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- A hint from ID software ??? -


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Quote : <<< "All your base belong to us". This is all we have heard from ID about doom3. this little line can pull you very far into the story. You can clearly see that there's no english specialist that has written\said that. It would most likely be what the deamons sent through the human bases's comms right before the walls were torn down and all hell broke loose everywhere." >>> -Disturbed, a couple of posts below...

This is an interesting theory. The "All your base belong to us" text was from an old poorly translated arcade-game. I know this. But do you guys think this is something what the demons will say to the marines in DooM III before they will destroy their bases??? Or does ID mean something else with it... Give me some nice theories...

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Guest Stealthy Ivan

They could have put it on there knowing that doomers would find it. It might not mean anything at all. They might be laughing at all of us for trying to figure out what it means...?!?!

(It could happen??)
Stealthy Ivan

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That´s from the oxygen tank, right? I think iD just placed that little phrase to keep storming the forums with the "all of your..." crap. As Lütz says, no forum is safe from that.

It COULD be something that the demons say. But I think that those demons that possess the capacity to talk the human language have more brain than that. I can´t imagine a pinkie talking to you, but it´s believable that the Barons of Hell talked to you trought telepathy, with a loud, low-pitched echoing voice...

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IF this is a message from the demons it must take place after the fall of Icon of Sin. The story probably contains that hell is once again attacking human bases on, Mars? Deimos? Phobos? Earth? Or should it be on another planet this time?

Well, I think it´s a message from hell, or maybe we´re just wasted our time with this question.

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Zaldron said:

That´s from the oxygen tank, right? I think iD just placed that little phrase to keep storming the forums with the "all of your..." crap. As Lütz says, no forum is safe from that.

It COULD be something that the demons say. But I think that those demons that possess the capacity to talk the human language have more brain than that. I can´t imagine a pinkie talking to you, but it´s believable that the Barons of Hell talked to you trought telepathy, with a loud, low-pitched echoing voice...

Speaking of telepathy, I really liked Nihilanth's voice at the end of Half-Life. Those were the single most scary sound effects I've ever heard in a game.

"Man, you are not man you are"..."Last, I am the last, I am"..."Slaves, we are their slaves we are"...


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Stealthy Ivan said:

They could have put it on there knowing that doomers would find it. It might not mean anything at all. They might be laughing at all of us for trying to figure out what it means...?!?!

(It could happen??)
Stealthy Ivan


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Guest fraggle`

i've said it before and i'll say it again, its a quote from jeffk

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Doom3 is actually being made by Chinese slave labour and all they have written so far is the story line. Unfortunately, most of it was lost in the translation, and thats all that's left.

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Zaldron said:

That´s from the oxygen tank, right? I think iD just placed that little phrase to keep storming the forums with the "all of your..." crap. As Lütz says, no forum is safe from that.

It COULD be something that the demons say. But I think that those demons that possess the capacity to talk the human language have more brain than that. I can´t imagine a pinkie talking to you, but it´s believable that the Barons of Hell talked to you trought telepathy, with a loud, low-pitched echoing voice...

Speaking of things enemies say in games, I bet you all know of the Icon of Sin's famous backwards phrase. Well after I found that out I used this information, a crappy wad editor, and a crappy sound mixer, I found out that Desperil from heretic says 'Surrender to Desperil' backwords. I bet you couldn't have found that out. :P

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Let's say i'd take "All your bases belong to us", translate it to norwegian and just change the words to their english placeholders and not worry about sentence structure when putting it back.
Now that would be a real poor example since the sentence structure would be the same in norwegian, but you get the idea of why the english was so poor.
And IF they got it from that old game... well, may be. But i can imagine that they made it up.

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