Malum Archon Posted February 13, 2001 I'm sort of doubtful this forum gets many if any visits from IDsoftware employees, so while all our ideas and such are cool(most of them) and stuff we would like to see, alot of them probably wont happen because they arnt ever seen. I think all of us who have good and unique ideas for Doom 3 that we would like to see should compile a neatly put together list of all our ideas, email *or mail?* them into IDsoftware, and see who's ideas get in. Even if it never ends up being looked at I think its worth the try, there are a few things I would like to see in it that I wouldnt mind passing on. These ideas wouldnt be graphic engine or story ones but gameplay mostly. If anyone is interested in doing this, ICQ me at 94594196 or repost any good ideas you have had before below, and I'll put something together. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Omega Posted February 13, 2001 You must be new. Let me shake your hand. Oh, yeah! I'm on E-mail. Ok, let me shake your digital hand. (P.S. Ignore me when I'm being an asshole) 0 Share this post Link to post
Malum Archon Posted February 13, 2001 Does the whole I must be new thing imply my post is stupid? (P.S. I'm not really new, just was gone for awhile, the picture is even mine) 0 Share this post Link to post
Shaviro Posted February 13, 2001 Maybe we should try posting 'em at stomped instead! Paul Jasquas hangs out there... 0 Share this post Link to post
wasted Posted February 13, 2001 Well, i think some of id men were posting some messages here. So we should be more attentive for newbee speaches- some of them created by JC himself. So beware brothren... I hope for our desigins and ideas will find their place in Doom3... /me not sure that any of our ideas were looked through and will present in Doom 3. 0 Share this post Link to post
Tetzlaff Posted February 13, 2001 Ok let´s open a new thread for collecting all the good ideas. But on some topics there are strong differences, especially on the weapon topic, so that would be difficult. But anyway, we can try it. By the way, do you think the poll on doomworld´s main page, sometimes related to Doom3 topics, get´s attention from id software? 0 Share this post Link to post
Tetzlaff Posted February 13, 2001 Shaviro said:Maybe we should try posting 'em at stomped instead! Paul Jasquas hangs out there... Jeremy did that and posted some ridiculous aliens story ("ID SOFTWARE MUST READ..."), it was a shame... 0 Share this post Link to post
Shaviro Posted February 13, 2001 Tetzlaff said:Ok let´s open a new thread for collecting all the good ideas. But on some topics there are strong differences, especially on the weapon topic, so that would be difficult. But anyway, we can try it. By the way, do you think the poll on doomworld´s main page, sometimes related to Doom3 topics, get´s attention from id software? We must get deadnail to help us! He can delete all the crappy posts! 0 Share this post Link to post
deadnail Posted February 13, 2001 I want more realistic weapons. Most people don't. I want more violence than SoF. Most people don't. I want a longer game than Half-Life. Some people do. I don't care if there's muliplayer. Some people do. I want iD to do their fucking JOB and impress me. The last thing they need is help from any of us conceited bastards. Some of you say the story MUST involve aliens. I hate that. Some of you say that Trent is a bad thing. I hate that. Some of you say iD reads these forums. I hope not. Some of you think that you know what's better for Doom 3 than Carmack himself. I doubt it. Realise something. This game is not going to impress everyone. Sure, graphics are important. I still play my 8 bit Nintendo, though, so I don't give a damn about graphics. Sure, gameplay is important. Maybe that's why I replay Blood more than I replay Descent II. Sure, audio is important. But I doubt you can find two people in this forum that like EXACTLY the same type of music. This is going to be just like every Quake game out there. It's going to make a lot of fans that will comprimise their problems with one area because they love another area. It's going to make a lot of anti-fans from people that think they could've done it better. Don't hold ANY of your preconceived notions to highly, any of you. Perhaps the music will be incredible but Lüt will hate Trent too much to let himself enjoy it. Perhaps the graphics will be incredible but not have everything that Zaldron would've put in himself. Perhaps the weapons will fit every need perfectly but not be as diversified as I would want them. We're just here to talk about a game that's being made by a bunch of people that are now millionaires because they're damn good at making games. How many of you are millionaires? 0 Share this post Link to post
Lüt Posted February 13, 2001 deadnail said:I still play my 8 bit Nintendo, though, so I don't give a damn about graphics. Damn I wish I didn't sell mine and 20 games 2 years ago for $30. Fortunately there's those rom thingies but they just aren't the same. 0 Share this post Link to post
Lüt Posted February 13, 2001 deadnail said: No I won't hate Trent too much IF HE DOES A GOOD JOB. I think he's capable and all, but why he doesn't put more effort into his full albums beats me. I think based off his evolution from first to fourth album, he's in no condition to do Doom3. I'm still open to being impressed by him and I keep up closely with his stuff because I do think he's got a good release in him somewhere, it just hasn't come out yet. He definately has the resources to make a very "proper" soundtrack, but who knows if he'll use them. Judging by The Fragile, you'd think he smoked his bank account. 0 Share this post Link to post
CHAINSAW+DGM Posted February 13, 2001 deadnail said: OK HERE'S THE PLAN WE KIDNAP SOME ONE WHO WORKS FOR ID'S MOTHER AND THRETEN TO KILL THEM UNTIL ALL OUR COOL IDEARS GO IN! (sorry left caps lock on!) 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest DaveNHB Posted February 13, 2001 I have tons of ideas in Idea for doom3 thread. Let me know when and how you want to email it. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Meebes Posted February 13, 2001 Malum Archon said:Does the whole I must be new thing imply my post is stupid? (P.S. I'm not really new, just was gone for awhile, the picture is even mine) I definitely think it is a good idea for us to submit a very formal and refined summary of our ideas and expectations to ID software. It's not that we should think we know more than people who've made money producing these games, but that we are the loyal and devoted fans who would not want Doom 3 to be a disgusting waste (do I have to say Quake 2/3 aloud or can I just imply that?) They've made money but they're not perfect. We BUY the games, and we want to be entertained. If we can't count on a member of the Doom series to do that for us, what's left to live for? I personally think something they really haven't provided in the quake games is atmosphere. There were so busy showing off every little trick their engines could do that the levels made no sense, they were like little puzzles. If they are going to make a game about hell, it damn well better be like hell and not like an ant-farm with blue, yellow, and red doors to unlock, or silly crap like that. They can make a damn good game just by showing us a feasable hell and making it feel damn COOL. Also, I think by now we should not expect but demand locational damage - and the next innovation which is making it visible. I can think of nothing I want to see more than a limping demon after I've blown out his kneecap with a shotgun. That's my rant, I'll be contacting you about making that submission. 0 Share this post Link to post
Tetzlaff Posted February 13, 2001 deadnail said: Now you are too negative, deadnail... 0 Share this post Link to post
deadnail Posted February 13, 2001 oh wait, that's subtraction. Nevermind. Fuck you being negative, bucko. Don't bother trying to argue with me, trying is the first step towards failure. It's not like whatever we say is going to change iD's minds on anything anyway. Its iD, that's why. Its not Valve. Being negative. Hah, Bumhug. 0 Share this post Link to post
sirgalahadwizar Posted February 13, 2001 deadnail said: I want more realistic weapons, but I also want ones that dont cuurently exist (or the technology to build them either). I want more violence I want a very long game I want a minimal amount of multiplayer, but I don't care much either way on multi because my modem speed sucks and i levie out in the middle of nowhere (whic means my ping is through the roof :( The story must not involve either ALIENS or DEMONS in any extreme degree (but you can't jsut fight against humans though). I don't give a damn aobut music, but I want it to be at least as creepy as doom's music was. I hope iD reads these forums so they know how many of us are actually screwballs and how many have their heads on straight (I hope they laugh alot too, lauging does wonders for productivity). They might even borrow an idea or two but hopefully not from any of the screwballs (newbies or just plain screwballs in general). I don't know what is better for doom than Carmack... or I would be making my own games by now (and im not). I still play 8-bit nintendo too. And i do NOT want to see any of this blurry shit like what quake2 looks like with GL on. If they are going to be using GL all the time then they had damn better take advantage of it's good qualities (I don't want to see too many sharp edges on models where it's supposed to be rounded). Hopefully it will NOT be like any other quake game out there (::starting to cry::). Im not a millionaire, and now that you mention it, why am I posting on here (because rich fucks don't deserve my time - not unless they pay me :). 0 Share this post Link to post
Malum Archon Posted February 14, 2001 Meebes said: Yeah, well as much as Deadnail has a point, they know what they are doing, I thought something like this might be a little more productive then every other post being an off topic post concerning "newbies". I forgot my email password, so dont email me at ICQ is the best way to contact me, although I have heard Deadnail doesnt like ICQ, he usually has some of the best ideas for Doom 3 in this forum and is the most realisitc 0 Share this post Link to post
Tetzlaff Posted February 14, 2001 deadnail said:oh wait, that's subtraction. Nevermind. Fuck you being negative, bucko. Don't bother trying to argue with me, trying is the first step towards failure. It's not like whatever we say is going to change iD's minds on anything anyway. Its iD, that's why. Its not Valve. Being negative. Hah, Bumhug. Of course id don´t want to hear any stupid "HEY ID I HAVE A GREAT IDEA PLEASE READ" ideas but they have to be interested what the people want today. I´m sure they don´t care much about one single monster or weapon idea from anyone of us, but some generally topics, like the one with the magic, or about the NPC´s etc. are interesting for them. But on the other hand, I think they have their own sources to learn abot the player wishes. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Direwolf Posted February 16, 2001 deadnail said: Im with Deadnail. I want all of which he said. :) damn good thoughts man! 0 Share this post Link to post
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