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Hey! Who cares about crazy guns! The more unrealistic the better. I want a gun so big you have to get in it's cockpit to fire, I want gibs, gibs, gibs! I want a heat-seaking-multi-tasking-self-destructing-anti-nuclear-sub-atomic-fire-belching-grenage-hurling-laser-guided-megagun! I want a combonation supershotgun-gattling gun! Yeah!

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WTF? OOPS! This was supposed to be a reply to Epsi's post about guns! Damnit. Permission to destroy granted!


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I want a laser guided incindiary high explosive flak spreading motion tracking flame throwing nuclear rapid fire cluster bomb dropping satellite aimed heat seeking napalm filled scoped razor bladed armor piercing depleted uranium missle launching sixteen barrelled full speed tank mounted vulcan cannon defense system that can be carried one in each hand.

Each of the missles fire autoaiming laser beams at anything that comes within sight, which is really handy considering this weapon fires about 30000 rounds per minute.

There really are vulcan cannons that can fire that fast, although I don't think they support that kind of ammunition. =P

Ahh, I feel better. Now all I need to do is icepick Pikachu in the ears and I'll be feeling the best I ever had in years!

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danarchist said:

WTF? OOPS! This was supposed to be a reply to Epsi's post about guns! Damnit. Permission to destroy granted!--REALLY PISSED NOW---

That is the second time someone has done that THIS WEEK.

good job skippy.

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Guest Dark_Fox

That was gay danarchist, real gay..

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