Psyonisis Posted February 10, 2001 About this thing about D3 requiring something like over 1GHz to run smoothly... My friend and many other people at my school have been saying that to even USE that amount of power you need something like 5+GB of RAM. Because apparently the data has to go through the RAM first and then to the processor. Therefore, more RAM, more processing power to use. Is this true? Also another neat thing that my friend was talking about... some company (I think IBM) is developing this thing called permanent RAM in which you need no harddrive at all. It's about 90 gigs, has AMAZING transfer rate, and you can set any amount of gigs as your normal RAM. So like, you can set yourself aside 20 gigs of RAM to use and the leftover 70 gigs will be your HD! I think hardware companies should invest more research into this shit... 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted February 10, 2001 You´ll see... The 1GHZ processor is not to blit an incredible amount of data, but make as soon as posible these things : 1) For non-TL users : Where are the things, where they will be in the next frame and doing what? 2) The AI. Under this circunstances, what are we going to do? 3) Is the user hammering some key? 4) This should start drawing now, and this things are out of sight... 5) etc, etc Take for example a very complex calculation with +1000 digits numbers. The amount of data to transfer from RAM to CPU is really small. But the CPU takes a lot of time making the calcs. Preliminary results are stored on the L1 and L2 caches until the result is outputed (?) to the cvar. Then there´s the graphics card calculations. This is the most gross part. Here´s where an average of 30 MB of the 192 MB stored in RAM are blitted (drawed). Add all the hyper-time consuming bump and light calculations. Imagine what would be to have those Ramdisks... you´ll turn on your machine, and as soon as the monitor gets on, Windows there. Let´s run Doom3, just click, and there it is! since it´s already on RAM. 0 Share this post Link to post
deadnail Posted February 10, 2001 I'm curious. How does the RAM keep it's data after it loses power? Would that be like formatting the drive every time you hit the power button? Okay, so maybe you have to leave your PC on all the time. What about blackouts? If they've solved this problem, and this is the only problem I can forsee, then I'm all for it! Imagine... no more buffer underruns while making CDs! Humongous game levels (like SoF) load in a heartbeat. You can edit 800 by 1600 drawings just as easily as 320 by 200. Man, this sounds shagalicious. Hope it gets here soon. Hmm, will we get USB2 with that? 480 megs a second sure sounds nice. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest elyuca Posted February 10, 2001 Doesnt flash ram use a battery? The same one used to run the clock. 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted February 10, 2001 Flash is SLOOOW to rewrite. Mmh, I wonder what IBM´s doing... polarized crystals maybe? 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted February 10, 2001 deadnail said:I'm curious. How does the RAM keep it's data after it loses power? Would that be like formatting the drive every time you hit the power button? Okay, so maybe you have to leave your PC on all the time. What about blackouts? If they've solved this problem, and this is the only problem I can forsee, then I'm all for it! Imagine... no more buffer underruns while making CDs! Humongous game levels (like SoF) load in a heartbeat. You can edit 800 by 1600 drawings just as easily as 320 by 200. Man, this sounds shagalicious. Hope it gets here soon. Hmm, will we get USB2 with that? 480 megs a second sure sounds nice. Now that I realize. I think we just kicked the ONLY woman that ever entered here. Mmhh, not a smart move to most people, but we don´t need another pseudo-Username... 0 Share this post Link to post
deadnail Posted February 10, 2001 Here's 3 simples words for ya Z-Man: SO FUCKING WHAT. It's not like we could see her, smell her, or she was even typing with her tits. It's not like we stink up the place or type with our dicks either. In all actuality it was probably a little gay 12 year old boy who's very, very confused. You say that like kicking 'her' was a BAD thing. People are fucking morons, all colors sexes and creeds. Women are like children, blacks, or the Chinese. Just like every other single group of people. A few winners. A whole fucking LOT of losers. 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted February 10, 2001 Yeah, you´re right, but is always more fun to argue with them... Even you take your part, and a damn big one... Now that I think of it, lame newbies are more important that I believed, spice things up a little. 0 Share this post Link to post
deadnail Posted February 10, 2001 Thanks for saying I have a damn big part, bucko. I'm surrounded by perverts, theives, and liars. Home sweet home all over again. 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted February 10, 2001 Then, maybe I´m not a pervert, but a liar :) Or even a thief... no wait, that´s too gross... 0 Share this post Link to post
deadnail Posted February 10, 2001 GODDAMMIT GIVE THAT BACK! I GOTTA TAKE A WHIZ! 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted February 10, 2001 I can´t, it´s already on Ebay, article n° 19486836603857654... 0 Share this post Link to post
deadnail Posted February 10, 2001 God damn it all to the 7th circle of hell this is the fucking FIFTEENTH TIME MY COCK HAS BEEN ON THE AUCTION BLOCK AT EBAY!! Why the hell does this shit keep happening to me?!?! /me uses 'Sneak' /me stole Zaldron's left testicle Great, now I'm up to seven. Perfect, I got something totally useless. Well, howabout a trade Z-Man? I'll give you back Ping if you give me back Stanley... 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Dark_Fox Posted February 10, 2001 deadnail said:Thanks for saying I have a damn big part, bucko. I'm surrounded by perverts, theives, and liars. Home sweet home all over again. Home sweet home.. Damn newbie stop making love to my leg! *smack!* 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted February 10, 2001 deadnail said:God damn it all to the 7th circle of hell this is the fucking FIFTEENTH TIME MY COCK HAS BEEN ON THE AUCTION BLOCK AT EBAY!! Why the hell does this shit keep happening to me?!?! /me uses 'Sneak' /me stole Zaldron's left testicle Great, now I'm up to seven. Perfect, I got something totally useless. Well, howabout a trade Z-Man? I'll give you back Ping if you give me back Stanley... /me talks with a pitch 3 times higher. <YOU BASTARD!!> <THIS MEANS WAR, DEADNAIL!!!> /me stoles deadnail´s house dust, trashcans, dirty dishes and cloth for laundry. <HOW ABOUT THAT! FEAR MY GLORIOUS THIEF SKILLS!!!> Yeah, now I have him right where I wanted... 0 Share this post Link to post
deadnail Posted February 10, 2001 You... you bastard! /me puts Ping in a ice cube tray Alright asshole, if you want Ping to ever see Pong again you'd better give me Stanley back before I make a long island ice tea! Dammit! I need my cups back! 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted February 10, 2001 OH YEAH?!? /me stoles deadnail´s trenchcoat. /me throws trenchcoat inside the oven. You smell that, deadnail? It´s the smell of victory... 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest elyuca Posted February 10, 2001 Is taht what MRAM is all about? (magnetic ram) or ERAM (embeded)? 0 Share this post Link to post
deadnail Posted February 10, 2001 Zaldron said:OH YEAH?!? /me stoles deadnail´s trenchcoat. /me throws trenchcoat inside the oven. You smell that, deadnail? It´s the smell of victory... /me inserts full magazine into Glock 31C /me aims scope between Zaldron's beady little foreigner eyes GIVE ME BACK MY DICK NOW OR I'LL SHOVE IT DOWN YOUR THROAT AND CHOKE YOU TO DEATH! DROP THE DICK! DROP IT! /me whispers to himself, "How many times do I have to say that today? Sheesh." DROP THE DICK OR DIE! /me tightens trigger finger 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted February 10, 2001 See this, deady?!?!?!? This is Stanley, and he is having a reunion with my old friend TriNitroToluene!!! Drop the weapon or your friend go to the Dick´s Valhalla!! (hey, I wanna go there too!) /me holds overcomplicated piece of technocrap with a dick glued by some pieces of 3M. 0 Share this post Link to post
deadnail Posted February 10, 2001 You bastard! /me drops the pistol So you've got my cock in one hand and a stick of TriNitroTaluene in the other... what do you need with two sticks of TNT, huh? C'mon man, no one's dick needs to get hurt. Just drop the bomb, huh? I can wash it loose myself. Just back away and no one has to get hurt. /me slowly reaches behind his back 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted February 10, 2001 /me looks psychotic NO ONE UNDERSTANDS MEEE!!!! I CAN´T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!! /me ignites TNT´s bundle and starts running to a cliff´s edge. 0 Share this post Link to post
deadnail Posted February 10, 2001 /me quickly pulls out a hidden compact .45 and plugs Zaldron in his running ass, leaving an exit wound three inches wide in his right hand front side /me dives on TNT bundle and pulls the burning fuse out, throwing it a few feet away /Zaldron lies on the ground, whimpering like a little bitch /me laughs at Zaldron and hugs his cock, welcoming it /Zaldron suddenly... 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted February 10, 2001 ...stands up and says : YOU FOOL!! MUAHAHAHAHA!! DoomWorld servers have a gibs_remain_time of 30 second!! /deadnail´s dick and Zaldron´s left testicle dissapears from sight. 0 Share this post Link to post
deadnail Posted February 10, 2001 /me hax0rs Zaldron's IP and trails him to another server /me says, "I remember this level..." "You got the super shotgun!" /me says, "Stop camping, bitch! I know you're here!" 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted February 10, 2001 /me respawns with 100% health, a pistol and 2 testicles. /me quits the game (looser) OK, im really tired. It was really funny, sorta like roleplaying, but with a more bizarre scheme. Anyway, I should go to bed, it´s still early (2:30 AM) but I have to do some crap today on the morning (damn why did I choose Computer Science?!?) Well, deadnail, we have just created enough material for the-widow-maker to mock us for the rest of our existence... 0 Share this post Link to post
deadnail Posted February 10, 2001 Okay, here's Ping. You're family's back together now. /me screws Stanley back on Ahh, that's better. You know why I named him that? Simple. After the power drill. ;) Nighty night bucko. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest elyuca Posted February 10, 2001 Oh, and how do nintendo cartrides keep their memory? 0 Share this post Link to post
NiGHTMARE Posted February 10, 2001 Err, if there's going to be RAM with permament data on, then surely that means it would no longer be RAM (random access memory)? They'll have to call it FAM (frequent access memory) or something instead :) 0 Share this post Link to post
deadnail Posted February 10, 2001 elyuca said:Oh, and how do nintendo cartrides keep their memory? Simple, the same way as arcade game machines. ROM. Read only memory. Some also have Save RAM (like RPGs), utilizing a battery to keep it going. 0 Share this post Link to post
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