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What would you like to see in the intro ???


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If Doom 3 will have a nice intro. What would you people like to see in that intro? If it would take place on earth, than I'd like to see something like this >>> I would like to see Newsflashes with reporters standing in front of burning cities. I would like to see Eye-witness reportings. People running away from their homes. I'd like to see dead bodies everywhere lying on the streets. That kinda shit.

Now it's your turn...

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Intros are the kinda useless bullshit that IMHO games can live without. So an intro can set a story - big deal, in the sheme of things, games have lame stories anyway - you want to read one, get a BOOK.

It _is_ good to see a fairly fresh subject, though.
A hell, I'll go with game demos playing as you set up your options, or load. Now where have I seen THAT before?

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Guest elyuca

A 3-5 Minute rendered version of everything important that happened in Doom 1 and 2. Killed the barons, killed the cyberdemon, killed the mastermind, killed the icon of sin etc..

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Fwahahaha, I remember this. No matter the content of the intro is should be both made with the in-game engine and be skippable. Two big factors.

Now then, I just had a blistering thought. All the weapons have 2 levels and 2 ammos. Simple and effective.

1: Knife / Chainsaw

2: Pistol / SMG
(normal bullets or high trauma bullets [1.5 damage])

3: Double barrelled pump action shotgun / Combat shotgun
(buckshot or rifled slugs [armor piercing])

4: Rifle / Minigun
(normal bullets or armor piercing bullets)

5: Grenades / Grenade Launcher (ala Quake 2)
(normal h.e. or incindiary [bigger blast but less damage])

6: Hi-Tech Rocket Launcher*
(normal h.e. or hunters)

7: Magnum Pistol / Magnum Pistol w/ attachments
(normal .44 magnum rounds or armor piercing)

8: Plasma Rifle / Burst Rifle
(normal cells or double charge cells)

9: BFG*
(see 7)

The weapons would make the old ones obsolete upon pickup, unlike the Shotgun vs Super Shotgun distance battle. You would never need to use the old weapons again.

Notes of interest:

The standard shotgun would be like Doom's shotgun except it's double barrelled. Each side would hold 8 shells, so it holds 16 total for a full 8 double barrelled blasts. The combat shotgun wouldn't fire any faster (maybe, just not a lot) but holds a drum of 20 shells so it's reloads are further apart and faster when they happen. The rifled slug ammo doesn't spread apart (it's one bigass pointed slug) and will punch through armor.

The rifle would fire faster than the chaingun in Doom and the minigun would fire more like Q2.

The hi-tech rocket launcher would look like the M.Thrower weapon from Resident Evil 3. The rockets would be in a magazine (like a pistol) of 5, each half as wide as a can of pop and a little longer. This smaller size would justify those teeny explosions. Hunter rockets would curve towards enemies, not outright home in on them tho.

Each .44 Magnum shot would do as much damage as a double barrelled shotgun blast, however, it maintains it's power over great distances and the ammo should be really scarce. The Magnum attachment should be a combat light or something (no laser sight or scope). The combat light would get a bunch of shots off of a single cell and would temporarily blind anything in front of you.

The Plasma Rifle's secondary fire should be a bolt of energy that does twice as much damage, hits instantly, and takes up 4 times the ammo. The Burst Rifle would fire faster (this one should have the same speed of the Doom PR) and the secondary attack would come out quicker.

I liked the discussion on the BFG, how you can control how many cells it eats. Holding down the alt-fire and feeding it 50 cells should make it a suicide deathmatch weapon. :)

So in conclusion, I would like to see an intro that plainly explains why your character is the only one left alive and sets up a vague set of goals to accomplish in order to survive. Good topic. :P

Flame on!

*Note: Gameleader has been the only place I could find Blood user maps. For the hell of it I just checked and there's a bunch of new ones. I wish the damn source for it would get itself released...

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deadnail said:

No matter the content of the intro is should be both made with the in-game engine and be skippable.

I agree. If they'd put in an intro, they would have to do it with the ingame-engine. This way, you would feel like you were in the game (is that what we really want?). :)
Anyhooooo. It should be skippable, because I remember playin' games on my 486, and some of them had intro's you simply couldn't skip. God, that's f****** irritating.

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Parasite Eve 1 had scenes you couldn't skip. In 2 you can skip every movie and even some of the text conversations if you so wish.

It seems like every company has to learn this lesson at least once. Lets all hope iD has figured it out.

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I would like to see a short retrospective of important scenes from Doom2 included in the intro, but in the totally new amazing look of Doom3. For example the final fight agains the icon of sin. It would in this point be similar to the intro of Heretic2, where you had a retrospective of the final fight with the Serpent Raider. I like this déja vu effect, when it looks like something you think you have seen before, but it is diferent at the same time, you know what I mean?

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deadnail said:

I like your present armory program better then your older ones (although I almost miss the rusty pipe :) ), if the designs wouldn´t look like Counterstrike´s I could be happy with it.

Can I see a pic of the Mine Thrower from Resident Evil 3 somewhere?

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Well, dammit. I've searched a bit and found nothing but a ton of RR walkthroughs... all of them text. I'd figure that Videogames.com would've at least had pictures but nope, none. Dammit.

It's a difficult weapon to describe but the beauty of it is rather incredible. :)

Picture a military rifle in your head. Intead of the barrel being all thin 'n stuff at the end picture it four inches tall. Think of it made out of black polymers instead of wood and that's basically it... with the large clip sticking out of the bottom 'n stuff. Dammit, I need to find a picture of it.

Hey, someone lemme know if there's a RE3 save file I can download from somewhere and jack into an emulator. I have the damn game sitting right over there and if someone can give me a save file for it I'll load it up and snap a screenshot. ePSXe format preferred, but so long as it works I'll try it. You wanna see it don't'cha?

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Forget an intro, look how shitty the Quake 3 one was, we dont need them. Why not keep the classic doom feeling and have demos running in the back, and give you the option to put your own there without a extra program. Maybe, you could even do something cool like a Directors editor with the demos you record, sort of like in Driver. You could choose camera angels, views, move the camera around so its right by a demon getting ripped into bits and then watching the character run by, first-person view, view from any of the monsters on screen so you can watch as the rocket from your launcher flys right into the face of the demon your viewing from, etc.

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deadnail said:

Well, dammit. I've searched a bit and found nothing but a ton of RR walkthroughs... all of them text. I'd figure that Videogames.com would've at least had pictures but nope, none. Dammit.

It's a difficult weapon to describe but the beauty of it is rather incredible. :)

Picture a military rifle in your head. Intead of the barrel being all thin 'n stuff at the end picture it four inches tall. Think of it made out of black polymers instead of wood and that's basically it... with the large clip sticking out of the bottom 'n stuff. Dammit, I need to find a picture of it.

Hey, someone lemme know if there's a RE3 save file I can download from somewhere and jack into an emulator. I have the damn game sitting right over there and if someone can give me a save file for it I'll load it up and snap a screenshot. ePSXe format preferred, but so long as it works I'll try it. You wanna see it don't'cha?

Or I have to get the game from somewhere. I also played Resident Evil1 + 2 a year ago, especially RE1 was very entertaining. RE2 had better graphics, but the story was a bit uninspired I think.

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Tetzlaff said:

I like your present armory program better then your older ones (although I almost miss the rusty pipe :) ), if the designs wouldn´t look like Counterstrike´s I could be happy with it.

Can I see a pic of the Mine Thrower from Resident Evil 3 somewhere?

What's wrong with CS designs?

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Guest Darkwing
deadnail said:

Parasite Eve 1 had scenes you couldn't skip. In 2 you can skip every movie and even some of the text conversations if you so wish.

It seems like every company has to learn this lesson at least once. Lets all hope iD has figured it out.

man Parasite Eve was one of the worst play stations worst game, not to mention everey other one! (LoL, sorry I deeply despise Sony)

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Guest Darkwing
Jayextee said:

Intros are the kinda useless bullshit that IMHO games can live without. So an intro can set a story - big deal, in the sheme of things, games have lame stories anyway - you want to read one, get a BOOK.

It _is_ good to see a fairly fresh subject, though.
A hell, I'll go with game demos playing as you set up your options, or load. Now where have I seen THAT before?

It depends, maybe in the intro you can battle the Icon of Sin again, you know an interactive intro like half-life(cool game) well maybe not the whole battle but just the finishing off.

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