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Doom 3 Editing


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Anyone have any idea how easy to use the editor is going to be? Easy as Worldcraft, slightly easier than Quake 3 editor, as hard as Quake 3 editor, or harder? I hope worldcraft:) Thats my favorite editor... I even find it easier than WadAuthor now.

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Guest theFrogacuda

Getting a bit ahead of ourselves, wouldn't you say?

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I think the actual process of making geometry and putting in entities is going to be easier because of the in-game editing (just look at the movies of the Serious Sam editor at www.croteam.com), but making all the cool stuff is going to be a little complicated because the system's going to be quite different from what we're used to.

On the subject of editors, anyone hear ever use WadEd ? I think it's one of the most underappreciated editors ever, written by the guy who later made the equally good Qoole editor for Quake.

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You bet I'm using WadEd! And for Quake/HL/whatever editing I use equally underappreciated editor, QuArK, it can do many other things besides map editing, like texture editing, kinda like Deep and WadEd combined for advanced engine!

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