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My poor Mayo.

Guest Dream Destroyer

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Guest Dream Destroyer

If Maonth were to leave the community, how many would miss his absence? He doesn't feel wanted around here no more, and me and my friends are insisting that he is. Any support would be appreciated.

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Yeah I'm all for Maonth hanging around. There just aren't that many people around here with good, valid points. My only real beef with him is his rather disturbing obsession with Ahnold Schwartzeneggar.

I wonder... how many of you would come to tears if I threatened to leave? :P

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Well, at least you're finally dead. Now that just leaves every other fucking moron who thinks Rage Against The Machine is even a half-way decent band.

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I just thought my sig captured the essence of Doom pretty well: a guy with a shotgun determined to fight the forces of Hell to the very end.

By the way, I played Serious Sam today for the first time and man does it look good ! Doom gameplay and graphics better than Quake III... Doom 3 is already here !

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Guest Nodus

Id be rather disturbed if Macvilewhore left.

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Lord FlatHead said:

I just thought my sig captured the essence of Doom pretty well: a guy with a shotgun determined to fight the forces of Hell to the very end.

By the way, I played Serious Sam today for the first time and man does it look good ! Doom gameplay and graphics better than Quake III... Doom 3 is already here !

Rage against the machine doesn't capture the essence of anything other than capitalism on other people's inherent paranoias. Ooh, commie rock, they're soo EDGY and HARDCORE, Gawd, how can I possibly think for myself. Freedom, yeah, freedom you dirty pinko bastards. Freedom to get hypothermia while you're waiting in line for your weeks allowance of stale bread.

Serious Sam really does have Doom gameplay. I, apparantly unlike you, actually hope that Doom 3 brings in some new elements to gameplay. You know, key & switch hunting is a little stale right now. Thank God for NOLF!

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"Hello sir. You look like you need a monkey."
"What ?"
"I have a really fine monkey for you."
"I don't want a monkey ! Get the filthy beast away from me !"
"Are you insulting my monkey ?"


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Lord Flathead is threatening your duckie with a monkey! Are you going to stand for that shit?!

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Nodus said:

Id be rather disturbed if Macvilewhore left.


/me pisses in nodus' coffee, and throws in some rat poison, bfg10k plasma, and various spermicides

/me than coffee-bombs nodus' variety store

Getting to the point yeah it would suck ass if maonth left, besides he loves my coffee, you couldn't get it anywhere else. PLEASE STAY MAONTH, because if you leave I leave too, than no one gets any coffee.

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deadnail said:

Yeah I'm all for Maonth hanging around. There just aren't that many people around here with good, valid points. My only real beef with him is his rather disturbing obsession with Ahnold Schwartzeneggar.

I wonder... how many of you would come to tears if I threatened to leave? :P

/me packs deadnail's bags and kicks his ass out the door

j/k :)

(BTW, thanks for saying canada kixass)

<-------------- pure canadian coffee pissing bastard :)

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deadnail said:

What, I don't get any coffee on my way out? Cheapskate. Heheh.

/me pisses in a coffee pot and hurls it out the window at deadnail, smashing on top of his head and scolding him with hot pissed-in coffee containing macvilewhorepiss(tm), rat poisen, bfg10k plasma, and various spermicides.

There ya go deadnail, happy?

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deadnail said:

Lord Flathead is threatening your duckie with a monkey! Are you going to stand for that shit?!

/me unleashes the awesome-radioactive-orange-bladder-control-liver-powered-OOMPA LOOMPA navigated-llama upon the lord flathead monkey and the puny-arse dark_fox duckie!


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Guest Dream Destroyer
deadnail said:

Yeah I'm all for Maonth hanging around. There just aren't that many people around here with good, valid points. My only real beef with him is his rather disturbing obsession with Ahnold Schwartzeneggar.

I wonder... how many of you would come to tears if I threatened to leave? :P

I would cry, maybe that's just because I'm Canadian though. ;)

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/me pisses in a coffee pot and hurls it out the window at deadnail, smashing on top of his head and scolding him with hot pissed-in coffee containing macvilewhorepiss(tm), rat poisen, bfg10k plasma, and various spermicides.

There ya go deadnail, happy?

...all things considered, no, I'm not happy. You just can't please me for anything I guess.

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Bah. I don't really have anything against Canadians. It's just that it's so hard to trust their flapping heads, and I can't believe I'm the only American who notices how their pure evil influence drips down upon us like Maple Syrup.

Anyone able to name those two movies?

Bah. Fuck Canada. I don't have time to care either way for 'em. :)

Actually, Canada is pretty kickass. Anyplace where it's easy to get women, weed, and whiskey is FINE by my standards. Just a shame that Canadian whiskey is so damn weak. Oh well, they got better beer than us so I guess it's even.

Hey, any of you dorks ever try Red Stripe? It's like a Jamacian version of Budweiser.

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Stphrz said:

AH! So that's why deadnail hates Canadians...:)

God blessed Canadians by giving them the greatest landscapes on this planet, the cleanest rivers, gorgeous lakes, an abundance of oil, gold and many other rare metals (couldn't spell precious) , shame He fucked it up by giving them such crap neighbours :)

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Guest Dark_Fox

/me unleashes the awesome-radioactive-orange-bladder-control-liver-powered-OOMPA LOOMPA navigated-llama upon the lord flathead monkey and the puny-arse dark_fox duckie!


Man my boss will mess yo ass UP!
Yea! You tell him boss! No one mess with my N**ga!
*Quack!* *Duck plays with Pimp chains*
You better reconize my boss bitch!
*quack* *pulls out a... coffee cup*
My brother needz a drink cuz..
Give him some of your world famous coffe before the blues come..

(Sorry If I have offented anyone +P)

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Dark_Fox said:

Man my boss will mess yo ass UP!
Yea! You tell him boss! No one mess with my N**ga!
*Quack!* *Duck plays with Pimp chains*
You better reconize my boss bitch!
*quack* *pulls out a... coffee cup*
My brother needz a drink cuz..
Give him some of your world famous coffe before the blues come..

(Sorry If I have offented anyone +P)

/me gives him some coffee

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Ok, when I first got on to doomworld (I would have been here on opening day if I have heard of the place) there were only a few people I liked, and to this day there allmost the only ones I like. Them people are deadnail, Lord Flathead, Dima, and Linquica. I did'nt know who the fuck they were or what they wanted they were just cool as fuck. Maonth as far as I am concerned needs to stay. Just because your not wanted doesent mean you should leave, I want you to stay. Besides we got people that come and go everyday, you don't want to be like them do you, regreating that you left doomworld.

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Hmm. I've just been taking too much crap from here and other doom related places lately. But i'm not going anywhere!

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I must have missed something. Again.

What's going on now?

Oh, yeah. That would mean one less elder for me to compete with :)

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Lüt said:

I must have missed something. Again.What's going on now?Oh, yeah. That would mean one less elder for me to compete with :)

heh. In your dreams!

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Well, this thread certainly did spiral away from the topic of Maonth.. but hell, he should damn well stay... we need decent ideas here...

as for canadian whiskey deady, true it sucks, but we also can get everything else here... mmmm Jim Beam.... mmmm Kentucky Bourbon... mmm Vodka... mmm smirnoff... mmm underage drinking...
I mean... yes.. I'm nineteen...


Et smokez le bud, c'est bon!


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deadnail said:

What, I don't get any coffee on my way out? Cheapskate. Heheh.

Coffee for all! Weed for all! DooM for all! Heheh. Murrr

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