deadnail Posted February 22, 2001 Ahem, I ain't kidding. This is something a suck little fuck like me finds absolutely HILARIOUS but you, being an unknown pervert bathing in monitor radiation, might SOMEHOW find the following offensive. So now, I present to you... the dead baby Q&A!! *Q: what wiggles spits and is covered in shit? *A: inside out baby! Q: What's blue and orange and lies at the bottom of a swimming pool? A: A baby with burst armbands. Q: How do you make a dead baby float? A: Two scoops of ice cream, one scoop of dead baby. *Q: Whats worse than a having sex with a dead baby? *A: Having sex with a dead baby filled with razor blades. Q: What's 18 inches long and makes women scream all night ? A: Crib death. Q: Why is there always hot water at childbirth? A: In case of a stillbirth, soup. *Q: How do you stop a baby from choking? *A: Take your dick out of its mouth. Q: What's red, bubbly, and scratches at the window before exploding? A: A baby in a microwave. *Q: When is the best time to bury that baby you killed? *A: When it starts talking to you again. Q: How many babies does it take to make a bottle of baby oil? A: It depends on how hard you squeeze them. Q: What's more fun than stapling babies to a wall? A: Ripping them off again. *Q: What do you call a dead baby with its skin peeled off? *A: Sexy. Q: What's funnier than a dead baby? A: A dead baby in a clown costume! Q: What's blue and flies around the room at high speeds? A: A baby with a punctured lung. Q: What do you call a dead baby pinned to your wall? A: Art! Q: How do you get 100 babies into a bucket? A: With a blender! Q: How do you get them out again? A: With Doritos!! Q: What is pink and red and sits in a corner? A: A baby chewing on razor blades. Q: What is green and sits in a corner? A: The same baby, six weeks later. Q: What is red and pink and can't turn round in a corridor? A: A baby with a javelin through its throat. Q: What is more disgusting than a pile of 100 dead babies? A: One live one in the middle is eating its way out. Q: What's blue and sits in the corner? A: A baby in a baggie. Q: What's present do you get for a dead baby? A: A dead puppy. Q: What's purple, covered in pus and squeals? A: A peeled baby in a bag of salt. Q: What sits in the kitchen and keeps getting smaller and smaller? A: A baby combing it's hair with a potato peeler! Q: What's pink and red and silver and crawls into walls? A: A baby with forks in its eyes. Q: Why did the baby cross the road? A: It was stapled to the chicken. Q: What do you get when you cut a baby with a straight razor? A: An erection. Q: Why did the baby fall off the swing? A: Because it had no arms or legs. Q: What's got four wheels, smokes and squeals? A: A bus load of babies on fire. Q: What's harder to do than nailing a baby to a tree? A: Nailing it to a dead puppy. Q: What's grosser than ten dead babies nailed to a tree? A: One dead baby nailed to ten trees. Q: What's pink and chunky? A: A baby with leporacy. Q: Why do babies have a soft spot in their heads? A: So you can pick them up five at a time. Q: How many dead babies does it take to screw in a light bulb? A: As many as it takes to climb on top of them in order to reach the socket. Q: What's pink and spits? A: A baby in a frying pan. Q: What's worse than finding a dead baby on your pillow in the morning? A: Realizing you were drunk and made love to it the night before. Q: What's more fun than a barrel of dead babies? A: Sticking pins in their eyes. Now you ask, where did I get this horrible, horrible thing? Simple. Have fun, you sick bastards you! =) Hey, we finally have some screens of Doom 3, it's time to sit back and relax! Have a laugh! We loyal fans deserve it! Heheh. 0 Share this post Link to post
Psyonisis Posted February 22, 2001 man normally I laugh at tasteless humour... but that's just immature for people with IQs of 12 0 Share this post Link to post
deadnail Posted February 22, 2001 Stphrz said:You, deadnail, are a frad. What the hell is a frad? BTW, C-D-W, very tasteful site there. Glad I was eating! 0 Share this post Link to post
Lüt Posted February 22, 2001 I want dibs on the guy's body when he dies. I'm gonna take off the torso and legs and use him for a sleeping bag. 0 Share this post Link to post
deadnail Posted February 23, 2001 LOL! I was going to use it as a rifle scabbard! BTW, what the HELL is a frad? Is that just a misspelling or is there some grand, internet-lingo 7334 meaning to it? 0 Share this post Link to post
sirgalahadwizar Posted February 23, 2001 That was really cool. I can almost see the black magic you just weaved coming out of my monitor (no, that's smoke rolling out if it, gotta get a new monitor). I have a similar mentility, but rather instead of the torture aspect I would just like to fucking blow everything up. Q: Whats worse than a baby that got hit by an RPG? A: A baby that ate an RPG. Q: Whats worse than a baby that got put into an oven? A: A baby that got put in a deep-fryer. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest erick20 Posted February 23, 2001 I know you only posted that message to get responses like this, but... you're still a moron. I hope that was the reaction you were looking for. 0 Share this post Link to post
Lüt Posted February 23, 2001 deadnail said:LOL! I was going to use it as a rifle scabbard! BTW, what the HELL is a frad? Is that just a misspelling or is there some grand, internet-lingo 7334 meaning to it? Frad is some kinda Doom-community lingo. I forget what it is. I don't think it's an insult. 0 Share this post Link to post
deadnail Posted February 23, 2001 erick20 said:I know you only posted that message to get responses like this, but... you're still a moron. I hope that was the reaction you were looking for. Works for me. I'm still waiting for someone to call me a festering chunk of hamster shit, though. Oh well, can't have everything I guess. *Sigh* No, I actually found that amusing. I have an absolutely horrible sense of humor that found it's way to me eight years ago and just won't leave. Tasteful humor is good, too, but sicko stuff like this just gets to me in that special way. =) 0 Share this post Link to post
deadnail Posted February 23, 2001 Lüt said:Frad is some kinda Doom-community lingo. I forget what it is. I don't think it's an insult. I don't know WHAT I would do if Stphrz lost respect for me! =P I've never really been into the online Doom community up until now. Mostly I've been a fan of and local one on one modem coops, well, at least until I moved out into the middle of nowhere. 0 Share this post Link to post
Perforator Posted February 23, 2001 Now you realize everytime I goto your site now I'll be expecting them baby jokes, Them were funnyer then hell. To hear the jokes To see the dead baby's hhtp:// 0 Share this post Link to post
MaCvILeWhOrE Posted February 23, 2001 c-d-w said: God, you guys must have A LOT of spare time on your hands and some real issues if you go around looking for sites like that. Now, like most of us I normally laugh at tasteless humour, but what you put up there was just plain sick, as long as it was just for humour I ain't got a problem with it, but doing it because you like dead babies is wrong, so I hope that was just for a laugh ( though I ain't really into that sick extreme stuff though). Now, on a more serious note, the guys who run should be fucking tortured, sent to death camps and be viciously mauled by a fucking rabid lion. What I am trying to say is, are there really people out there who like pictures of gore and dead people, even getting off to it? Man, i really hope you guys don't like that stuff, cuz it is just pure not cool man, makes me fucking sick that people get sexual gratification at the site of death, its just not right. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest fraggle` Posted February 23, 2001 Lüt said:Frad is some kinda Doom-community lingo. I forget what it is. I don't think it's an insult. the origin of the word frad: 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest fraggle` Posted February 23, 2001 MACVILEWHORE said:God, you guys must have A LOT of spare time on your hands and some real issues if you go around looking for sites like that. Now, like most of us I normally laugh at tasteless humour, but what you put up there was just plain sick, as long as it was just for humour I ain't got a problem with it, but doing it because you like dead babies is wrong, so I hope that was just for a laugh ( though I ain't really into that sick extreme stuff though). Now, on a more serious note, the guys who run should be fucking tortured, sent to death camps and be viciously mauled by a fucking rabid lion. What I am trying to say is, are there really people out there who like pictures of gore and dead people, even getting off to it? Man, i really hope you guys don't like that stuff, cuz it is just pure not cool man, makes me fucking sick that people get sexual gratification at the site of death, its just not right. dude, is like an infamous site, everyone knows about it 0 Share this post Link to post
deadnail Posted February 24, 2001 MACVILEWHORE said:God, you guys must have A LOT of spare time on your hands and some real issues if you go around looking for sites like that. Now, like most of us I normally laugh at tasteless humour, but what you put up there was just plain sick, as long as it was just for humour I ain't got a problem with it, but doing it because you like dead babies is wrong, so I hope that was just for a laugh ( though I ain't really into that sick extreme stuff though). Now, on a more serious note, the guys who run should be fucking tortured, sent to death camps and be viciously mauled by a fucking rabid lion. What I am trying to say is, are there really people out there who like pictures of gore and dead people, even getting off to it? Man, i really hope you guys don't like that stuff, cuz it is just pure not cool man, makes me fucking sick that people get sexual gratification at the site of death, its just not right. Nah man, I just have a sick sense of humor. I didn't get those from, I got them from which is a gutter humor site. All told I'm a very non-violent person. I don't like those MDK pictures. I just like to laugh, and I can find anything that was intended as a joke usually funny. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Aradiel Posted February 24, 2001 I think you should stop posting nasty stuff like that (which, I admit, I chuckled at) and talk about Doom instead. Much healthier... er... nevermind. Continue with the dead baby jokes. 0 Share this post Link to post
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