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No Music ??????


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Well, someone said something about this in a few posts below... What about no music at all in Doom 3 ? I know, this is not gonna happen. But it definitely puts me more into the game... What do you guys think ?

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The only FPS that I've ever played that really works without music (unless you count the odd 10 seconds at certain points) is Half-life.

Try playing Voyager: Elite Force, System Shock 2, Quake 2, Quake 3, Unreal, etc without music and you don't really get the same "feel".

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Yeah, you're right... Half-life gave me the creeps... Especially the first couple of levels in the Black Mesa facility were scary.
They do work without the music... Can someone name me some other games that were scary without music ???????

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<< Can someone name me some other games that were scary without music ??????? >>

Kiss chase always scared me... =p

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Guest tropikal

this song just inspires doom3 everytime i hear it it makes me go crazy i think im playing doom3 and its scary

Emperor - IX Equilibrium - 08 - Of Blindness & Subsequent Seers

check it out if u have napster

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Most time I turn the music at a very low volume, so that it is just a silent background music. The main athmosphere is created by the environment sounds.

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