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guns (i know the topic is dead already)


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I was playin resident evil 2 again last night...for the 235th time this week (I love that game!) and i got to thinkign about the grenade launcher and how it had acid rounds...so i thought some more and came up with an idea...
What if doom 3 had an acid gun...ya know, like a big firehose type thingy that shot out acid... -3.5 pH sulfuric acid (yes pH's can be negative--ask any chemist).

Main fire: shoot acid canisters at somebody from long range...think like acid grenades

alt fire: acid stream, out of the afforementioned firehose that would melt something into a blurred mess of colors (think <<the Dip>> in "who framed roger rabbit")

Whatcha guys think?

Another idea...a Psychosis gun from perf dark. Ok, so it's been done, but what about an exorcism gun? that converts the spirit of the demons to work for u, or they just die, their spirit leaves their body (insert some type of cool environmental effect here).

well i'm done.

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Guest Omega

Not a single word in that Post I can't argue with. Damn!

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Guest JackTheShitter!

True, True...

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ok well this does seem very cool but still dosent seem like a doom wepon thay probly using all the original wepons pus maby a few more.....but the acid barrels thay should look coolwith the new engine

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Uhm you can't really have more than one pH value for an acid. Now the acid you SHOULD use is fluoro-antimonic acid (HF:SbF5). This shit is so powerful it an corrode glass. A 50% solution is over 1000 times stronger than concentrated sulphuric acid.

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