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I don't want to see Q3A kind of weapons.
I don't want to see Q3A kind of anything really.
I don't want to see a nailgun.
I don't want to see a gun with a stupid name (like "Supershotgun").

How the hell this ended up as new topic? this was supposed to be a reply to some post about what people don't want to see in Doom 3. Well anyway who cares.

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Guest JackTheShitter!

Your site is small but I like those half-life idea prefabs. :)
Check my site: www.omegachu.com - this if you want to be insulted and it will make u sick to your stomac. lol :P

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Espi said:

How the hell this ended up as new topic? this was supposed to be a reply to some post about what people don't want to see in Doom 3.

Good job skippy :)

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Well I think you can be sure that there will be no nailgun, because it was a typical Q1 weapon and made also it´s appeareance in Q3 Team Arena, so I don´t think they will bring it back athird time.
I´m also quite sure that the weapons will be different to the Q3A weapons, just because there were also big differences between the Q1, Q2 and Q3 weapons. And if you want realistic our days weaponry instead of Doom weapons, you can at least get a modeler program and make your own custom models for the game ;)

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then you don't want doom.

i would like it "Supershotgun"
i would like Q3A weapons. They are pretty similair to doom's

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What do you mean I don't want doom if I don't want these things? Q3A had some guns that work kinda like Doom weapons but look and "feel" far worse. And just if Doom 3 has a supershotgun but with less stupid name wouldn't mean it's less Doom now would it?

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Tetzlaff said:

Well I think you can be sure that there will be no nailgun, because it was a typical Q1 weapon and made also it´s appeareance in Q3 Team Arena, so I don´t think they will bring it back athird time.
I´m also quite sure that the weapons will be different to the Q3A weapons, just because there were also big differences between the Q1, Q2 and Q3 weapons. And if you want realistic our days weaponry instead of Doom weapons, you can at least get a modeler program and make your own custom models for the game ;)

For your information I don't want that, I hope whatever weapons they put in Doom 3 they do as good job if not better that in Doom. I just dislike those Q3A weapons as you already know, and hope they do better than that.

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Guest Dark_Fox

The name of the gun does not mean shit..

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Considering DooM has some names for it's monsters like "Cacodemon" and "Mancubus", I find it rather funny that someone would whinge about a normal sounding name like "Super Shotgun".

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Guest fraggle`

i want to see the super duper shotgun. 4 barrels kicks ass!

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Remington manufactured six and eight barrelled combat shotguns for our soldiers in the vietnam war. They proved much less effective than autoloading drum-fed shotguns. The only models that still exist right now are the prototype 'Liberator' shotguns, which are eight barrelled 20 gauges and six barrelled 12 gauges.

Shotgun: Boom.
Super Shotgun: BOOM.

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GooberMan said:

Considering DooM has some names for it's monsters like "Cacodemon" and "Mancubus", I find it rather funny that someone would whinge about a normal sounding name like "Super Shotgun".

I just think it's a gay and childish name that's all.

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Dark_Fox said:

The name of the gun does not mean shit..

..then why did you reply? :)

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Jut so you don't think so I don't go out in the streets drums rolling and yelling "I want a better name for supershotgun! Everybody! No more supershotgun" I just happened to had this one in my mind at the moment and this was supposed to be a reply anyway... weapons with stupid names is quite the smallest of my worries with Doom 3 really.

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Dark_Fox said:

The name of the gun does not mean shit..

Don't hurt the duck please !!
I know ducks aren't endangered species. But please don't hurt him anymore...

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GooberMan said:

Considering DooM has some names for it's monsters like "Cacodemon" and "Mancubus", I find it rather funny that someone would whinge about a normal sounding name like "Super Shotgun".

Cacodemon and Mancubus are fine. Super-shotgun is a somewhat "immature" name, like something an 8-year-old would call it. For starters.

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Espi said:

What do you mean I don't want doom if I don't want these things? Q3A had some guns that work kinda like Doom weapons but look and "feel" far worse. And just if Doom 3 has a supershotgun but with less stupid name wouldn't mean it's less Doom now would it?

A rose by any other name would smell as sweet

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fodders said:

A rose by any other name would smell as sweet

Yeah but if rose was called "super flower" wouldn't it be quite ridiculous? :)

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Espi said:

Yeah but if rose was called "super flower" wouldn't it be quite ridiculous? :)

Hey, mario had a super flower, DON'T KNOCK MARIO BEOTCH!!!!!!

/me grabs super flower and hurls one of those bouncing fireball thingies at Espi

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