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Zdoom + Jdoom

Guest s999cop

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Guest s999cop

i downloaded jdoom long ago, but i just started it recently. Have anyone notice the features about jdoom, too dark huh? If zdoom and jdoom combine together must be great. Hope zdoom and jdoom's designers can hear my words...

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LOL... Doom Forver? Is that Spanish???
Hey, I deleted my post about Brutal Britney-Fantasies...
I hoped you guys liked it. But you didn't. I can't help it. I've got this unexplainable hate against Britney "cumshot" Spears... :) But putting Jdoom + Zdoom together isn't such a great idea I think. If they're developing those versions alone, the competition would be greater. You might get better versions this way in the future...

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