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DooM : The package !!!!!!!!!


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What would you like to see on the Package of Doom 3 ???
I was kinda curious about this. I'd like to see it completeley black, with "DooM III" written on it in embossed style..
Kinda like MetallicA's black album.

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Me? Personally? Mostly black, but red towards the top. Ground is visible. Like the night lit by a blazing flame.


In gigantic letters on the front, the same steel design or a new more... um... aerodynamic design dripping with blood. In the foreground of the surface there should be dead, ripped bodies piled one upon another.

The back should have horrendous screenshots of in-game violence and it should also have a bright and contrasting box that says in big letters "THIS GAME IS NOT FOR CHILDREN".

Who knows?
Maybe for once parents will actually pay attention to these things. I feel weird, I wasn't allowed to watch R rated movies when I was a kid. I couldn't even watch Tom & Jerry. My 8 year old cousin was telling me about this 'cool' game called 'Blood' and he was going on and on about the violent details.

Um, yeah.

So my uncle is a total fucking moron. No surprise here.

If parents can see the R on a movie they can see the M on a video game. If they think that just because it's a game it's for little kids they're fucking ignorant. What ever happened to kissing games at recess?

They just caught a college kid in California with a sawed off pump action 12 gauge and a bag full of bombs. They're putting him to trail for conspiracy to commit murder and all kinds of other things.


Did video games make him do it?

Ha. Ahem.


But I'm sure they'll be blamed anyway.

Remember that couple that replayed the diner scene in the movie "Natural Born Killers"? People are morons. If you don't paint "DON'T STICK THIS UP YOUR ASS" on the end of every Pepsi bottle you sell someone will get around to filing charges against you in favor of the lowest common denomenator of common sense.

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The box would be black. In the front, a dim spotlight casts a sharp circle on the stone, blood-soaked, ground. At the center of the spot, you´ll find the marine. Instead of the green-fluo crap armor, he´s wearing a black and metal full armor, yet thin and flexible (not like Starcraft Marine´s outfit, something more like the new military prototypes). He would be bended, with his knees on the ground, his weapon on the side. His face´s not visible due to the reflection of the helmet visor. Scratches all around the surface of the armor, and his head down, looking to the ground like if everything was doomed. His arms raised a little, with the palms facing up. The Marine´s looking his hands, tainted with blood. That way you can combine the sad look of a doomed soul with the rage and thirst for vengeance.
On top, you´ll find the embossed DooM logo, only that replacing the blue-tech for dark gray metallic, and the yellow stone for a mix of rust, blood, and strange symbols. It would be poorly lited, otherwise it would contrast too much. Below, you´ll find the III using basically the same font.

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A black background with a few stars, like in space. On that, "Doom III" in big scary letters (kind of like the Alien movies).

Under that, a close-up of Doom guy's helmet. In his helmet, we see a reflection of Mars, complete with structures in the distance, a mountainous landscape and the dark silhouette of a cyberdemon (nothing revealing, just enough to make a veteran Doomer realise it's a cyberdemon).

In short, something spooky, dramatic and friggin' good-looking. It better be because when I get it I'll be staring at it all the way home... Damn I long for that moment.

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If the Icon of Sin would make it's re-appearance in DIII., then I would like to see it's face embossed on the package......... !!!

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Guest Hopeless

A completely black box with the title written in the style of the original doom (with new colors)
Below it should be a scorched planet, and below that a cool line like "This is Hell" or something better (I'm not very good at making cool lines). And it should look like it's burning as you look at it from different angles.

On the back, there should be pictures of mosnsters along with some briefing of the game.

On the inside of the flap (the extra page that opens on the front) there must be screenshots of the game. And they must include an ID Software or DOOM poster!

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Guest elyuca

How about a tin box like Q3A's limeited edition ones?
It would be dark green resembling a chain gun ammo box. Maybe it could be all beaten up like the id logo, and it sahoud just say DooM III at the top. This time though, not suck a colorfull logo, but maybe dark gray and dark green.
People dint need screenshots or game info true Doom fans at least, so I agree having it being like the black alnum, only better made, and with better style.

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this is what i want too. in the style of the balkc album. with the doom logo, just barely visible. . my favorite game package was hexen 2, i love that. and the manuel was teh best. it looked like an old book or diary. doom 3's shoudl be kinda like that

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Guest c-d-w
Disorder said:

If the Icon of Sin would make it's re-appearance in DIII., then I would like to see it's face embossed on the package......... !!!

A blatently satanic image like that probably wouldn't go over well with most stores..

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Guest c-d-w
deadnail said:

Tom and Jerry? Hanna Barbara cartoons aren't the least bit violent. I assume you weren't allowed to watch Warner Bros. stuff either?

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The hell?

I could always watch Elmer blast Daffy point blank in the face with a double barrelled shotgun.

Watching Jerry cut Tom's tail into slices with scissors, watching Tom stuff the mouse into a blender and turn it on, watching Spike the dog crack a baseball bat in two over the cat's head, and of course there's that one great scene where Jerry just flat out punches Tom right in the eye.

Nah, they weren't violent in the least. :)

Nowadays almost all of the Tex Avery toons where someone committed suicide have been censored.

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c-d-w said:

A blatently satanic image like that probably wouldn't go over well with most stores..

so what if a load of little christain are gonna get offended

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Hopeless said:

A completely black box with the title written in the style of the original doom (with new colors)
Below it should be a scorched planet, and below that a cool line like "This is Hell" or something better (I'm not very good at making cool lines). And it should look like it's burning as you look at it from different angles.

On the back, there should be pictures of mosnsters along with some briefing of the game.

On the inside of the flap (the extra page that opens on the front) there must be screenshots of the game. And they must include an ID Software or DOOM poster!

yes! we gotta have a free poster with the doom gun holdin' a shotgun in one hand and the skull of a demon in the other
with a big metal,shot up,burnin' doom logo behind him
...........i'm just gonna go off and do a sketch of that....
maybe I'll send it in some time!

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Hmmm...box should be something like this...
Sorta like the Ultimate Doom box (black with DOOM written in usual format), except this time the title is just ever-so-slightly different enough so you will say 'hey...thats not Doom 2...thats not DOOM 2!'. But definately not as drastic as when they changed the Q2 symbol into the Q3 sybol. Perhaps there is a pick barely visible (black on black like on the Black album...boy we are begining to sound the same) and then some cool saying...like 'When you just thought it was safe...hell is BACK!' or something.
And then there could be a version for long time gamers that says 'Finally, after ten years of waiting...HELL IS BACK!'
And then they just sell it to us for $5 cause they took so damn long and theyll even give us a bonus disk full of bonus levels and stuff...yeah...right.

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Guest BEnT2440

Has anyone ever seen the cover for Beautiful Midnight by Matthew Good Band? It looks ordinary enough, but when you look at in the light there is a whole bunch of words that you can't normally see. I think that would be really cool for the Doom box. It would have stars all over it and in the middle it would have Mars, with it's moons near it. People will say "What's this game" and then when they look at it in the store lights I'll say "DOOM" overtop of Mars and some other stuff, like "It's never really over" or something. And in the bottom corner it would say "UAC CLASSIFIED MATERIAL - DO NOT ATTEMPT TO ACCESS/USE". But the UAC part would be in white text, which would look damaged and decayed.

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BEnT2440 said:

Has anyone ever seen the cover for Beautiful Midnight by Matthew Good Band? It looks ordinary enough, but when you look at in the light there is a whole bunch of words that you can't normally see. I think that would be really cool for the Doom box. It would have stars all over it and in the middle it would have Mars, with it's moons near it. People will say "What's this game" and then when they look at it in the store lights I'll say "DOOM" overtop of Mars and some other stuff, like "It's never really over" or something. And in the bottom corner it would say "UAC CLASSIFIED MATERIAL - DO NOT ATTEMPT TO ACCESS/USE". But the UAC part would be in white text, which would look damaged and decayed.

Oooh, good idea. Doom3, cool picture. If you look at it under a blacklight, you'll see "All your bases are belong to us" :)

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Anyone see the movie, "This is Spinal Tap"?

"It makes you ask the question... how much more black could it be? The answer is - none. None more black."

"It does look like... black leather..."

"I think it looks like death."


Great scene. ;c)

I think it should have a black cover, with like something really cool like a picture you only see under a blacklight, or some color changing shit (like in the 80's... but make it change from black to red when exposed to heat), with some really evil messages or something... then you like open the little flap on the front, and the Doom 3 logo's there, along with the rating, and all the other standard box-cover stuff.

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Guest BEnT2440
DiSTuRBeD said:

Lunaran's UAC poster!

Yeah, that's where I got the idea from. That's a great poster.

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