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I'm back(Too bad for you)

Guest Omega

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Guest Omega

I know I shouldn't waist a post on this, but I'm back from Denver,Colorado. Man, was it a fucked up state. My 18 year old bud was driving me to my Uncle, and this shit head honks at me and calls me a fucker. Well, I'll get flamed if I don't put in somthing about Doom 3, so I'll tell you something. The final boss should be MOBLE, not some fucking head on aa wall. I'm not mocking Doom ][, the boss just dissapointed me. Also, He should scream out "FUCK YOU!" befgore he explodes into bloody bits of gore.

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Guest Dream Destroyer

When has a boss in an id game not dissapointed anyone?

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Actually, the bosses from Doom have only dissapointed me 3 out of 5 times. The barons from episode 1 were to easy, the spider master mind looked like a piece of crap and was 10x easier than the Cyberdemon which is supposed to be it's inferior, and the second spider mastermind from episode 4 was lame cause I was expecting that they would have a new boss or something. Now the cyberdemon is hella cool. I can still remeber the first time I saw it:

I was watching my dad play and he enters a level with barons smeared all over the wall and I just think 'Holy crap! Barons are the most powerful monsters ever! What the Hell did this?'
Then he goes outside and I hear this 'ROAR! Clomp. Clomp. Clomp.'
and I nearly wet myself. Then we actually se the beast and It's a towering mecha-gladiator minotaur-demon shooting rockets. Two hits and it kills my dad. Wow.

Then the Icon of Sin was hella cool. I mean, you find yourself in a room full of every gun and ya know it's the end and somethings waiting for you and yer gonna have to kill it. Then you go through the teleporter and theres this huge demon staring at you and it says 'Oremor nohj em llik tsum uoy emag eht niw ot!' And that just scares the crap outa you. The part with the spitting of demons at you was sorta annoying and It's death was sorta lame, but clipping into it's brain and beating the crap out of Romero's head was hella fun!

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Dream Destroyer said:

When has a boss in an id game not dissapointed anyone?

Try Wolfenstein and Spear of Destiny.

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/me honks
/sayto Omega Fucker!

Did you mean waste?
Did you mean mobile?
Did you mean disappointed?
Did you mean before?

1) If he spawns enemies he's automatically gay. All that symbolizes is that the developers couldn't figure out how to make him challenging by himself.
2) If iD is going to bother having an enemy throw out random vulgar epithets they should be at least more creative in their wording and not say things that only 10 year olds still find offensive.

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danarchist said:

WTF are you talking about the cyberdemon being the inferior?! He's the strongest one!

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Guest Nodus

The mastermind was just a pile of metal and smelly brains, the cyberdemon was a well groomed drop dead handsome peice of beautifuly pumped muscles with a terribly masculine roar that even made the barons do a little pittling.

I think itd be kind of awesome actualy if the boss scream fuck you at me. Perhaps he doesnt know english very well and hes observed humans yell it at eachother when they wanted eachother to die or something. Or hes just a real asshole and he doesnt have any class, anyway its got that midnight humor to it.

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Psyonisis said:

WTF are you talking about the cyberdemon being the inferior?! He's the strongest one!

I KNOW hes not inferior...but it was implied since they had him before the mastermind. Why I don't know...

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Guest Omega
Nodus said:

The mastermind was just a pile of metal and smelly brains, the cyberdemon was a well groomed drop dead handsome peice of beautifuly pumped muscles with a terribly masculine roar that even made the barons do a little pittling.

I think itd be kind of awesome actualy if the boss scream fuck you at me. Perhaps he doesnt know english very well and hes observed humans yell it at eachother when they wanted eachother to die or something. Or hes just a real asshole and he doesnt have any class, anyway its got that midnight humor to it.

Well, they could really do something with a new mobile boss. Like a giant black Cacodemon, or an Icon of Sin with a huge body to go with it, even (shudder) a BFG Cyberdemon. Anyways, the Doom I thing. I can't find the exit to episode 4's last level! I haven't gotten to the Spider Mastermind. I even had to use clip mode, and I STILL couldn't find it! WHERE THE FUCKING HELL IS THE END OF THE FUCKING LEVEL?!! Please, somebody tell me.

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Omega said:

Well, they could really do something with a new mobile boss. Like a giant black Cacodemon, or an Icon of Sin with a huge body to go with it, even (shudder) a BFG Cyberdemon. Anyways, the Doom I thing. I can't find the exit to episode 4's last level! I haven't gotten to the Spider Mastermind. I even had to use clip mode, and I STILL couldn't find it! WHERE THE FUCKING HELL IS THE END OF THE FUCKING LEVEL?!! Please, somebody tell me.

you havent gotten to the mastermind? when your in the room with teh mastermind and all the cao's and imp adn so forth, you grab the bfg or rocket laucher in the room up the staris to the left. tehn you jsut shoot afway at him. whne hes dead a hoel will apear in the middle of the room jsut walk over it.

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