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I AM BACK HEHEHEH!!, waz been happenin


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K , i just got back here today,my comps been fucked up for 2 weeks, any interesting news, doom3 posts, or any other stupid newbie arrivals happen?

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Guest JudgeDooM

Hey macchie!! wazzup? There is a new fuckin' newbie called "username" that has arrived recently. I hope you will shut his fuckin mouth whenever he speaks, 'cos when he does, it's to insult us!

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Welcome back, the coffee hasn't tasted the same since you left.
The only huge difference here is the appearance of an English-challenged individual who goes by Username. If you ask me, trying to figure out what he/she/it is trying to say is half the fun.

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Guest Dream Destroyer

And we have had a streak of PMS. Apparently some dike named "Dexter" (yah, wtf is what I'm thinking too, mother must have been drunk when she got named) has been insulting our brothern.

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JudgeDooM said:

Hey macchie!! wazzup? There is a new fuckin' newbie called "username" that has arrived recently. I hope you will shut his fuckin mouth whenever he speaks, 'cos when he does, it's to insult us!

Next post that dumpster humper makes will get my
official STFU(tm), and boy i can't wait.


glad to be back :)


BTW. DEXTER???? WTF???????

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Dream Destroyer said:

And we have had a streak of PMS. Apparently some dike named "Dexter" (yah, wtf is what I'm thinking too, mother must have been drunk when she got named) has been insulting our brothern.

Heya Dream Destroyer:
'she got named'?

Boy, that just hurt reading it. Take a little bit of fucking time, willya?! =)

Oh, and hi Mac. You'll have to wait on Username, I've already killed all of his/her/it's meaningless posts.

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Guest Dream Destroyer

Hey, don't point your finger at me, she's the enemy. :)

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We all missed you sooo much! You see, when you left, everything got all nice and quiet. Then a gay fag of a homosexual named Username showed up ( I heard that he locked his posts so I'm not sure if you'll get to read them) and after him, Dexter starts giving everone crap because we call people gay. But now that you're back maybe everything will go back to being normal.

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nice and quiet = boring

me and forum = NEWBIE CRUCIFIXION! (unless they are nice newbies)

piss + coffee = coffee you are drinking right now (my specialty)

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Hey Mac! Glad to have you back, man!

You know how to handle newbies. Let me give you today´s speciality :

1) Username´s snake & ball shit soup with domers and britneys.

2) Dexter´s I´m-looking-for-a-sense-of-humor-on-Ebay L337 french fries.

/me fills cup

Mmmmm, I was missing this great coffee. You must give me the recipe someday :)

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Next post that dumpster humper makes will get my
official STFU(tm), and boy i can't wait.


glad to be back :)


BTW. DEXTER???? WTF???????

ive never liked coffee. but do you have that in french vanilla? thats teh only coffe i can stand. but yours does have a sweet aroma and delicious taste, i must say...well i mustve said..er...forget it.

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Guest Dark_Fox
Dream Destroyer said:

And we have had a streak of PMS. Apparently some dike named "Dexter" (yah, wtf is what I'm thinking too, mother must have been drunk when she got named) has been insulting our brothern.

Cow.. =P
Yep.. Welcome back MAC, Introduce her to some coffee, maybe she will see the darker side of doom.. =)

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