deadnail Posted February 3, 2001 Wow, that's for, it turned out to be a very cool site. SPAS-12 shotgun with pistol grip stock Glock 18C *with a laser sight, scope, and extended clip H&K USP Match .45 (Yes! Finally! Not a pissant 9mm! :) Micro Uzi from all sorts of angles Neo with a coupla micro uzi submachineguns Oh, and what's even better? This looks to have things like long jumping from building to building, crazy assed ninja kicking, and even the running on walls bit too! The best part of all? It's going to be a full single player Mod!! Hell yes. The movie sucked; the only good things in it were the combat. So, a mod focused on the combat... yeah, I'm happy. Thank the hell outta you, Espi! =) Oh, wait, Doom 3. Um... Doom 3 needs a pistol like the Glock 18C but better. Let me elaborate for you. The 9mm Beretta 92FS in Doom was an obsolete weapon when the game was made, let alone when the game's setting was taking place (it would be a museum piece!). So, let's extend on this. A more logical military side arm caliber would be either .45 or 10mm. 10mm is the stronger of the two so it fits better. Now then, considering combat pistols of today the Beretta M93R has a selective fire switch for either semi-auto or triple shot bursts. The Glock 18C has a selective fire for either semi or full-auto firing. Let's just consolidate, shall we? Let's think of the Doom 3 pistol like the Glock 18C (pictured above by the excellent modellers and skinners), except somewhat larger in dimensions. It would have grooves along the top for scope mounting and along the bottom past the finger guard for mounting a laser sight or flashlight. The selective fire switch would allow for semi-auto, three shot burst and full-automatic function. The ammunition would be 10mm high-trauma crosscut hollowpoints. I would figure a magazine of them to hold 15, 18, or maybe even 21 of these rounds (keeping it in 3's for even triple shot bursts). This pistol would be very accurate, and, considering a respawn with this wouldn't be so bad with that full-auto mode you could hold your own rather well in deathmatch. Think of a zombie in Doom. As you pump in three shots at once it may return fire. Blasting it with a triple shot burst would lift it off of it's feet and drop it right on it's back (as well as blow a huge hole through it's midsection). The full-auto would let you mow down a crowd. =) Considering this, I would like ANOTHER pistol weapon in Doom 3 (even though iD seems to be fans of motorcycle-sized fantasy weaponry), and you guessed it, either a .44 or .440 magnum pistol. Long delay between shots, long reload, but one shot has the damage of a point blank double barrelled shotgun blast... it's just that the ammo is rare and all that. This should be the ONLY weapon with 100% accuracy in firing, so all you FOV cheaters would be limited to this as your sniper weapon. You can also tell (from the incredibly loud report) where the shot came from with this, unlike Sniper Rifles. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest JackTheShitter! Posted February 3, 2001 deadnail said:Ah! just jokin sounds like a good Idea!=) Ahem sounds alot like counter-strike. Apart from hollow points plus from what you are saying what makes you think that Id would go into so much detail? All Im asking for is a little less puzzel and a little more destruction! :) How far in the future is this set? As your starting weapon It would most likley be a weapon that would fire an energy bolt. Mabey later in hell you would pick up guns that still fire bullets. I mean how could YOU BE SO DAM STUPID! DONT EVEN BOTHER LOOKING FOR GRAMMAR AND SPELLING MISTAKES! AHGH! ALL THE IDiots ive met in my life...blah....blah.....blah....... :D 0 Share this post Link to post
wasted Posted February 3, 2001 Well, i agree that Doom 3 pistol should have the same qualities as Glock 18 - semi-auto and full auto shots. Well, as i know, SWAT using special "dum-dum" ammo, i mean bullets with different mass center: it goes in your shoulder and left your body through your ass, so that a nice one to have it in DooM 3... About *ANOTHER* pistol: As i can see that babe probobly shots 357 or 44 magnum and if it so its also can have semi-auto mode (it looks better then that damn Desert Eagle models, which are so damn heavy!). Well i also suggest uzi/ingram-like sub-machine gun in Doom 3. For ammunition: 9mm high-velosity bullets (to go throgh armored wests, you know those cop-killer bullets..). 0 Share this post Link to post
Shaviro Posted February 3, 2001 ahhh come on. If this is doom 3 related then.... Doom is happening in a distant future afaik. And i don't think they use those crap-guns. I really hate when they just put in realism like in counter-strike :Þ. They should use some creativitism instead. Like they did with doom. Sure, you can recognize em, but they do not have a brand of any kind. The Chaingun wasn't named "General Electric Minigun" now was it?! Goddammit. Also, some people in here talk about how much the marine can take of weight and blah blah. Its "ball" heh bullshit! I think its hella more fun to carry 50 rockets than 2. If you put realism into doom, the gameplay would be completely gone. Just look at counter-strike (Yeah i know. I will be flamed for that!)... But guns in general...mmmmm The Beretta 92f The General Electric Minigun (drool) 0 Share this post Link to post
wasted Posted February 3, 2001 JackTheShitter! said:Ahem sounds alot like counter-strike. Apart from hollow points plus from what you are saying what makes you think that Id would go into so much detail? All Im asking for is a little less puzzel and a little more destruction! :) How far in the future is this set? As your starting weapon It would most likley be a weapon that would fire an energy bolt. Mabey later in hell you would pick up guns that still fire bullets. I mean how could YOU BE SO DAM STUPID! DONT EVEN BOTHER LOOKING FOR GRAMMAR AND SPELLING MISTAKES! AHGH! ALL THE IDiots ive met in my life...blah....blah.....blah....... :D Even if id not going to that kind of detailazing they just could write the info about the ammunition on the ammo packs and so you will recieve some new info for your shitfull branes, couse that info will tell you something that you haven't knew before about *real guns* and ammo, dammit. Education!!! Even in future you may need those bullet-loadible guns, dammit. P.S. i hate CounterStrike - damn, its so comlex and damn *real* >:( 0 Share this post Link to post
wasted Posted February 3, 2001 Shaviro said:ahhh come on. If this is doom 3 related then.... Doom is happening in a distant future afaik. And i don't think they use those crap-guns. I really hate when they just put in realism like in counter-strike :Þ. They should use some creativitism instead. Like they did with doom. Sure, you can recognize em, but they do not have a brand of any kind. The Chaingun wasn't named "General Electric Minigun" now was it?! Goddammit. Also, some people in here talk about how much the marine can take of weight and blah blah. Its "ball" heh bullshit! I think its hella more fun to carry 50 rockets than 2. If you put realism into doom, the gameplay would be completely gone. Just look at counter-strike (Yeah i know. I will be flamed for that!)... But guns in general...mmmmm The Beretta 92f The General Electric Minigun (drool) Well, im not the Galahad the wizard, so i'll say nothing bout energy-weapon exept one thing: it must be Plasma gun there, couse thats a fleshburning stuff (i think it was much better in Q3Demo, with purple gooes, not like in Q3Arena...)!!! Yeah, and dont forget that it might be blasters, Laser Beams, Lightning Guns, or even portative Ion Cannon!!! :) (actually im not the big fan of those energy things, exept Plasma...). P.S. Galahad if you haven't read last message in our argue, so read it 0 Share this post Link to post
Shaviro Posted February 3, 2001 Hmmm My view of the doom3 weapons is: The Chainsaw 1 The fist 1 The pistol 2 The Shotgun 3 The super shotgun 3 The Chaingun 4 The Grenade launcher 5 The Rocket Launcher 5 The Plasma gun 6 The BFG 9000 7 0 Share this post Link to post
deadnail Posted February 3, 2001 wasted said:Well, i agree that Doom 3 pistol should have the same qualities as Glock 18 - semi-auto and full auto shots. Well, as i know, SWAT using special "dum-dum" ammo, i mean bullets with different mass center: it goes in your shoulder and left your body through your ass, so that a nice one to have it in DooM 3... About *ANOTHER* pistol: As i can see that babe probobly shots 357 or 44 magnum and if it so its also can have semi-auto mode (it looks better then that damn Desert Eagle models, which are so damn heavy!). Well i also suggest uzi/ingram-like sub-machine gun in Doom 3. For ammunition: 9mm high-velosity bullets (to go throgh armored wests, you know those cop-killer bullets..). Let's see here. That USP is NOT a magnum semi-automatic, bucko! It's a Heckler & Koch USP Match Grade .45 competetion pistol... it's exceptionally accurate. Of all the M1911A1 killers it's either these guys or those other ones... you know, their name begins with 'K'... it evades me right now but you get my point. .45's are how semi-auto's started out for Chrissakes! Yeah, Desert Eagles are pretty heavy. Almost seven damn pounds when loaded! Still, when I shot a .357 Magnum one it just felt like the kick from a .22 so you know they're doing something right! :) Oh, and although there are high-velocity bullets, most armor-piercing bullets are teflon coated. Armor piercing isn't the way to make sure you kill someone either, it's the way to get past armor. Hell, the FN Five-seveN and it's ball-point 5.7 ammunition is MUCH better than any armor piercing 9mm rounds! The *REAL* killer game are the high-trauma rounds (SWAT ammunition). One or two of those and your ass is DOWN. They split up and tumble upon impact, turning your insides into jelly and leaving humongous holes on their way out. 0 Share this post Link to post
Espi Posted February 3, 2001 JackTheShitter! said:Ahem sounds alot like counter-strike. Apart from hollow points plus from what you are saying what makes you think that Id would go into so much detail? All Im asking for is a little less puzzel and a little more destruction! :) How far in the future is this set? As your starting weapon It would most likley be a weapon that would fire an energy bolt. Mabey later in hell you would pick up guns that still fire bullets. I mean how could YOU BE SO DAM STUPID! DONT EVEN BOTHER LOOKING FOR GRAMMAR AND SPELLING MISTAKES! AHGH! ALL THE IDiots ive met in my life...blah....blah.....blah....... :D The weapon you're describing is the start weapon from Quake 2? It was just a piece of crap if Doom 3 has something like that to start with I'm gonna be really upset. There could be bolt guns for jackasses so they could try to lead with their slow bolts to the target and the enemy has shot you full of holes before it impacts, only for you - watching dead on the ground - to see it hit a wall with a ZZTSSSSH sound and some crappy effects and the enemy laughs at you carcass and your feeble bolt gun and comes to cram it up your ass. Energy weapon is of no fucking use if it isn't a very powerful gun with some blast area effect(BFG9000), very fast firing (Plasmagun) or has no travel time (like the gauss/tau/whatever from HL). Why would there be bullet weapons in hell? I think you'd find some weird weaponry in hell, like a devil's flaming trident :p 0 Share this post Link to post
deadnail Posted February 3, 2001 Shaviro said:ahhh come on. If this is doom 3 related then.... Doom is happening in a distant future afaik. And i don't think they use those crap-guns. I really hate when they just put in realism like in counter-strike :Þ. They should use some creativitism instead. Like they did with doom. Sure, you can recognize em, but they do not have a brand of any kind. The Chaingun wasn't named "General Electric Minigun" now was it?! Goddammit. Also, some people in here talk about how much the marine can take of weight and blah blah. Its "ball" heh bullshit! I think its hella more fun to carry 50 rockets than 2. If you put realism into doom, the gameplay would be completely gone. Just look at counter-strike (Yeah i know. I will be flamed for that!)... But guns in general...mmmmm The Beretta 92f The General Electric Minigun (drool) I don't think I ever actually said that I would WANT a Glock 18C in Doom 3. Truth is, I wouldn't. However, what I did up there was take several design features from a few different pistols and combine them into an extremely functional, yet FICTIONAL, pistol that would suit the game well! Moanth: Why you drooling over a Beretta 92FS? Just because it's always either that or a M1911A1 in the movies? Funk dat. Go with a Glock .45 or (Ugh.) 9mm. Hell, even a Glock .357 SIG is like a 9mm Magnum. JackTheShitter: We're going into detail just for the sake of argument to point out that there are several different kinds of ammunition! Sure, there're hollow points. A couple of those and you could still return fire. Get some teflon-coated hollow points and they'd shoot through your body armor but have the same basic effect. However, have some cross-cut hollow points (like black talons or spartans) and they would put your ass down for the count. They are high-trauma inducing rounds meant to put the target down as quick as possible to maximize the safety of the shooter; no return shots. :) Oh, and all the pistol detail Jack? I just combined a bunch of pistols into one that would basically look like a Glock but larger. Press shoot to fire the damn thing, and pressing alt-fire would alternate between semi-auto, 3 shot burst, and full auto firing modes. Respawing with just a pistol SUCKS, at least give the fuckers a chance! =) 0 Share this post Link to post
Espi Posted February 3, 2001 Shaviro said:Hmmm My view of the doom3 weapons is: The Chainsaw 1 The fist 1 The pistol 2 The Shotgun 3 The super shotgun 3 The Chaingun 4 The Grenade launcher 5 The Rocket Launcher 5 The Plasma gun 6 The BFG 9000 7 BOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRINNNGGGGG! WTF we've seen that already damn you. Something new for a change. sheesh. And super shotgun is just the most fucking stupid name for a gun I've ever seen. 0 Share this post Link to post
Shaviro Posted February 3, 2001 Hmmm. It wouldnt be boring, if ID made it correct! I think Doom is fun with the weapons it has. I'm satisfied. 0 Share this post Link to post
Shaviro Posted February 3, 2001 deadnail said: Why i drool over a beretta: 1. I own a hardball Beratta gun. 2. It's the most beutifull handgun ever. 3. i like it more than other guns! And don't spell my name MOanth, (D)eadnail! 0 Share this post Link to post
Shaviro Posted February 3, 2001 DestROYer said:Shut up Maonth, you slut. Shut up Roy, you lousy Grain purifier! 0 Share this post Link to post
Espi Posted February 3, 2001 Shaviro said:Hmmm. It wouldnt be boring, if ID made it correct! I think Doom is fun with the weapons it has. I'm satisfied. I'm not. 0 Share this post Link to post
Espi Posted February 3, 2001 Shaviro said:ahhh come on. If this is doom 3 related then.... Doom is happening in a distant future afaik. And i don't think they use those crap-guns. I really hate when they just put in realism like in counter-strike :Þ. They should use some creativitism instead. Like they did with doom. Sure, you can recognize em, but they do not have a brand of any kind. The Chaingun wasn't named "General Electric Minigun" now was it?! Goddammit. Also, some people in here talk about how much the marine can take of weight and blah blah. Its "ball" heh bullshit! I think its hella more fun to carry 50 rockets than 2. If you put realism into doom, the gameplay would be completely gone. Just look at counter-strike (Yeah i know. I will be flamed for that!)... But guns in general...mmmmm The Beretta 92f The General Electric Minigun (drool) Creativism? In Doom? Oh boy... yeah right it's a pinnacle of creativism... for it's time. Today every game copies the Doom armory, and I'm getting bored of it... 0 Share this post Link to post
Shaviro Posted February 3, 2001 wasted said:Even if id not going to that kind of detailazing they just could write the info about the ammunition on the ammo packs and so you will recieve some new info for your shitfull branes, couse that info will tell you something that you haven't knew before about *real guns* and ammo, dammit. Education!!! Even in future you may need those bullet-loadible guns, dammit. P.S. i hate CounterStrike - damn, its so comlex and damn *real* >:( ah, finally i have found a guy, who shares my feelings about Counterstrike! 0 Share this post Link to post
Shaviro Posted February 3, 2001 Espi said:I'm not. Too many guns spoil it IMO... Oh yeah. NO SNIPERS of any kind in doom3! 0 Share this post Link to post
Jayextee Posted February 3, 2001 Shaviro said:ahhh come on. If this is doom 3 related then.... Doom is happening in a distant future afaik. And i don't think they use those crap-guns. I really hate when they just put in realism like in counter-strike :Þ. They should use some creativitism instead. Like they did with doom. Sure, you can recognize em, but they do not have a brand of any kind. The Chaingun wasn't named "General Electric Minigun" now was it?! Goddammit. Also, some people in here talk about how much the marine can take of weight and blah blah. Its "ball" heh bullshit! I think its hella more fun to carry 50 rockets than 2. If you put realism into doom, the gameplay would be completely gone. Just look at counter-strike (Yeah i know. I will be flamed for that!)... But guns in general...mmmmm The Beretta 92f The General Electric Minigun (drool) Realism sucks. As long as Doom3 plays a hell of a lot better than every FPS around, I don't care. And for the record, there ARE NO Doom clones nowadays. They're all Quake II/Goldeneye/HalfLife clones. Just give me a fucking decent game. Hell, if it has cheesey japanese soft-rock (Think Sega Rally, et al) and Anime sprite graphics I won't care, as long as the gameplay is up to scratch. This kinda shit is spoiling games nowadays. Good old-fashioned gameplay? Not really. Whenever I want any of that I'm forced to power up the old Super NES... THOSE were the days... 0 Share this post Link to post
wasted Posted February 3, 2001 deadnail said: You get the point! Damn, thats the way the pistol in Doom 3 must be! It wouldn't copy the real models, but it might combine the best things of arm guns of nowdays. In future for close combat they could use unificated, light & functional weapon. BTW, have you got the book near with you or what? I mean your answears :) 0 Share this post Link to post
stphrz Posted February 3, 2001 Nah. See everyone has a bug up their ass about Doom3 taking place in the future(id too it seems). By then weapons that hurl little lead projectiles will be obsolete. Do away with 'em entirely I say. I am encouraged by what Rellik had to say about what he saw during his trip to id though........... 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest JackTheShitter! Posted February 3, 2001 deadnail said:BO! SELECTA! sounds like some people dont know what they want... I do :) 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest JackTheShitter! Posted February 3, 2001 deadnail said:Todays quote: Good day my fellow cock suckin ass bandits Do you know any half-life editing? Mabey you could do some models... Just an idea..... 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest JackTheShitter! Posted February 3, 2001 Jayextee said:Ready, set, jump! WWWWWWOOOAOAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! HOW I HATED MY CONSOLES!!!!! thing I loved about doom youcould fall great distances and not lose any health should be a feature in hell! 0 Share this post Link to post
CHAINSAW+DGM Posted February 5, 2001 Jayextee said:Realism sucks. As long as Doom3 plays a hell of a lot better than every FPS around, I don't care. And for the record, there ARE NO Doom clones nowadays. They're all Quake II/Goldeneye/HalfLife clones. Just give me a fucking decent game. Hell, if it has cheesey japanese soft-rock (Think Sega Rally, et al) and Anime sprite graphics I won't care, as long as the gameplay is up to scratch. This kinda shit is spoiling games nowadays. Good old-fashioned gameplay? Not really. Whenever I want any of that I'm forced to power up the old Super NES... THOSE were the days... HEY MAN your site's cool! god money let's go dancing on the backs of the brused! I think game engine havn't changed since quakeII half life sucks! 0 Share this post Link to post
Espi Posted February 9, 2001 Here's a cool mod I just found, what is great about it is that it's singleplayer and has a set release date that he has to make it (it's his final exam or something) It seems to have the nailgun in it, but at least this time it looks like a real tool, not a weapon. 0 Share this post Link to post
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