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Those new monsters


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Wow, I dont know what the hell I just witnessed, but... SWEET!

I just hope there will be no Revenant, unless the make a HELL of a lot better! Other than that, the new monster{s} in the video looks pretty sweet!

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Hehe, I knew Jeremy will be back to say something about the new pics. Yes, the zombified soldiers look really scary. But that other demon-like monster looks a bit too cartoonish in my opinion. Like a monster from "Buffy the vampire slaughter"...

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I had problems with the thing too. That bit early on with the rotating metal thing that came down? Man, that just looked gay as hell. The hallway part looked awesome as hell; really reminded me of Aliens. And as for that creature, I agree, it definitely needs some work.

What's with it's walking animation? Looks a bit too floaty to me, it doesn't convince me that it's supporting it's weight.

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Tetzlaff said:

Hehe, I knew Jeremy will be back to say something about the new pics. Yes, the zombified soldiers look really scary. But that other demon-like monster looks a bit too cartoonish in my opinion. Like a monster from "Buffy the vampire slaughter"...

Actually, I think the zombie is all gay looking and the demon thing is spectacular. It looks like an imp, but it could be the new "chew" demon, and then again it could be something all together new. It looks like it has velociraptor-level dexterity so it may end up being alot like the fiend from quake (or the mutant from quake2, thos guys were cute).

I dunno, it just seemed to me like the zombie didn't have a throat passage or something.

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Something like the Fiend from Quake would be really cool, but that monster looks all different, it´s body proportions are too human-like, and the face looks kind of funny.

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deadnail said:

I had problems with the thing too. That bit early on with the rotating metal thing that came down? Man, that just looked gay as hell. The hallway part looked awesome as hell; really reminded me of Aliens. And as for that creature, I agree, it definitely needs some work.

What's with it's walking animation? Looks a bit too floaty to me, it doesn't convince me that it's supporting it's weight.

I haven´t downloaded the movie file yet, just looked at the screenshots.

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Man I'm sure half the stuff we see now will either be cut or improved. Its a fact of life, when you see the game before it is even like 50% done, its gonna look at least 4 million times better the next time you see it (we'll this is how it usaully works with iD's games).

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Guest HeadLesS
Tetzlaff said:

I haven´t downloaded the movie file yet, just looked at the screenshots.

Movie players are locked here at work :(

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deadnail said:

I had problems with the thing too. That bit early on with the rotating metal thing that came down? Man, that just looked gay as hell. The hallway part looked awesome as hell; really reminded me of Aliens. And as for that creature, I agree, it definitely needs some work.

What's with it's walking animation? Looks a bit too floaty to me, it doesn't convince me that it's supporting it's weight.

watched the movie now. Yes, the creature´s walking animation is a bit weird, looks a bit like a dog walking on two feet.

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Tetzlaff said:

Something like the Fiend from Quake would be really cool, but that monster looks all different, it´s body proportions are too human-like, and the face looks kind of funny.

I got that clue from near the end of the movie (::grabs popcorn::), near the end of the movie you can see the "monster" leap from some place it was sitting and start walking off - that demonstates Fiend-like agility.

The face is a nice touch, I have been waiting a ling time for demons with (what I call) a "Craw-Crest" (the bone-like shape of the head).

It's definatly not a Baron of Hell because I see no fireballs or glow from its hands/mouth/whatever (eyes dont count).

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Guest ARadiel

The new monsters look incredibly gay. The demon-guy-that-likes-to-leap especially. He looks like a bad puppet from Star Control 3. And the marine? Damn. Where the hell is his helmet? That doesn't look like a Doom marine, it looks like a Quake 2 marine. The zombie looks decent, but still, it could use a vast amount of improvement. Sure, the Doom marine could lose his cream-coloured high boots, but don't take the helmet away. Except for zombies, if we give them helmets, they'll look no different from normal marines.

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