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I have killed Calbre! Read Calbre's last post


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I know this has nothing to do with doom3, but that guy had to die. He was asking for it.

UPDATE: My chili dogs have gotten cold, so i'm just gonna go put them in the microwave heat them up.

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Guest Dream Destroyer

[EMP]: 1
Others: NOTHING!

Way to go machie! :)

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Damn straight Dreamt!


Hope we carry on into doom3 as well.

/me pours some coffee for everybody and throws a *3 newbie deaths in a row party*

Come get the beer and cookies, and don't forget the coffee!

BTW, deadnail, can i have your cool black trenchcoat? Or at least tell me where you got it from, because it is the most PH34R3D piece of fabric in the land.

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Guest Dream Destroyer

Call me boy? I'm your elder. Now give me some......
.... Bet your taking this sick right about now?
.... Think I'm gonna say penis?
.... Naaaa, I want some 1337 PH33R COFFEE BITCH!

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Guest Dream Destroyer

Your forgot the PH33R. :(

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Guest Dream Destroyer

/me pours Dream Destroyer some of my L337 PH33R coffee


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Whoreray! If those damn newbies cant put up with a little kidding then they shouldn't be here! Get lost if you can't drink the coffee!

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For some weird reason I see you as some kind of DooMworld forum´s sheriff. With the costume and all, telling those moronic newbies to stay out of the town unless they want some of your fuX0ring coffee.

Nice attacks, btw
Keep the training, the big flood of newbie´s yet to come...

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CLAN EMP FOREVER!Hope we carry on into doom3 as well./me pours some coffee for everybody and throws a *3 newbie deaths in a row party*Come get the beer and cookies, and don't forget the co

clan EMP? dear me, clan DS,and IV would kick your pussie asses

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Oh dear that's sad, you think it's real don't you boy? :)
Perhaps if you had set part msg, then waited for reply, it could have scanned, but you HAD to type his responses, that's sad, is that what happens when the big boys rough you up outside? You go home and make up your own scenario to suit? Do you place cushions round your room to represent the bad guys and hit them saying "take THAT you bad boy!" ? :)
Before you start responding to me, I don't drink coffee

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Damn straight Dreamt!


Hope we carry on into doom3 as well.

/me pours some coffee for everybody and throws a *3 newbie deaths in a row party*

Come get the beer and cookies, and don't forget the coffee!

BTW, deadnail, can i have your cool black trenchcoat? Or at least tell me where you got it from, because it is the most PH34R3D piece of fabric in the land.

Not an ice cube's chance in hell.

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Guest Dream Destroyer
fodders said:

clan EMP? dear me, clan DS,and IV would kick your pussie asses

Bring it Fod. :)

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