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DooM community


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I kind of think this has been discussed before but it was a long time ago. What is going to happen to our "community" once DooM 3 comes out? I mean, will Doomworld even be remembered? Or will it be overrun by all kinds of sights designed by jackass newbies? Will all kinds of newbies look back at DooM and DooM 2 and laugh? Will they have any respect for those of us who have been there since the begining? It could get scary.

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Scary as hell. Well, not really. But there's definately going to be those who think previous doom games are shit.

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Actually those people already exist. If this domain is going to be a haven of information/files on the New Doom as well then it's only inevitable they'll come to this forum. Bastards.

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Guest elyuca

I hope theres no relation between ypou and the-widow-raper

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It will be here and it will thrive. However it won't be irritating speculation like this forum has been permeated with for the past several months..


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Yes how scary. The new doom community will probably be way bigger than this current one. Face it, we're like second to last above the Wolf3d crowd. Doom is dated and poor in today's tech standards. Sure, I play it all the time cause it's just so damn fun... but most gamers prefer the new games with the pretty graphics.

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deadnail said:

Actually those people already exist. If this domain is going to be a haven of information/files on the New Doom as well then it's only inevitable they'll come to this forum. Bastards.

can we keep this forum and have a new one made for newbie's?
....oh come on!

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I really don't think Doom 3 is going to interfere much with the present community. I mean, look at the Quakes. The three games have very seperate communities, with the "serious" people mainly sticking to Q1 and 2, the "l337 sp34k ll4m45" having migrated to Q3:A.

Planet Quake even has the option to view the news related to the specific games rather than all of them, and hopefully Doomworld will do the same thing.

Besides, there are people in the Doom community who have computers so utterly shite that they can barely run Quake 1, let alone Doom 3. As long as these people don't visit Ebay and see that they could get an upgrade for about $10, the existing Doom community will survive :)

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Guest Stealthy Ivan

I will play doom2 till I die....... And I still have my team of people who are with me on that. We will always be in the doom community.

(The newbies will have to listen to the wise old ones!!)
Stealthy Ivan

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chainsaw+dgm said:

can we keep this forum and have a new one made for newbie's?
....oh come on!

You're a newbie ya know

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Guest fragg

Color me "dreamer", but I think Doomworld staff recognizes "Opportunity" when it sees it. So, here's my prediction......

When D3 comes out Doomworld will embrace it, and all the new engine-mods and new Wads and new TC's that will spring up from D3.
And, Doomworld will keep ALL its present Doom/Doom2 Wads, TC's, engine ports, links, etc.

Tons of new people will flow into Doomworld.
Doomworld will be THE place to go for help/info on Doom (D1/D2/D3).

Sure, they'll be some friction/cliques in this huge Community that Doomworld's gonna become --- but it'll be the "noise"/"activity"/"news" of a big brawling, fragging, mod-building, engine-porting, "Doom Family".
With major Sections devoted to D1/D2, and major Sections for D3. And there'll be lotsa people crossing back n'forth. Lotsa "cross-pollinating".

Doomworld staff (by responding to, embracing Carmack's "D3 blockbuster") will as a result, expand -- as new advertisers generate new revenues for "THE" Doomsite of the whole web.
Hail, to Doomworld's bright future.

Off my soapbox now (running fer cover...)

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I hope like hell this place isn't overrun by newbies. It would remind me of the time when a WotC opened up in the mall. Me and my friends hang out there playing cards/warhammer/Q2...
Then one day Wizards released Pokemon! The frickin place was overrun by little kids for months! Its was a nightmare! nooo maamaa nooo!
Well hopefully there won't be any little kids here. They should know they shouldn't play violent games that young. Look what it did to me!

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Well as this is Doomworld.com and posts concern Doom and Doom2, perhaps Doom3 will just tag on and be included

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