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id is really going nuts

Lord FlatHead

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I don't know if someone noticed this already, but there's a 'All your base are belong to us' message hidden in the recently released Team Arena map pack from id. It made pic of the day over at Planetquake.com so check it out.

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Soon that little phrase will become as legendary as the Dopefish.
They should put both on DooM3...

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Guest Dream Destroyer
Disorder said:

What could this have to do with Doom3 i'm asking myself...
Does anyone have a clue?

What did your post have to do about Doom 3 aside from stating the absence of Doom 3 related chit-chat. Fix the problem, don't point out the obvious.

Doom 3 will be sweet, and I won't be able to run it. :(

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You guys all suck! Nobody has ever beat me on DOOM and never will. I don't no why any of you think your so good I mean you probably havn't even finished all the DOOM games yet....like I have. I AM AN IMP!

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