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magic in doom 3

Guest DeAD_Stuff

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Guest DeAD_Stuff

would you like magic elements in doom 3?

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and thats final!

(well, maybe as long as the player doesn't get to use it [at least until some mod or tc comes out], and not many enemies have it).

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Guest Dark_Fox

No, that would be gay..
Nuff said.

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Guest s999cop

Why don't you go play Hexen or herictic then if you wanna show off you magic tricks?

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The monsters could have magical powers, but never never never the spacemarine himself!

If some monsters would use magical attacks it wouldn´t be gay I think. They of course already used magic in Doom1/2, the Imps, the Archvile, the Barons, the Pain Elemental. I just don´t like the way some people try to re-interprete some of the attacks as a physical process, like the Imps spitting explosive goo into their hands and blow a kiss towards you... (who told that? Nightmare or Sir Galahadwizar I think) :)

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Guest DeAD_Stuff
SoKatH said:



ok,i wasn't talking about using magic as a weapon,but magic as an important thing in the plot.ANyway demons are spiritual creatures,not aliens.

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/me pisses in Dead_stuff's coffee

AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH RELIEF!!! (how do you you spell relief? F U C .............)

damn newbie fuggims!!!!!

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Guest Lament
DeAD_Stuff said:

ok,i wasn't talking about using magic as a weapon,but magic as an important thing in the plot.ANyway demons are spiritual creatures,not aliens.

People, what's wrong with you all? There always have been magic in Doom (available to the marine). Soulspheres! Invisibility thingies! Even the little magic blue bottles. And especially the invincibility.

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I've been spouting off that Doom3 should embrace more occult elements at every opprotunity. id has a chance here to make something totally unique, and take gaming to places it hasn't been to before. Probably wont happen though. :(

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deadnail said:

Yeah, that would be very gay.

Yeah, why are you using Roy's icon?

Occult lore is a great source of inspiration to instill terror. How is that gay? The original Doom games only touched on it in the most superfical way. I think it would be a terrific idea to dig deeper into it, find new ways to use it to enhance the gameplay and atmosphere.

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Geezh, im getting hooked off with that all. Agreed with Tetzlaff: no magic for spacemarine; And for monsters no magic at all!!! Well, it mighht look like a magic tricks, but it should be explanation anyway...

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Tetzlaff said:

The monsters could have magical powers, but never never never the spacemarine himself!

If some monsters would use magical attacks it wouldn´t be gay I think. They of course already used magic in Doom1/2, the Imps, the Archvile, the Barons, the Pain Elemental. I just don´t like the way some people try to re-interprete some of the attacks as a physical process, like the Imps spitting explosive goo into their hands and blow a kiss towards you... (who told that? Nightmare or Sir Galahadwizar I think) :)

the marine can use magic already!
how do you think the soul sphere works?
how do teleporters work?
how dose the shadow sphere work?

anser : magic!

there's loadsa magic in doom already
I would like to see a tomb of power like in heretic in DooM ]|[
and a demonic magic weapon like the hell staff or unmaker (see the DOOM BIBLE in Five Years Of doom)

if you want a game with no magic go play half life and all those
"realistic" games!

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Shut up Lament, nobody likes a smartass.

No coffee for you either, go to your room and think about what you have done, DAMMIT I SAID NOW!!!!


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Guest DeAD_Stuff
Lament said:

People, what's wrong with you all? There always have been magic in Doom (available to the marine). Soulspheres! Invisibility thingies! Even the little magic blue bottles. And especially the invincibility.

Demons are Mystical creatures,not alien,so magic will be present in doom3.
I thin that using magic with tecnology is a cool idea.

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the marine can use magic already!
how do you think the soul sphere works?
how do teleporters work?
how dose the shadow sphere work?

anser : magic!

there's loadsa magic in doom already
I would like to see a tomb of power like in heretic in DooM ]|[
and a demonic magic weapon like the hell staff or unmaker (see the DOOM BIBLE in Five Years Of doom)

if you want a game with no magic go play half life and all those
"realistic" games!

Well I thought primarely at magic weapons, so: the spacemarine should never never never never ... use magic weapons!

Teleporters have nothing to do with magic! You mean because they have pentagramms on it? No no, they are technical scifi stuff, based on molekular energetic translocating procedurs, invented 1912 by Lazlo Tesla and Friedrich Pappenheimer...

You are right with the Soul & shadow spheres in Doom2, they work with magic.

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Tetzlaff said:

The monsters could have magical powers, but never never never the spacemarine himself!

If some monsters would use magical attacks it wouldn´t be gay I think. They of course already used magic in Doom1/2, the Imps, the Archvile, the Barons, the Pain Elemental. I just don´t like the way some people try to re-interprete some of the attacks as a physical process, like the Imps spitting explosive goo into their hands and blow a kiss towards you... (who told that? Nightmare or Sir Galahadwizar I think) :)

I said that they throw balls of gooish phosphorous (or whatever that one element is that burns in the air).

And don't you mean by a tome of power - something like quaddamage? (they even had that in quake2).

Quaddamage was sweet with the chaingun

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Guest Meebes
SoKatH said:




Magic for player - hell no! I hated the alien weapons in Halflife. Stick to things that don't involve squeezing a alien's creatures balls to get it to spit fire.

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Guest Lament

Shut up Lament, nobody likes a smartass.

No coffee for you either, go to your room and think about what you have done, DAMMIT I SAID NOW!!!!

Awww :(

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