CHAINSAW+DGM Posted February 5, 2001 OK TELL ME! I LIKE BLOOD AND REDNECK RAMPAGE 0 Share this post Link to post
wasted Posted February 5, 2001 Doom is the best of the best. Blood and RR are seems to me more Duke Nukem clones then clones of Doom. Hmm, Duke was pretty good then. Well i suppose Quake and Quake2 are the best Doom clones (specially Q2...) ever... But its really depends what we call clone: Doom is just clone of Wolf3d.... 0 Share this post Link to post
NiGHTMARE Posted February 5, 2001 wasted: you could actually say that Wolf 3D is a clone of 3D Monster Maze. 3DMM was the first ever first person game, and came out around 1980/81. There's no shooting though, and it takes over a minute to move from one screen to the next :) ) Anyway, I assume by "Doom clones" Chainsaw+DGM mean FPS's in general. In that case: Blood Hexen Hexen: Deathkings of the Dark Citadel (or whatever) A few levels in Duke 3D Quake mission pack 1: Scourge of Armagon Quake 2 Quake 2 mission pack 1: The Reckoning Half-life System Shock 2 (it's more of an FPS than an RPG IMO) +several others that I've forgotten about 0 Share this post Link to post
deadnail Posted February 5, 2001 Let's see then... Heretic [especially level design and weapons] Hexen [everything] Duke Nukem 3D [everything except story line] Blood [everything, especially voice acting] Blood 2 [very good, just too buggy. if fixed and updated would rock.] Shadow Warrior [excellent level design and weaponry] Thief [wow!] Quake 2 [decent single player quest, excellent deathmatch] System Shock 2 [the only FPS that ever truly conveyed fear] Unreal [very long and detailed single player quest] SiN [everything! if it just had been bugtested would be perfect!] Heretic II [damn good gameplay, once you leap the learning curve] Half-Life [everything, except lamer-dominated online multiplay] Opposing Force [everything, great balance, just too short] Soldier of Fortune [graphics & violence, gameplay is a little standard] Shogo [is this the only FPS with a story that wasn't tacked-on?] Alice [level design and imagery effect, quite impressive; gameplay was weak] For me the real games that failed to impress me were: Quake [Wow, 50 levels of brown stone. Better than blue stones I guess.] Quake III Arena Heavy Metal FAKK 2 [WAAAY TOO SHORT! BTW, why does a game named after a cartoon full of heavy metal have a hiphop soundtrack?] Hexen II [just fell too flat for me when compared to the original] Unreal Tournament [although FUN AS HELL over a lan, so is Quake 2 and at least that's entertaining when I'm introverting] If some of you guys also have console gaming systems I can wholeheartedly recommend: PSX-Silent Hill Excellent 'Survival Horror' style game. Unlike others in the genre this one features fully polygonic backgrounds and panoramic camera swoops. Great story line, very effective imagery and audio, plus it can get really damn hard if you don't know what you're doing! I bought this game when I still had it rented. :P PSX-Parasite Eve, Parasite Eve II FYI, Parasite Eve was an RPG with 'Survival Horror' elements to it. Nonetheless it's a very entertaining game with a complex engine and several deep mysteries. If you dislike it do not hold it against PE2 which is a COMPLETELY different type of game altogether. It's totally 'Survival Horror' and it absolutely dripping with gameplay, story, and plain old exploring and killing whatever the hell just moved. I can't recommend these games high enough. :) N64-Turok 2: The Seeds Of Evil Yeah, Turok 2. The man with over 16 types of guns and five HUMONGOUS worlds to explore. The single player campaign in this game is longer than Quake 2. The violence is on par with SiN; more realistic than Quake 3 but not as detailed as SoF. No matter, this game is a huge FPS with tons of great puzzles and lots of things to decapitate, disembowel, eviscerate, disembody and of course, just plain blow the fuck up. It's only hamper is that it's on a limited system but at least there's a PC version. I can't find the full version available for sale on the web (but I find tons of sites selling the cartridge) and the demo refuses to play on my system (DAMMIT! I WANT THIS GAME IN HI-RES!). Dreamcast-Fur Fighters Yeah I know there is a PC version too. Yeah I know it doesn't have any blood, decapitations or other signs of realistic violence even though you're pumping bullets into your enemies. Yeah I know it's third person. Yeah I know the graphics are as cute as a Saturday morning cartoon. However, this game has all the playability of Quake 3 with... get this... a single player game. In fact, it has a FUCKING HUGE single player game! This game is incredibly humongous and complex with well thought out puzzles and obstacles and intelligent enemy AI. If you haven't tried it, all I can do is recommend it. You might thank me. 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted February 5, 2001 Here are my choices : > Heretic / Heretic - Shadows of the Serpent Riders : amazing weaponry, hard enemies, inventory. > Hexen / Hexen - Deathkings of the Dark Citadel : everything. > Duke3D : Kickass weaponry, fun as ever on LAN. > Blood : everything, from Caleb´s voice to the bizarre weapons. My alltime favorite LAN game. > Shadow Warrior : Some stunning levels for the BUILD engine. > Hexen II - HX2 Portal of Praevus : The best coop ever, amazing game for it´s moment. > System Shock 2 : creppy, spooky, kick ass. > Shogo : while graphically inferior to other FPS, it had a unique feel. > Thief 1/2 : I love this games. > Heretic II : It can beat Tomb Raider, anytime, anywhere. > STV Elite Force : Script-o-land. Terrific design. > Alice : LEVEL DESIGN! 0 Share this post Link to post
Espi Posted February 5, 2001 I just ordered two new games: Gunman chronicles and Rune. I might get to play them tomorrow, but however anyone here played these games and were they any good? Oh yes I liked Thief 1/2 and System shock 2. Half-life is great with it's addon Opposing force. Hexen II was fun but didn't ever play it through more than once. JHexen is sweeet but Heretic was and still is boring, and I haven't even seen Heretic II. Sin was fun to play through once as was Soldier of fortune. Aliens versus Predator is cool but the levels are too big and hard to navigate and I never played it through with any character because of it. Hidden and Dangerous wasn't all FPS but much fun anyway. 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted February 5, 2001 Correct me if I´m wrong, did you take your pic from Quake3? It looks like one of the layers of a pretty cool shader found on one of the arenas (the one that you play against Anarchy on the botmatch). 0 Share this post Link to post
Windowpain Posted February 5, 2001 wasted said:Doom is the best of the best. Blood and RR are seems to me more Duke Nukem clones then clones of Doom. Hmm, Duke was pretty good then. Well i suppose Quake and Quake2 are the best Doom clones (specially Q2...) ever... But its really depends what we call clone: Doom is just clone of Wolf3d.... DooommmmM! 0 Share this post Link to post
masterhassan Posted February 5, 2001 deadnail said: i love hexen 2! but i didnt play heavy metal, but i did play the demo, why didnt they use teh original soundtrack for teh movie? iron man was on there. IRON MAN. if there was ever any song that defined heavy metal iats iron man "as he lost this mind, can he see or is he blind? can he walk at all or if he moves will he fall?" 0 Share this post Link to post
WhiteNoise Posted February 6, 2001 Iron Man wasn't neccessarily the song that defined heavy metal... I was thinking Paranoid or War Pigs... Wait, forget it... it was the original... "Black Sabbath" Great song. "Is this the end, my friends? Satan's comin' 'round the bend People runnin' 'cause they're scared But these people, they don't go anywhere No, NO, PLEASE NO!!!" Gotta love it. 0 Share this post Link to post
CHAINSAW+DGM Posted February 6, 2001 Espi said:Sure did. HELP ME! how do you do the pic thing? 0 Share this post Link to post
CHAINSAW+DGM Posted February 6, 2001 NiGHTMARE said:wasted: you could actually say that Wolf 3D is a clone of 3D Monster Maze. 3DMM was the first ever first person game, and came out around 1980/81. There's no shooting though, and it takes over a minute to move from one screen to the next :) ) Anyway, I assume by "Doom clones" Chainsaw+DGM mean FPS's in general. In that case: Blood Hexen Hexen: Deathkings of the Dark Citadel (or whatever) A few levels in Duke 3D Quake mission pack 1: Scourge of Armagon Quake 2 Quake 2 mission pack 1: The Reckoning Half-life System Shock 2 (it's more of an FPS than an RPG IMO) +several others that I've forgotten about OH COOL YOU PLAYED THE QUAKE MISSION PACKS TOO! DID YOU GET THEM IN 'QUAKE THE OFFERING'PACK? (I DID) sorry left caps lock on do you like the rouge pack with the lava nails and mulit grenades as well 0 Share this post Link to post
Espi Posted February 6, 2001 CHAINSAW+DGM said:HELP ME! how do you do the pic thing? Go edit your message, it reads upload at the bottom. Follow the link, you should find instructions from there. 0 Share this post Link to post
danarchist Posted February 7, 2001 Hmmm...lemme think...okay...this list may take a while, but these are all of the FPSs I've ever played... Wolf3d - This game was hella cool when it came out and it sorta freaked me out with the fact that you were actualy looking at everything like in real life and people could jump out from behind corners (aaah!). Wolf3d for SNES - Don't ever play this! It sucks! THey ditched all of the Nazi stuff and replaced the Dogs with mutant rats. Doom - Oh yeh! THE classic! Doom for SNES - Sucked! all the enemies had only one set of pixels so they always faced you (no sneaking up). Doom2 - Cooler enemies, worse storyline, and I still can't figure out how to beat some of the levels...:P Heretic - Cool use of the DooM engine, awesome weapons. Hexen - I think it was 'sposed to be a sequal to Heretic or something. Cool levels, monsters, and an awesome gameplay concept. Duke3d - Yeah! My fav platformer in 3d! Hella cool duke sayings, level design was awesome, and the only engine I ever figured out enough to make decent levels on... Quake - 'Holy f*** it's actually 3d!' Thats about what I said when I first played it. But the brown levels, crappy brown weapons and usually brown (or sometimes grey!) enemies along with a senseless ending got me bored quickly. Hexen II - Like the first one, but better! Strange enemy combonations...from spiders to mummies to squids to the four horsemen themselves. Quake II - Right up there with DooM...great single player with equally great multi-player...takes me back...bought it for only $20 along with... Q2: The Reckoning - Great level design, so-so weapons. Q2: Groung Zero - Much the same as above, but with better Deathmatch Q2: Extremities - about 8 mods, 30 skins, and 20 levels...hella cool. Thief - Played a little. Great concept, but didn't play it very much cause it runs slow even on my 366...yeah. Half-Life - Excellent single-player, but multiplayer totally sucks. TFC - Hella cool. Teamplay. Classes. All my favs right here! Can't wait till TF2. Damn valve and thier stalling... Counter-Strike - Overrated if you ask me...I go down every week with my friends and play it at WotC...and get my ass whupped. But its all good if we get to play Jeep-A-Thon...<squish> was that a teamate or an enemy? Who cares! Unreal Tournement - Great Multiplayer...deathmatch almost as good as Q2 (crappier weapons but better level design). CTF is best of any game though. Quake III - Oh boy...they took Q2's excellent deathmatch and trashed it, covering up their mistakes with pretty little graphics. And then the console games: 007: Goldeneye - The only truly good console game I've played. Played for hours with my friends...BOOM...oh looks like you found my prox mines! Single Player was pretty fun. It is especially fun with paintball mode or DK mode. Tourok Series - Played a little of these...single player was pretty good, but DM sucked mainly because of crappy aiming with the controller. South Park - Excellent use of the Tourok engine. It's great fun for the family! DM was actually a little better than single player. 0 Share this post Link to post
CHAINSAW+DGM Posted February 7, 2001 wasted said:Doom is the best of the best. Blood and RR are seems to me more Duke Nukem clones then clones of Doom. Hmm, Duke was pretty good then. Well i suppose Quake and Quake2 are the best Doom clones (specially Q2...) ever... But its really depends what we call clone: Doom is just clone of Wolf3d.... DooM the game we all know and love has over the years been copyed by company other than ID to make - basicly ripp offs like DUKE NUKEM Quake is not a DooM Clone because itwas written by ID 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest KilboypowerheaD Posted February 7, 2001 martyn, you are such an absolute train driver. and by doom clones, do we mean 1st person shooters in general? if so then Unreal Tournament is pretty damn high on my list. 0 Share this post Link to post
DooMBoy Posted February 10, 2001 My absolute most favorite Doom-clone would have to be Soldier of Fortune. It is extrememly realistic in the environment, the enemies, and the weapons. And don't forget the violence! 0 Share this post Link to post
Disorder Posted February 11, 2001 It seems like everybody is forgetting Aliens Versus Predator.. I liked that game a lot. I think it was hella-scary ! 0 Share this post Link to post
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