tsareppsun Posted February 15, 2001 How about this, What sound effects would you want to hear from any giving weapon on Doom3. I guess id would make their own sound effects, but viewing my action flicks, they're some sound effects I'd like to here when I fire a certain weapon. For example, the marine's pistol(Baretta 92F) I would like id to use the sounds from micky's B93R in "Natural Born Killers" and for the shotgun sounds from the same movie sounded real cool. If doom3 going to have a auto shotgun, the sound effect from Steven Segal's flick, I forget the name,when some thugs raided his house with auto-SG's and shotup him and his wife, those autos SG sounds were errie crisps. The mini-gun sounds from "Preator" was top notch but the same gun in T2 Judgement Day sounded wussie, even though neither movie sounds are correct, In real life a mini-gun firing sound almost like an electric chainsaw buzzing. If id puts somekind of assault rifle in doom3, the sound effects of the M16 in "Hamberger Hill" was the best,and most realistic sounds I've ever heard in the movies. There's alot more I'd like to get into but It'll involve to much typing and I got places to go. If anybody wants to jot down their ideas,feel free. The sound effects can be from any game you've played or any action flick you've seen that involved firepower. Example: Pistol- Micky's(Baretta 93R) Natural Born Killers Shotgun- Police shotgun in Natural Born killers shotgun from Turok(1) Autoshotgun- autoshotgun from Turok(1) Semi auto-rifle(*my idea) M1-Garand from "Saving Private Ryan" Plasma rifle- Havn't thought of that yet. Assault Rifle-(*Some futuristic bullpup configured version I hope) M-16 from "Hamberger Hill" or assault rifle sounds from "Starship Troopers" BFG#whatever- The whine of the "Wave Motion Gun" from "Starblazers" etc...etc....etc.... Any body wants to put their idea sounds down,please do, the Tsar wants to read your ideas. 0 Share this post Link to post
deadnail Posted February 15, 2001 Well, can you let the Tsar know that a Beretta is spelled a little differently than he seems to be used to? Oh, and could you let him know that the pistol he's thinking of is the M93R, not the B93R. As for the additional sound effects, well, there's lots of games out there and lots of samples. However, choosing the right sample will depend not only on the weapon itself, but wether or not it will be heard more often indoors our out, the condition of the weapon, and even the ammunition used can have effects. Don't forget, a rusty and beaten shotgun will sound different that a nice, clean shotgun pulled right off of a military rack. 0 Share this post Link to post
Disorder Posted February 15, 2001 I want all gun-samples to sound raw !! I can't name any examples. But just loud, heavy & raw. Example >>> When I fire the shotgun in Doom 3, my first reaction has to be something like this : "Wooooooow.... F*CK !!!!!!!!" 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted February 15, 2001 deadnail said:Well, can you let the Tsar know that a Beretta is spelled a little differently than he seems to be used to? Oh, and could you let him know that the pistol he's thinking of is the M93R, not the B93R. As for the additional sound effects, well, there's lots of games out there and lots of samples. However, choosing the right sample will depend not only on the weapon itself, but wether or not it will be heard more often indoors our out, the condition of the weapon, and even the ammunition used can have effects. Don't forget, a rusty and beaten shotgun will sound different that a nice, clean shotgun pulled right off of a military rack. They have to store generic .wavs on the game. Zero reverb, zero occlussion, a good Gauss-bell freq. curve and no echo. Those things should be calculated on real-time using EAX 2.0 or superior. Now that thereĀ“s people on iD that seems to understand that A3D sucks, take for granted that stuff. 0 Share this post Link to post
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