose have some sound from doom an' quake
I just got "things fallin' apart" and you can hear some
sounds from doom durin' "star fuckers inc" and "metal"
I also keep hearin' the quake lift sound in some other songs
....or have I gone MAD?
damit! i just got "star fuckers inc" stuck in my head!!!
star fuckers.....star fuckers....star fuckers!

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Exsqueeze me? Baking powder?

Why the F**K not???
have you heard the Quake 2 soundtrack? Chunky riff after chunky riff. It's one of the best soundtracks I've heard!!! I would agree about no techno crap, but Metal suits Doom.

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I think reznor dose have some sound from doom an' quake
I just got "things fallin' apart" and you can hear some
sounds from doom durin' "star fuckers inc" and "metal"
I also keep hearin' the quake lift sound in some other songs
....or have I gone MAD?
damit! i just got "star fuckers inc" stuck in my head!!!
star fuckers.....star fuckers....star fuckers!

Metal is a song by Gary Numan written long before Doom. (Or maybe not long, just before). Hardly any of the tracks on Things Falling Apart were done by Trent, although judging by the average mediocrity of the songs, you wouldn't guess it.

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AirRaid said:

Exsqueeze me? Baking powder?

Why the F**K not???
have you heard the Quake 2 soundtrack? Chunky riff after chunky riff. It's one of the best soundtracks I've heard!!! I would agree about no techno crap, but Metal suits Doom.

I'm not talking about all kinds of metal, I'm just talking about heavy metal, that so-called "bands" (more like "people who make a lot of noise") like Metallica play.

I have no objection at all to dark ambient metal, industrial metal (I'd prefer industrial electronic though), gothic metal, etc being in Doom3. Although gothic darkwave DEFINATELY shouldn't be in the game. If you actually know what that is, I think you'll agree with me :)

But heavy metal, metalcore (which the majority of Quake 2's soundtrack was), grindcore, thrash metal, death metal, doom metal (heh), black metal, etc really don't suit Doom at all IMO.

Come to think of it, progressive metal, spiritual metal, alternative metal and power metal would suit Doom REALLY well, but I really don't think that Trent's going to do that kind of stuff. Oh okay Lut, yes, he wouldn't be able to do it even if he wanted to :o

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Lüt said:

Metal is a song by Gary Numan written long before Doom. (Or maybe not long, just before). Hardly any of the tracks on Things Falling Apart were done by Trent, although judging by the average mediocrity of the songs, you wouldn't guess it.

Continuously slagging off Trent and NIN in every other post you make (often when you're replying to something that has nothing to do with music or NIN at all) is really going to make you a lot of enemies. Just drop it already.

At least he has a touch more originality than standing in front of a mike and going *rrrrrraaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrr* over and over again, playing a few power chords (or if you're lucky a couple of rifts that have been played in a couple hundred songs before), and beating the shit out of a drumkit, probably damaging most of the drums in the progress.

One thing even you can't say about NIN is that all their songs sound the same. If you do, I think we'll have to declare you officially deaf.

It says a lot about heavy metal that something like 90% of amateur bands across the world are heavy metal bands.

By the way, you seem to think that NIN and possibly industrial in general is the worst music you've ever heard. Go and listen to some garage music and then say that...

If anyone's wondering what garage actually is, it's kinda like house only about 1,000 times worse, if that's at all possible. Strangely, however, there are occassionally (VERY occassionally) some REALLY cool garage songs. Try this site for some REALLY long mixes (like 60 minutes each): http://www.souldaddies.com/listenright.htm

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I'm not talking about all kinds of metal, I'm just talking about heavy metal, that so-called "bands" (more like "people who make a lot of noise") like Metallica play.

I have no objection at all to dark ambient metal, industrial metal (I'd prefer industrial electronic though), gothic metal, etc being in Doom3. Although gothic darkwave DEFINATELY shouldn't be in the game. If you actually know what that is, I think you'll agree with me :)

But heavy metal, metalcore (which the majority of Quake 2's soundtrack was), grindcore, thrash metal, death metal, doom metal (heh), black metal, etc really don't suit Doom at all IMO.

Come to think of it, progressive metal, spiritual metal, alternative metal and power metal would suit Doom REALLY well, but I really don't think that Trent's going to do that kind of stuff. Oh okay Lut, yes, he wouldn't be able to do it even if he wanted to :o

Man, industrial is way more about noise than heavy metal.

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Same goes for you and the novels. I have my reason, you have yours. I've given mine enough times. Listen to Heresy, that's the best song I can use to summarize it. No his songs don't all sound the same, at least on Downward Spiral and in most places on Fragile. I don't think Trent is the worst musician period, but by far one of the bottom on the list of "professional" musicians, so to speak. When he does get good songs written, his recording usually butchers them. Which reminds me, I would also suggest you learn some stuff about recording and production before praising any of Trents compositions. The reason his sounds are "unique" is because he uses production mistakes to make them. Any other band would realize "Hey that sounds like crap, ditch THAT recording!" but he instead overdrives the errors even more. Some of his songs look good on paper I have to admit. It's just too bad he's so stubborn with letting other people into the band. But if you're gonna try and deny that the Fragile is some of the simplest music ever composed... well, I give up on you.

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I'm not talking about all kinds of metal, I'm just talking about heavy metal, that so-called "bands" (more like "people who make a lot of noise") like Metallica play.

I have no objection at all to dark ambient metal, industrial metal (I'd prefer industrial electronic though), gothic metal, etc being in Doom3. Although gothic darkwave DEFINATELY shouldn't be in the game. If you actually know what that is, I think you'll agree with me :)

But heavy metal, metalcore (which the majority of Quake 2's soundtrack was), grindcore, thrash metal, death metal, doom metal (heh), black metal, etc really don't suit Doom at all IMO.

Come to think of it, progressive metal, spiritual metal, alternative metal and power metal would suit Doom REALLY well, but I really don't think that Trent's going to do that kind of stuff. Oh okay Lut, yes, he wouldn't be able to do it even if he wanted to :o

metallica rules. its called "thinking man's metal. thats probably why you dotn liek it. you probably dont even know what master of puppets and teh house jack built are about

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I'm not talking about all kinds of metal, I'm just talking about heavy metal, that so-called "bands" (more like "people who make a lot of noise") like Metallica play.

I have no objection at all to dark ambient metal, industrial metal (I'd prefer industrial electronic though), gothic metal, etc being in Doom3. Although gothic darkwave DEFINATELY shouldn't be in the game. If you actually know what that is, I think you'll agree with me :)

But heavy metal, metalcore (which the majority of Quake 2's soundtrack was), grindcore, thrash metal, death metal, doom metal (heh), black metal, etc really don't suit Doom at all IMO.

Come to think of it, progressive metal, spiritual metal, alternative metal and power metal would suit Doom REALLY well, but I really don't think that Trent's going to do that kind of stuff. Oh okay Lut, yes, he wouldn't be able to do it even if he wanted to :o

Oh... you did NOT just say that heavy metal is all noise compared to industrial, ambient, and gothic metal... When you listen to Metallica's "Nothing Else Matters" (or the interlude from "Master of Puppets," or "Fade to Black") and STILL think they only make noise, THEN you can talk.

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At least he has a touch more originality than standing in front of a mike and going *rrrrrraaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrr* over and over again, playing a few power chords (or if you're lucky a couple of rifts th

You have to realize the various subgenres in metal... Heavy metal is a distinct subgenre, also called "straight metal." It's stuff like Black Sabbath did to start the entire metal genre. More notable bands in the straight metal genre include Pantera, Megadeth, and all of Ozzy's solo albums.

What 90% of the amateur bands in the world are are NOT heavy metal. They span across the entire genre of metal, from death metal, to rap metal (*shudders at thought*), power metal (hair bands), country-metal (Pride and Glory), black metal, industrial metal, etc. There are many subgenres that they are in. Most sucessful bands mix elements of the genres, though. Most amateur bands do not. Some are heavy metal, yes, but not nearly 90%.

Of course, then again, you probably don't care, you just want to lump what you don't like into one genre and call it a day. Listen to some examples from every genre of metal before you generalize with the "two or three power chord and screaming" description.

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Lüt said:

Just because it's simple doesn't mean it's bad. Look at certain classical symphonies, they repeat the same basic themes over and over again.

And besides, you seem to hav gotten into the classic type of mistake where, because you think that Trent is a bad musician, that he IS a bad musician. Nope, that's just your opinion.

Extremely good success on the album and singles charts (hell, the Fragile even got to #5 in the UK charts, and only about four people I know in real life have ever even heard of NIN) would indicate that a LOT of people disagree with you.

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WhiteNoise said:

You have to realize the various subgenres in metal... Heavy metal is a distinct subgenre, also called "straight metal." It's stuff like Black Sabbath did to start the entire metal genre. More notable bands in the straight metal genre include Pantera, Megadeth, and all of Ozzy's solo albums.

What 90% of the amateur bands in the world are are NOT heavy metal. They span across the entire genre of metal, from death metal, to rap metal (*shudders at thought*), power metal (hair bands), country-metal (Pride and Glory), black metal, industrial metal, etc. There are many subgenres that they are in. Most sucessful bands mix elements of the genres, though. Most amateur bands do not. Some are heavy metal, yes, but not nearly 90%.

Of course, then again, you probably don't care, you just want to lump what you don't like into one genre and call it a day. Listen to some examples from every genre of metal before you generalize with the "two or three power chord and screaming" description.

You REALLY don't know what you're talking about do you? Your reply to this post was written after your reply to my other post, which means you must have read me listing just about every metal sub-genre in existence. I also clearly said "heavy metal" and not "metal". Yet you say that I don't know the differences between the various sub-genres of metal. Seems to me like YOU'RE the one who thinks that heavy metal means all types of metal. lol.

And for your information, as 90% of amateur metal bands (that's what I meant, not ALL amateur bands of any genre; if you're talking about that, most amateur "bands" are probably either just one guy in his bedroom making dance, techno, house or garage) don't even know the difference between the different types of metal, I think they probably are heavy metal).

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masterhassan said:

metallica rules. its called "thinking man's metal. thats probably why you dotn liek it. you probably dont even know what master of puppets and teh house jack built are about

No, and I don't really care either. Any genre that has two instruments (drums and guitar in this case) and vocals is crap to me.

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Just because it's simple doesn't mean it's bad. Look at certain classical symphonies, they repeat the same basic themes over and over again.

And besides, you seem to hav gotten into the classic type of mistake where, because you think that Trent is a bad musician, that he IS a bad musician. Nope, that's just your opinion.

Extremely good success on the album and singles charts (hell, the Fragile even got to #5 in the UK charts, and only about four people I know in real life have ever even heard of NIN) would indicate that a LOT of people disagree with you.

OK, if you wanna argue success, then I have to say that Trent is reaching the level of Britney Spears and Backstreet Boys in his sales. You're right, he DOES sell to a lot of people, just like they do. See the similarity?

Repetition: obviously a song has to have a theme, nobody would be able to enjoy a song that doesn't use the same note or instrument or tempo more than once. But there's repetition, and then there's just plain lack-of-any-variety-whatsoever. Trent isn't as bad as Danzig 5, but really, who can do worse than that album?

Trent being a bad musician could be proven as a fact, given a proper definition of musician. You wanna say that anybody who throws a few notes down is a musician, fine; Trent's one of the average ones in that case. Most people who are musically experienced in the majority of genres such as classical, metal, industrial, rock, blues, jazz, gothic, etc. will be able to point out easily that Trent is very mediocre in his writings. The less experienced people will say he's a genius. I'm sorry you haven't heard better music than his. I find the majority of NIN fans can't seem to grasp music which is more complex than his either. I doubt that's you, but I realize not many people have the time to seriously search for good and unique music and take what they call the best because it's simply the best they've heard, not the best that is out there. I leave the NIN fans to their beloved band, but I do feel at liberty to point out what a moron he can be. He practically crapped down his fans throats with the last two full albums, and especially the Fragile-era, and people just ate it up. I can hardly believe it. Talk about die-hard. Oh well, there's a sucker born every minute, which explains the percentage of sales of The Fragile to the 14-24 year old crowd. To make it clear: I think the album DID have a lot of potential. It really coulda been great. But Trent did it. And that's that.

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No, and I don't really care either. Any genre that has two instruments (drums and guitar in this case) and vocals is crap to me.

Well, then you just said all NIN is crap...

the only instruments...

Guitar (on occasion)

Besides... Heavy metal can have anything from grand pianos (Black Label Society - Peddlers of Death, Just Killin' Time, Black Sabbath - Changes), synth (Ozzy's stuff like No More Tears), full strings (Metallica - S & M album, and "Nothing Else Matters"), etc. as well as the "base" instruments (guitar, bass, drums, vocals).

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You REALLY don't know what you're talking about do you? Your reply to this post was written after your reply to my other post, which means you must have read me listing just about every metal sub-genre in existence. I also clearly said "heavy metal" and not "metal". Yet you say that I don't know the differences between the various sub-genres of metal. Seems to me like YOU'RE the one who thinks that heavy metal means all types of metal. lol.

And for your information, as 90% of amateur metal bands (that's what I meant, not ALL amateur bands of any genre; if you're talking about that, most amateur "bands" are probably either just one guy in his bedroom making dance, techno, house or garage) don't even know the difference between the different types of metal, I think they probably are heavy metal).

You'll have to excuse my previous post, then, because it looked like what you said was that "90% of all amatuer bands in the world are heavy metal". So, yes, I misunderstood.

Anyway, so you know the different sub-genres. Great. Again, forgive my haste in replying. I'm used to people who don't know that there ARE sub-genres, so whenever I argue about metal in general, I tend to bring those in.

In any case... if you really look at the amatuer metal band stats, most of them are those damn nu-metal bands (I think that's the name for them... maybe it's neo-metal or something...) that want to be like Korn and Slipknot. That is because out of all the subgenres OF metal, nu-metal is the easiest to play, in my experience.

Now, I'm just referring to the information I've picked up during the short time since I'd realized there WERE subgenres of metal (which was... 5 years, maybe?)... so you may know something I don't.

It's all a matter of opinion when you get down to it. I just get bent out of shape when someone trashes my genre.

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Guest JudgeDooM
AirRaid said:

Exsqueeze me? Baking powder?

Why the F**K not???
have you heard the Quake 2 soundtrack? Chunky riff after chunky riff. It's one of the best soundtracks I've heard!!! I would agree about no techno crap, but Metal suits Doom.

I'm not a fan of heavy metal, but Iron Maiden rule.

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Shaviro said:

Most of doom's soundtrack is heavy metal

I just hate heavy metal, it all sounds pubescent. And in Doom2 (which I like more) there wasn´t heavy metal.

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WhiteNoise said:

Well, then you just said all NIN is crap...

the only instruments...

Guitar (on occasion)

Besides... Heavy metal can have anything from grand pianos (Black Label Society - Peddlers of Death, Just Killin' Time, Black Sabbath - Changes), synth (Ozzy's stuff like No More Tears), full strings (Metallica - S & M album, and "Nothing Else Matters"), etc. as well as the "base" instruments (guitar, bass, drums, vocals).

You obviously haven't listened to much NIN then, have you? For one thing, Trent doesn't just use a synthesiser (which I hardly think you can count as one instrument anyway - that's like saying that MIDI only has one instrument), he also uses a Mac to do a lot of stuff.

There's weird crap on The Fragile alone, from violins (Ripe (With Decay)) and cellos (La Mer), to pianos (Just Like You Imagined, The Way Out Is Through, Ripe (With Decay)), trumpets (Pilgrimage), real drums (We're In This Together, Pilgrimage, La Mer) and even get imaginitve with choirs and chants in several songs.

And that's not counting all the stuff they *ahem* "play" when they're live. Oh yeah, that's one thing I'll give to heavy metal bands, at least they (usually) actually play their songs on stage rather than just mime to it.

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Shaviro said:

Map 23 was heavy metal.

Bobby even tried to sound like Alice in Chains! (Them bones)

Hey, but Alice in Chains is not heavy metal! I like Alice in Chains.

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Guest Stealthy Ivan

I take offense to this... what would you like rap??? Would the doom marine say "im gonna cap yo ass bitch" every time he shoots some thing? Is that what you want?

You better watch your back....
Stealthy Ivan

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Tetzlaff said:

Hey, but Alice in Chains is not heavy metal! I like Alice in Chains.

You're right... Alice in Chains is Grunge... which is VERY closely related to heavy metal. So what's the problem with heavy metal?

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