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Doom ]I[ is it really worth it?.

Guest xaero

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Guest xaero

I know i am going to get flamed for this one for sure but does anyone really think that Doom 3 will really add anything new to the FPS genre?. I mean Doom came out in 1993, and games have progressed an awesome amount since then. For example Deus Ex, HalfLife, and System Shock 2 have added a whole new dimension to the FPS experience and as a result todays gamers deserve more than just another boring straightforward shooter.

I think that ID software should Focus on the gameplay for single player action for Doom 3 and try to lift it above the Quagmire that some modern shooters wallow around in.

I hope they can make something special.

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Well, according to Carmack they are focusing on the Single Player experience like never before so my hopes are high.

That on top of what will surely be a completely ground breaking engine that, if nothing else, will spawn off plenty of other great 3rd party games.

Heretic had amazing level design but wouldn't've existed without Doom.
Half-Life had an amazing single player campaign but wouldn't be here without Quake.

Hell, even Deus Ex wouldn't be here without Unreal Tournament.

Even if you have no faith in iD's ability to make the game itself incredible, you must at least admit that with the engine will come a new era of graphics and in-game interactive capability.

So yeah, from every aspect you can look at it this game is definitely worth waiting for. =)

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I think that Doom should be Id's single-player series and Quake be Id's multi-player series, since Doom has always been more single-player oriented and Quake has always been more multiplayer oriented.

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deadnail said:

Well, according to Carmack they are focusing on the Single Player experience like never before so my hopes are high.

That on top of what will surely be a completely ground breaking engine that, if nothing else, will spawn off plenty of other great 3rd party games.

Heretic had amazing level design but wouldn't've existed without Doom.
Half-Life had an amazing single player campaign but wouldn't be here without Quake.

Hell, even Deus Ex wouldn't be here without Unreal Tournament.

Even if you have no faith in iD's ability to make the game itself incredible, you must at least admit that with the engine will come a new era of graphics and in-game interactive capability.

So yeah, from every aspect you can look at it this game is definitely worth waiting for. =)

Well, look the subject with an optimistic eye : the only thing that iD must try to accomplish is killer design.

All iD titles had superior technollogy.
All iD titles are superbly rendered. Few artists can compare to iD ones.
All iD titles had good to superb gameplay. Even if they´re straight, linear and boring, the enemy/equipment flow is almost flawless.

They have all the potential to make a groundbreaking game. The key is design. If they don´t screw DooM3 storyline, everything´s done...

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I think doom could be just like it is, with cinematics isntead of the text that came after certain levels. It's just perfect. Its a game, i want gameplay. If i want a story, i'll go read a fucking book.

Just look at serious sam. It's pretty much like that, and lots of people like it.

Doom has the special little thing that the story actually is qute a bit more advanced than you'd think. Just look at the level progression, read the in-between text that pops up now and then, and you'll see how you progress towards your targets in pretty good detail. You just need to think a bit.

"All your bases belong to us". This is all we have heard from ID about doom3. this little line can pull you very far into the story. You can clearly see that there's no english specialist that has written\said that. It would most likely be what the deamons sent through the human bases's comms right before the walls were torn down and all hell broke loose everywhere.

Damn, this turned into another topic ;)

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danarchist said:

I think that Doom should be Id's single-player series and Quake be Id's multi-player series, since Doom has always been more single-player oriented and Quake has always been more multiplayer oriented.


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