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Any rumors as to when DOOM III will be out ?????


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Carmack once said that he always wanted his games to be in production for at most 18 months.
If the work he did with it before the rest of the team got done with team arena isn't too certain, but 18months from team arena's release or the date mentioned in my signature should be a pretty safe bet

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i've had doom3 for years. its on my 8088 xt with 128 kb of ram...heh and they said that 64 k would be all that you'd ever5 need. instead of their crappy cga displays with 4 k of memory, with 320 x200. i have an ega with 8 k or ram with 320x200...when will those people learn?

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Charon said:

What are you guys talking about??? It's been out for 2 weeks already!

lol, ... Yeah, I just picked it up at WalMart. What a game

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Now, don't get me wrong on this, but I heard it's coming out tomorrow-LOL!!
Heheh, just kidding.
In all seriousness, we(and I guess that means you, too, DOG MEAT) should be seeing D3 at the end of this year or sometime mid-to-late next year.

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Phoenix said:

lol, ... Yeah, I just picked it up at WalMart. What a game


But we'll be playing the doomtest before then.

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