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Doom3... Really?

Guest Schmedly

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Guest Schmedly

Sorry if I sound like a newbie but this is the first time that I heard anything about "Doom3" or the next doom (whatever it's called) being in developement. I thought Doom was dead after all the media criticism. Well, if it's still going here are some general suggestions/ ideas I'd like to see in the next doom.

1) I've always liked the "atmosphere" that the Doom series seemed to possess (example. Ultimate Doom on the Playstation having a greenish screen to resemble the green helmut you wore) that some games seemed to lack. So if the setting of the story is based on other planets again, then the sky could be a different colour (example Mars- red sky). Another thing that added "atmosphere" was the music. The midi songs seemed to go with each level's "mood". But, of course us gamers expect CD quality (or better) music now-a-days.
2) Make gravity differences a factor as well, if the story setting is not on Earth. (example the moon's gravity intensity is 1/6th that of Earth, so therefore if one weighed 100lbs on Earth, that same scale would read roughly 17lbs on the moon). Also, another thing that I found lame on the earlier Dooms was that you could fall off anything from as high as you wanted and land on the ground without injury or (damage), so make that height plunge hurt.
3) Lastly, I've seen an add on/ patch that somebody made for Quake2 where one of the weapons is a grappling hook. I thought that was an awsome idea. The only downside with that idea was that you couldn't swing like Tarzan, so... Doom 3...

Anyway, just thought I'd give my support for the game as a consumer. Look forward to the finished product :)

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Eh, I dont really care for Cd quality music when it comes to doom, midi's set the mood just fine but I'm sure midi's in the new doom would sound kind of cheesy. As for gravity differences, the reason for them not being in Doom is because your usually in a compound, and I'm sure UAC didnt want their scientists floating around so they changed the gravity inside the compoud areas. Floating around is to Unreal, I want to swing around corners and blow the shit out of stuff and not have to worry about when they hit me floating back through the air hundreds of feet. I dont really see a point to grappling hook either, thats kind of a Multiplayer thing and since Doom 3 is a single player focused experiance, it might actually take away from the game because you can grapple up to the second story of something, take shortcuts, etc. NO TRANSLOCATORS EITHER. All I want is some realistic weapons mixed in with a few space age weapons and alot of heartpounding action.

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Guest D-clone

1-It would be stupid not to put cd quality music on Doom3(Q3a used waves, which could be better than cd quality).

2-that "greenish screen" youre talking about comes up when you grab the radioactive suit, not from the "helmut". You probably have never played Doom or you would allready know this. You were probably just watching a friend play it on that piece of shit called the Playstation.

3-Im sure id will take an intelligent approach to the gravity. If there's earth like gravity, they'll say the UAC developed it for their facilities, if there is'nt it better be on the outside levels. Or maybe even the outside ones have it too and say the UAC developed the technology to gravitize Mars.
3.5-Gravity in the moon is 1/8th that of the earth, not 1/6th.

4-The grappling hook you downloaded for Quake 2 was probably the laser one. Theres one that is actually a grappling hook, it has realistic physics and can be used as a gun if you shoot it at stroggs.
4.5-The grappling hook would kill Doom 3. You would be able to cheat too easly. Thats why it never made it to Quake 3. If on the Quake 3 test you put enter the give all cheat, you can get acces to te grappling hook, but it never made it in the final game, it was stupid.

5-Would you like a cup of MAC's pattented stingy coffee? How about our special white foam crappaccino? Now you can get one of our all new cream filled doughnut's FREE with one of the above! Its the perfect pair! (available in white mreps or tihs filling)

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What's with all the newbies ? Carmack shows a minute of film at MacWorld and suddenly the forums are cluttered with the same shit we had months ago.

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Guest Dark_Fox

They are spreading like the rash on my ass...

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/me pretends to be nice to newbie

Hello...Schmedly, we LIKE newbies here *turns on coffee pot and backs away* come here schmedly and have some of my patented coffee, with that extra UNIQUE taste, EVERYBODY LIKES IT.

/me than leads Schmedly to coffee pot and pours him a nice BIG cup of coffee with my special "newbie formula"
/me watches as Schmedly gulps it down like a wild animal.
/me waits for his reaction

Schmedly: Me tHinKZ thiS Be GoOd sWeEEt ShI..... WAIT *gurgle* ARRGH! *He starts bleeding out of his ears* MAKE....* His head starts pulsating and getting bigger each second* IT....*Emus run in the office and try to lick his elbow* STOOOoOoOP!!!!!

/me laughs maniacly as Schmedly jumps out the window and lands on the ground with a loud *CRAAAAAAAACK!!!*.
/me cringes in horror as little doggie paws grow out of Schmedly's head, with which the head tears itself off of the body and starts running around madly yelling "BA BA BA BLAH TIMMY!!!!" until it is ran over by Deadnail, coming in to work late again as usual. But I still give Deadnail a raise in pay for killing the evil Schmedly head.


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Stop being such assholes, this guys post wasnt insulting or that stupid, He just doesnt know, and the point of this Doom 3 forum is to find out more about Doom 3. You were all "newbies" at one time also. Unless they come in here saying Doom players suck, dont bitch at them so much.

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Hi, I'm a moderator here so I guess it's my duty to welcome you.

1) It would be considerate on your part to skim through some of the earlier posts to see if you're being redundant. Of course we've seen the Macworld Expo movie.

2) Just try to put up with some of the hazing. Some people are known to have a bad attitude for no fucking reason whatsoever.

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Guest DoomJustSender5
Malum Archon said:

Eh, I dont really care for Cd quality music when it comes to doom, midi's set the mood just fine but I'm sure midi's in the new doom would sound kind of cheesy. As for gravity differences, the reason for them not being in Doom is because your usually in a compound, and I'm sure UAC didnt want their scientists floating around so they changed the gravity inside the compoud areas. Floating around is to Unreal, I want to swing around corners and blow the shit out of stuff and not have to worry about when they hit me floating back through the air hundreds of feet. I dont really see a point to grappling hook either, thats kind of a Multiplayer thing and since Doom 3 is a single player focused experiance, it might actually take away from the game because you can grapple up to the second story of something, take shortcuts, etc. NO TRANSLOCATORS EITHER. All I want is some realistic weapons mixed in with a few space age weapons and alot of heartpounding action.


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