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DooM action figures...

Guest HeadLesS

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Guest HeadLesS

If the original DooM didn't warrant figures, then the new one better! The QuakeII figures were okay, but seeing how I was never a big Quake fan I was all set with that. I heard rumors of Half Life figures by McFarlane, but that's purely speculation at this point! You know you want DooMGuy sittin on top of your monitor with a bigass chaingun in one hand, chainsaw in the other...opening fire on that SpiderMind trying to conquer your 30-pack (or whatever)

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You know what? That is a pretty sweet idea man. Dammit i want my doomguy and imp with SUPER HASSEN CHOP ACTION(tm).

Hey man, sorry about before, I didn't mean to be a rabid asshole, thing is I just didn't have a good day today and I am really not in a good mood, see i got in shit for throwing my french teacher's answer book out the window, than calling her a turtle and a bitch (and she is both, trust me). Welcome to the forum man, coffee pot is over there, though it might have a (ahem) UNIQUE taste to it for various reasons, beer and coffee is to the left. Make yourself at home, just don't break anything.

/me pours a BIG WELCOME sized coffee for HeadLesS

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Guest Dark_Fox

Don't tell the ingredients, he maybe be the next pissbucks..

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Hey man great idea! But just one thing........................


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Guest HeadLesS

I hope the beer's free...if anyone wants me I'll be at the beer table with a frosty mug of Sammy
But you know those figures would be the shit.

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Guest HeadLesS
Dark_Fox said:

Don't tell the ingredients, he maybe be the next pissbucks..

I feel so loved...blech!

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ME: Yeah Action figures...a caco, an imp, and a big ol' 16" cyberdeoman to mess around with. And a doomguy for them to slap around.

NERDY DUDE: But if you keep them in thier packaging they'll be worth ten time more!

ME (smacks NERD around): No you fool ther're ACTION figures! I can play with 'em if I want...thats waht they were meant for.

NERD: But...but...

ME: <Picks up an action figure and shows NERD the true meaning of Pain Elemental>

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Guest HeadLesS

*wipes himself off*
Are you usually this fruity with newbies? I would prefer some really bad insults...

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Guest HeadLesS

*pours captain morgans spiced rum into coffee*
*lights cigarette*

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Guest Nodus

Actualy the taste grows on you after a while.

O ya, I remember I called one of my teachers gay once cas he called me sweet cheeks.

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danarchist said:

ME: Yeah Action figures...a caco, an imp, and a big ol' 16" cyberdeoman to mess around with. And a doomguy for them to slap around.

NERDY DUDE: But if you keep them in thier packaging they'll be worth ten time more!

ME (smacks NERD around): No you fool ther're ACTION figures! I can play with 'em if I want...thats waht they were meant for.

NERD: But...but...

ME: <Picks up an action figure and shows NERD the true meaning of Pain Elemental>

I wouldn't buy a Pain Elemental unless it spat out Lost Souls too (that'll enhance the true meaning of Pain Elemental too :)

Good thing I don't drink coffee either.... :P

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