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I have officially wet my pants.

Guest D-clone

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Guest D-clone


When I first saw the Quake shots, I got a funny feeling in my abdomen.

When I first saw the Quake II test, I pissed my pants.

When i first saw the Quake III Arena article on PCGamer, I shit my pants.

I have seen the New Doom engine movie, and I have offially shot the biggest wad of steaming, hot, splashing cum ever to come out of my dick.

That is all I have to say. Ill go back to watching the movie for the nth time, while my girlfriend beats on me becasue a game can excite me more than her.

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Guest Clone999

Aw, look. Now I got to put another name on my "Avoid at all costs" list.

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Gee, man, you have issues. The most excited I ever got playing a game was Super Metroid, and that was just a little wood. See a doctor, man, you don't want that happening in a theater do you?

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My experience from the movie might not have been THAT strong ;)

I did however, have to go out, sit down and have a smoke. :)

I was impressed with quake, but when you think about it it looks like SHIT. Episode1 is the best looking one. It's almost fullbright. The rest tho, is too dark. The lighting looks like shit, so it didn't work very well, like it does in the d3eng movie

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Guest Hell Crusader
Clone999 said:

Aw, look. Now I got to put another name on my "Avoid at all costs" list.

I knew some of you are weird, but this!
I saw the movie too, it was cool.actually, it was awesome.
But, this person was getting horny when he saw a zombie.

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Guest CRiZ

WOW. That movie is pretty god damn impressive.
I've been reading this forum since Carmack's new Doom announcement but I decided it was time to post a message after seeing the little tech demo.

What's with all the cumming though?? I guess sex and violence really do mix.

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