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concerns about Doom 3

Guest theFrogacuda

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Guest theFrogacuda

I have to admit that the engine looks nothing short of revolutionary. My main concern is that the artwork sucks ass. That spikey lizard-monster thing looks like a muppet, for christ's sake. Where are all the bad-ass character designs? Where are all the colors? Where are the hellacious settings? The blood red skies? The satanic imagery? The game may be technological jaw-dropping, and ungodly detailed, even dramaticly effective, but from an artistic standpoint, the thing is ugly. IT seems like their going for more of a Resident-Evil asthetic, but even that was more vidid, and appealing than these cramped space-station looking environments. What gives?

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I feel the same about that monster, muppet is the right description... But everything else: what you have seen was nothing more than a demonstration for the new Geforce3, and it used some very early stuff made with the new Doom3 engine, the main aspect was to show:
1) Ligthing and
2) animated high poly faces.

DonĀ“t be silly and think it would all look like in that movie! The characters, the settings, the whole colour layout etc. etc. is far from finished!

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Guest theFrogacuda

The occasion was to show of GF3, but the game will not require it. In fact indications seem to be that there really isn't all that much GF3 specific code, and while not finalized, those characters (and indeed the movie) should be a good indication of the kind of stylistics and general asthetic they are going for. Obviously the lighting and shadows were way overdone for emphasis, but you can see the direction it's headed.

Anywat, I'll give it time, but next batch of screenies better have some barons of hell or Cacodemons, or something equally cool, or I'll be pissed.

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Guest Dark_Fox

I looks fucking creepie.. Nuff said.. Keep it..

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Guest DoomJustSender5
theFrogacuda said:

The occasion was to show of GF3, but the game will not require it. In fact indications seem to be that there really isn't all that much GF3 specific code, and while not finalized, those characters (and indeed the movie) should be a good indication of the kind of stylistics and general asthetic they are going for. Obviously the lighting and shadows were way overdone for emphasis, but you can see the direction it's headed.

Anywat, I'll give it time, but next batch of screenies better have some barons of hell or Cacodemons, or something equally cool, or I'll be pissed.

where are the fucking cachdemons and imps there better be taggart and his RIP-ASS possie of weapons

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theFrogacuda said:

The occasion was to show of GF3, but the game will not require it. In fact indications seem to be that there really isn't all that much GF3 specific code, and while not finalized, those characters (and indeed the movie) should be a good indication of the kind of stylistics and general asthetic they are going for. Obviously the lighting and shadows were way overdone for emphasis, but you can see the direction it's headed.

Anywat, I'll give it time, but next batch of screenies better have some barons of hell or Cacodemons, or something equally cool, or I'll be pissed.

For example take a look at the screenshots of the early Quake3 beta version om www.shugashack.com , and then compare it to the final version. Some people even thought they would use those crappy low-poly developper models (featuring Carmack, Steed and other iD guys) as characters in the final game...

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I would'nt worry. What Carmack showed was basically an engine tech demo with some early stuff they are playing with (IMHO). It did'n look like Doom because it was'nt, period. Some of the player models looked good and perhaps they will be in the game, though I doubt much else will. I thought the monster was OK, though they will undoubtedly improve it and add a heap of other really cool models. The emphasis remember, was on the GF3 and what its capabilities are, not what Doom3 is going to look and play like.

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