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Doom 3 -> Doom TC


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Just wondering if anyone else has thought about doing this, based on some of the idea we've been throwing around on this forum.

Of course, not everything that's been suggested would be possible due to the limits of the Doom engine, but it would still be pretty cool.

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I'm still waiting on the game that will let me make levels as easily and intuitive as the Build engine but in 3D. I don't want to have to go to college and get a Bachelor's Degree in Quake mapping.

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Quake mapping is not that hard, the only way to learn is to do crap until you can figure out how things will look without compiling every 3 secs.
Lighting and texture mapping, that´s the heavy stuff. With today editors, the architecture is easily shown on preview windows.

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Guest dylangivens

Well ya know there is Re-Born :)


He he


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Umm guys, I'm talking about Doom 3 to Doom, not Doom to Doom 3. The later isn't really possible considering that the game isn't out yet!

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Yeah, he was talking aobut taking all these weapons ideas, gameplay ideas, etc. etc. that we ahve on this message board and making a as-per-standard or as-per-special TC about it

(meaning that we make it using some advanced engine like edge or something, or take some source code from some source port and customize it to fit the need).

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Sounds like a big waste of time for me. We have DOOM, why remake it? No point at all. The original game would be much much better than the TC anyway. OOohhh.. better graphics and stuff? Make a mod for DOOM instead of D3, give it complex 3d models and high-quality textures and some effects and stuff... that would be much easier!

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*sigh* Try reading, mainly the bit that says...

"Just wondering if anyone else has thought about doing this, based on some of the idea we've been throwing around on this forum."

Why would people in this forum have been discussing ideas for the original Doom?

If you people would just read and think before you post, it would be clear that I'm talking about a TC for the original Doom that uses the ideas we've been discussing for Doom 3. Understand now?

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